The Common Management Admissions Test (CMAT) is a national-level MBA admission test , conducted by All India council for Technical Education (AICTE), a national-level Apex Advisory Body which is vested with the statutory authority for technical education in India.

  • You can simply look for the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) by AICTE notification by simply clicking on the link here.

Q. What is the test pattern of CMAT 2014 by AICTE Exam?

  • The Common Management Admission Test by AICTE tests the student on the following four areas:
  • Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Language Comprehension
  • General Awareness.

The test pattern for the CMAT examination is as follows:

Section No. Section Name No. of questions Marks per section
1 Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation 25 100
2 Logical Reasoning 25 100
3 Language Comprehension 25 100
4 General Awareness 25 100
Total   100 400

There are 25 questions in each section. The duration of test is 180 minutes and students can move back and forth between sections. This means that the sections are not timed individually, and the onus is on the students to manage timing between the sections, while ensuring that they show their competency in all the sections. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers, for each wrong answer one mark shall be deducted
The examination is a computer based examination but will be provided with a scratch paper for calculations, which is to be left behind on completion of the paper. The duration of the examination will be 180 minutes.
No breaks will be given during the test.

Q. Please let me know the CMAT 2014 by AICTE eligibility

  • A graduate of any discipline or Final year students of Graduate Courses (10+2+3) whose result will be declared before commencement of admission for 2014 can apply for CMAT online. For General Category graduates from any discipline, 50 per cent of marks are required (45 per cent for reserved category students).

Also, in the case of foreign nationals the eligibility will be as per recognition and equivalence standards notified by Association of Indian Universities.

Q. What is the Procedure for applying CMAT 2014 by AICTE online?

In order to apply online for the CMAT exam by AICTE, go through the following pointers:

  • Visit AICTE CMAT website at You will enter as new user and after reading the instructions, accept the declaration and proceed. Now you need to do Self Registration. Here you need to enter few basic details. Ensure you enter the correct details and verify it before submit the details. Once you submit this page, you cannot edit any data entered on this page and this will also generate a unique 6 digit password which will be reflected on your screen. This will also be sent to you via e-mail and sms.  This will become your user id and password for future and you will require if you wish to login to the registration portal.
  • Payment Process: there are two ways of making the payment:
  • Online Payment: You can select ONLINE PAYMENT mode and then by using your Credit card / Debit card / Net Banking make the required payment. Once your payment is successfully done, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and sms. Once you have received the successful payment confirmation, you can proceed with the remaining part of registration process
  • Cash Payment in SBI bank: This option is only available for Indian Nationals. You will be required to pay by cash at any of the designated SBI bank branch. On selecting this option you will see a challan on your screen with your details already filled in it. You need to take 3 print outs of this challan. After filling the details visit your nearest SBI bank branch and make cash payment. Cash Deposit will be accepted only from the next day of your Challan generation.

Q. Please suggest the best books for CMAT 2014 by AICTE exam preparation

Some of the popular books for CMAT exam are:

  • Common Management Admission Test published by Arihant by Deekshant Sahrawat and Mohit Khurana
  • Koncepts of Numbers for CAT, GMAT, XAT, CMAT and Other Quantitative Aptitude Exams by Gajendra Kumar
  • MAT Entrance Guide by Disha Experts
  • CMAT MBA Entrance Test by Chandresh Agrawal


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