Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment organises Special Post Doctoral Fellowship (SPDF) 2017
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, an autonomous body of Government of Kerala will notify in the form of advertisements in newspapers inviting application from candidates for the award of Special Post Doctoral Fellowships in addition to normal KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship.
KSCSTE Special Post Doctoral Fellowship includes ‘Verghese Kurien KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship’, ‘Jyeshtadeva KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship’, ‘G.N. Ramachandran KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship’ and ‘Parameshwara KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship’
Applications will be invited from Ph D Degree holders in the field of Veterinary Science, Dairy Science, Life Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Protein crystallography, Structural Biology and Space Science
There will be one fellowship from each category for those who have acquired a PhD degree with high quality research publications in reputed journals. The SPDFs will engage in full time research work for 3 years in the relevant subject areas.
Also See : Scholarships 2019
To motivate Ph. D holders to pursue research and to develop career as scientists
To motivate fellows and impart the skills needed for them to become lifelong learners and to develop technical and leadership skills
It will be beneficial to those who have obtained Ph. D degree in the field of Veterinary Science, Dairy Science, Life Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Protein crystallography, Structural Biology and Space Science.
Candidate should be a Keralite by birth/domicile
Candidates should have PhD degree with first class/equivalent grade in preceding degree in the field of Veterinary Science/Dairy Science/Life Science/Biotechnology for Verghese Kurien KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship, Mathematics/Astronomy/Physics for Jyeshtadeva KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship, Protein crystallography/Structural Biology for GN Ramachandran KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship and Space Science for Parameshwara KSCSTE Post Doctoral Fellowship with a consistently good academic record from any of the universities/recognized research centers anywhere in India
Candidates should have published at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed Journal (SCI – Journal) or one patent
Age should not be more than 40 years as on 1st January of the current year
Each selected Special Post Doctoral Fellow (SPDF) will be eligible for a monthly fellowship of Rs.35, 000/- for three years with 10% H.R.A
An annual contingent grant of RS.70000/- and travel grant of Rs.20000 /- per annum also will be granted to the SPD fellows
The Special Post Doctoral fellowship can be availed for research in an institution other than the department or institute anywhere in India where the candidate has undergone PhD work
The period of SPDF shall normally be for a period of not exceeding 3 years
Mode of selection
Selection to the KSCSTE Special Post Doctoral Fellowship will be made based on assessment of the PhD work, Presentation and evaluation of the proposed project and performance in the Personal Interview by an expert committee
Candidate is academic and research record and the merit of proposed project will be the key factors for consideration of the application. KSCSTE Special Post Doctoral Fellowship will be awarded to those who have come first in the Selection process
Eligible candidates may submit the application in the prescribed format with copies of certificates, training, age, educational qualifications, achievements, publications etc
The application should contain mailing address, contact number and e-mail ID. An undertaking from Head of any of the recognized Research Centres/ Departments/Institutions stating that research facilities will be extended for the SPDF fellow or they have no objection to allow the SPDF to carry out the programme in the institution
Full detailed application in duplicate should reach “The Director, KSCSTE, Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram-695004” on or before 26th August 2017
Important Dates
Last Date for Receipt of Application 26th August 2017
KSCSTE Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Women Scientists Division, KSCSTE – Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695004, Tel.: 0471-2548208, Email, Website
For any query, candidates are requested to check the official website .
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