NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 2 “New Kings and Kingdoms” Multiple Choice Questions with Answers
New Kings and Kingdoms MCQs – Here is a compilation of Free MCQs of Class 7 History Book Chapter 2 New Kings and Kingdoms. Students can practice free MCQs as have been added by CBSE in the new exam pattern. At the end of Multiple Choice Questions, the answer key has also been provided for your reference.
Q1. Many new dynasties emerged after the ………………century?
A. 9th
B. 10th
C. 7th
D. 5th
Q2. By the seventh century there were……… in different regions of the subcontinent.
A. Big rulers
B. Dacoits
C. big landlords or warrior chiefs
D. Priests
Q3. A ritual called hiranya-garbha (literally, the golden womb) was considered as the ……?
A. “Rebirth” of the sacrificer as a Kshatriya
B. Rebirth as a brahman
C. Sacrificial performance
D. None
Q4. The Kadamba Mayurasharman and the GurjaraPratihara Harichandra were ………..who gave up their traditional professions and took to arms?
A. Vaishyas
B. Brahmans
C. Kshatriyas
D. Shudras
Q5. Maharaja-adhiraja stands for ……..?
A. Great king
B. Lord of the three worlds
C. The creator
D. The protector
Q6. Tribhuvana-chakravartin stands for ……?
A. Great king
B. Lord of the three worlds
C. The creator
D. The protector
Q7. The functionaries for collecting revenue were generally recruited from ……., and positions were often hereditary
A. Royal families
B. Local families
C. influential families
D. All
Q8. Prashastis were composed by ………
A. Administrators
B. Historians
C. Teachers
D. Brahmanas
Q9. Kings often rewarded Brahmanas by grants of land. These were recorded on ……………?
A. Paper
B. Iron boards
C. copper plates
D. Bronze plates
Q10. What was the other name of the great lord of a ‘circle’ or region?
A. Samantas
B. Subordinates
C. Maha-mandaleshvara
D. King
Q11. Which new dynasty developed in eastern part of the country?
A. Cholas
B. Palas
C. Chahamanas
D. Rashtrakutas
Q12. Who were expected to bring gifts for their kings in the 17th century?
A. Samantas
B. Overlords
C. Maha-samantas
D. Maha-mandaleshvara
Q13. When were Samantas declared Maha-samantas?
A. When they bring gifts for their kings
B. When they provide kings with military support
C. When they gain power and wealth
D. None of the above
Q14. From whom was the Revenue also collected?
A. Traders
B. Merchants
C. Peasants
D. Artisans
Q15. What is Vetti?
A. Rent
B.. Tax
C. Revenue
D. None
Q16. What was the use of money collected from taxes?
A. To finance the kings’ establishment
B. Construction of temples and forts
C. To fight wars
D. All of these
Q17. Prashastis tell us how rulers wanted to depict themselves as
A. Leader
B. Valiant victorious warriors
C. Achiever
D. All of these
Q18. In which language was the prashasti found in Gwalior written?
A. Hindi
B. English
C. Sanskrit
D. Urdu
Q19. Who was Nagabhata?
A. Gupta ruler
B. Chakrayudha
C. Malava
D. Pratihara king
Q20. The person who received the land could collect taxes on
A. Betel leaves
B. Woven clothes
C. Vehicles
D. All of these
Q21. Who invaded the Somnath temple in Gujarat?
A. Akbar
B. Muhammad Ghori
C. Mahmud Ghazni
D. None of them
Q22. Who ruled in Tamil Nadu?
A. Cholas
B. Chalukyas
C. Rashtrakutas
D. None of these
Q23. From Uraiyur to Thanjavur 5.1.1 Muttaraiyar held power in this delta region:
A. Kaveri
B. Krishna
C. Mahanadi
D. Godavari
Q24. Who built Thanjavur?
A. Vijayalaya Chola
B. Sultan Muhammad Ghazni
C. Rajendra
D. None
Q25. Who was the first Emperor of the Cholas?
A. Vijayalaya Chola
B. Rajendra Chola
C. Aditya Chola
D. Uttam Chola
Q26. Which state were the Chalukyas concerned in?
A. Tamil Nadu
B. Kashmir
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Karnataka
Q27. Which river was used for the agriculture purpose by the Cholas?
A. Sindh
B. Ganga
C. Kaveri
D. Yamuna
Q28. During the Chola period, temples were also the hub of…..?
A. Social life
B. Cultural life
C. Economic life
D. All
Q29. When was the first battle of Tarain fought?
A. 1193
B. 1191
C. 1194
D. 1195
Q30. Who were the Rashtrakutas subordinate to?
A. Cheras
B. Cholas
C. Chalukyas
D. None
Answer key for Class 7 History Book Chapter 2 “New Kings and Kingdoms” MCQs
Question No. | Answer | Question No. | Answer |
1 | C | 16 | D |
2 | C | 17 | B |
3 | A | 18 | C |
4 | B | 19 | D |
5 | A | 20 | D |
6 | B | 21 | C |
7 | C | 22 | A |
8 | D | 23 | A |
9 | C | 24 | A |
10 | C | 25 | A |
11 | B | 26 | D |
12 | A | 27 | C |
13 | C | 28 | D |
14 | A | 29 | B |
15 | B | 30 | C |