Exam Syllabus and Pattern for IITs Design Entrance Exam’s (UCEED and CEED Changes
IIT Bombay, the organising institute of the Design Entrance Exam has introduced changes in syllabus and question pattern for the Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design (UCEED) and Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) to get admission to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Design Courses offered at IITs . IIT Bombay has released the new syllabus and question format on their official portal.
As per the notification, this revised syllabus and pattern for UCEED and CEED will be applicable from 2024 onwards.
According to the new pattern for UCEED and CEED, the question paper will consist of 2 parts, part A and part B. The format of part A is unchanged, its portion will consist of 3 sections as before, such as – NAT, MSQ, and MCQ. Part A will be purely computer-based.
While an additional section that is design aptitude has been added to the part B section. Previously, there was only 1 topic in part B, and the duration was 30 minutes for this section. But now, due to the addition of 1 more topic, the duration for part B has been extended to 60 minutes. The questions for part B will be displayed on the computer screen, and candidates will have to write or draw the answer in the answer books which will be provided by the invigilator.
The syllabus for part A for UCEED and CEED exams will consist of –
i) Practical and scientific knowledge
ii) Visualisation and spatial reasoning
iii) Analytical and logical reasoning
iv) Language and Creativity
v) Observation and design sensitivity
vi) Environment and society
And part B syllabus will consist of 2 topics that are drawing and design aptitude.