This fellowship programme is jointly instituted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Bangalore and the Centre for Co-operation in Science and Technology among developing societies (CCSTDS), Chennai to encourage mobility of scientists from developing countries. The fellowship covers short-term research, training or participatory research work in physical, chemical or biological sciences in reputed scientific institutions in India including JNCASR

Applicant must be a scientist, teacher or a research scholar affiliated to a scientific or academic institution in a developing country in Asia (other than India, Africa, Latin America and Arab region. The duration of the fellowship is for 3 months

The fellowship covers (i) international return air fare by the shortest route by economy class from the place of work of the candidate at his/her country to the host institution in India, (b) boarding, lodging (for the individual only) at the affiliated institution and other subsistence expenses in the form of an adequate allowance in Indian currency. Applicants below 45 years of age are eligible to apply


Also See : Scholarships 2019