BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book Poem 10 My Grandmother’s House Question Answers 


My Grandmother’s House Question Answers: Looking for My Grandmother’s House important questions and Answers for BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practicing BSEB Class 12 English question Answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring My Grandmother’s House Question Answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest BSEB exam pattern. All the exercises and Questions Answers given at the back of the lesson have also been covered. 


Related: My Grandmother’s House Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings 


BSEB Class 12 English Poem 10 My Grandmother’s House Textbook Question and Answers



B 1 Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:

a) The woman of the house is alive.
b) The snakes were seen in the house.
c) The speaker read the books with great interest.
d) The speaker wishes to peep through the window. 


a) The woman of the house is alive. False
b) The snakes were seen in the house. True
c) The speaker read the books with great interest. False
d) The speaker wishes to peep through the window. True

B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly:

1) Who is ‘I’ in the second line of the poem?
Answer‘I’ is the poet of the poem ‘Kamala Das’ in the second line of the poem ‘My Grandmother’s House’.

2) Where did the speaker once receive love?
Answer- The speaker once received love and found happiness in the small house of her grandmother in the past when she lived with her and she was quite proud of it. 

3) Why did the house go into silence?
AnswerThe house went into silence because the woman who used to live there was dead. The house was without any life because her grandmother was the very soul of that house.

4) Why was the speaker unable to read the books?
AnswerThe poet was too young that’s why she was unable to read the book and she didn’t really understand what was going on. 

5) Why did the speaker often wish to go to that house?
AnswerThe poet often wished to go to that house because she was emotionally attached to that house since her childhood. She wanted to look through and observe closely through the windows. She wanted to bring back some memories of her beloved grandmother into her room. She once found happiness in the small house of her grandmother and she was quite proud of it. 

6) Why was the speaker proud of living in that house?
AnswerThe poet was proud of living in that house because she used to receive love there. She got a lot of affection and attention there. Her childhood was spent under the love and guidance of her grandmother.

7) Why does the speaker say that she has lost her way?
Answer- The speaker said that she had lost her way because she was so desperate to be loved that she had to beg at stranger’s doors asking for love because there was no one to provide her love. It appeared that her marriage no longer assured her security and love. All she was now left with were memories of the past.

8) Is the speaker satisfied with her present life? If not, why?
AnswerNo, the speaker is not satisfied with her present life because she lost her grandmother and the house where she received love. She feels a lack of love and loneliness because she is unable to get love and guidance, which she had at her grandmother’s house during childhood.


1. How does the speaker describe the condition of her grandmother’s house? Does it resemble to the house of any of your acquaintance?
AnswerThe speaker described the condition of her grandmother’s house as hopeless because the home withdrew in silence without any life because her grandmother passed away and she was the very soul of that house. A death-like silence reigned in the house after her exit from this world. Being deserted, the snakes were moving on the books. Snakes represent a symbol of danger and coldness. All these things made the house quite horrible and the poet’s blood turned cold like the moon. She only had dark feelings and was very unhappy. The air of the house was frozen, because no fresh air had circulated through the house since the death of her grandmother, as it was locked. The condition of the doors was bad and at any time it may fall. The house was vacant. No, it does not resemble to the house of any of my acquaintance’s houses because the house of the poet’s grandmother was in a really terrible condition.

2. What type of love or relation do you find between the grandmother and the speaker?
AnswerThe speaker and her grandmother had a close knit relationship and even though her grandmother was no more the poet still remembers every detail about her and reminisces her memory. She was emotionally attached to her grandmother since her childhood. Her grandmother provided her a lot of affection and attention. She was loved by her grandmother and she loved her grandmother very much. The relationship between the grandmother and the speaker was very deep and pure.

3. What changes have taken place since the speakers grandmother died?
– With the death of the poet’s grandmother the house withdrew into silence, the house seemed to share her grief. Many changes took place after her death. Nothing was left behind in the house. Wild animals used to move inside. Snakes were found in that lonely house. When the poet was young everything was at its right place, but when her grandmother died everything became scattered, leaving behind an unusual silence.

4. Point out the similes in the poem.
Simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as. The poet has used the simile in the poem which are-
A. My blood turned cold like the moon,
B. Lie behind my bedroom’s door like a brooding Dog 



a. Write a letter describing your neighbours to your friend in Delhi. Do not exceed 150 words.

December 10, 2022

Dear Ranbir
I hope you are doing well. I miss the days when we were neighbors and used to go to school together. Guess what I have to tell you. A couple of days ago, Mr. Kapoor and his family have come to be our next door neighbors. They seem to be nice people. They have 2 children. They are very kind and disciplined. I enjoy going outside with them and running around. It is fun, even though running around with you was even more fun. My family and the neighbors occasionally have dinner with each other. After dinner, we play board games. We share a strong bond among us. We are fortunate to have such neighbors. I really miss you, though. I hope to see you next year over the summer sometime. Maybe you can come see me and then the neighbor’s kids, you and I could play together. 

With love,


b. Write the summary of the poem in about 150 words.

“My Grandmother’s House” is an autobiographical poem written by an Indian writer Kamala Das. It is a short poem which focuses on love lost and emotional pain, where the poet recollects the days spent with her grandmother in her childhood. The poet now lives somewhere far away from the house which once provided her with every comfort and happiness of life. All these things are now missing in her life, her house turned silent. Snakes move freely over the old books that once belonged to the poet’s grandmother. The poet never got a chance to read those books because she was too young to understand books. The air of the house is frozen. But the poet is so desperate to visit that house that she would even be happy to stand there and feel the frozen air. She tells her husband that he could never believe that his wife once found happiness in the small house of her grandmother. In that house, she was very much loved and felt proud. Her marriage no longer assures her security and love. 


Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks, using the appropriate prepositions from the list given below

into to of in at through among

i. Grandmother threw the letter …………….. fire.
ii. My grandmother’s house is ………… the hills.
iii. Ramesh died  ……………. an accident.
iv. Come  ………………. nine in the evening.
v. The mathematics book is kept ……… the piles of computer books.
vi. The grandmother pushed her way ………………….. the crowd.
vii. The grandmother is going   …………… meet the grandfather.
viii. The Ganga flows …………. Patna.
ix. Prabhu is cleared ……………. all blames. 


i. Grandmother threw the letter into the fire.
ii. My grandmother’s house is among the hills.
iii. Ramesh died  in an accident.
iv. Come at nine in the evening.
v. The mathematics book is kept in the piles of computer books.
vi. The grandmother pushed her way into the crowd.
vii. The grandmother is going  to  meet the grandfather.
viii. The Ganga flows through Patna.
ix. Prabhu is cleared of all blames. 



BSEB Class 12 English Poem 10 My Grandmother’s House Extra Question and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the poem, the poet’s grandmother _________
A. lives with her
B. lives with her mother
C. lives alone
D. is dead
Ans. D. is dead

2. What moved among the books?
A. lizard
B. cockroach
C. snake
D. all of these
Ans. C. snake

3. How old was the poet then?
A. She was too young
B. she was in her teens
C. she was a young adult
D. she was not born
Ans. A. She was too young

4. Identify the figure of speech used-
“I was then too young
To read, and, my blood turned cold like the moon.”
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. repetition
Ans. A. simile

5. The poet compares the _____ of her blood to that of the moon.
A. oldness
B. colour
C. shape
D. coldness
Ans. D. coldness

6. The poet often thinks of going where?
A. to the moon
B. to her mother
C. to her grandmother’s house
D. none of these
Ans. C. to her grandmother’s house

7. What out of these would she NOT do when she went there?
A. Peep through windows
B. listen to the frozen air
C. pick an armful of darkness
D. pluck a handful of lilies
Ans. D. pluck a handful of lilies

8. The darkness would lie in her room like a ______
A. cat
B. dog
C. snake
D. rat
Ans. dog

9. What treatment did the poet receive when she lived in that house?
A. she begged for love from strangers
B. she was proud
C. she had only small change of money
D. none of these
Ans. B. she was proud

10. Identify the rhyme scheme.
A. abab
B. aabb
C. abcb
D. free verse
Ans. D. free verse

11. Who is the poet of the poem titled ‘My grandmother’s house’?
A. Amrita Pritam
B. Kamala Das
C. Adrienne Rich
D. None of these
Ans. B. Kamala Das

12. What happened to the house after the woman died?
A. Someone else lived there
B. it went into silence
C. It was destroyed by floods
D. it was demolished and a building was made instead
Ans. B. it went into silence

13. Which figure of speech is used throughout the poem?
A. Metaphor
B. personofication
C. enjambment
D. Oxymoron
Ans. C. enjambment

14. What does “blind eyes of windows” mean?
A. Windows can provide a way to peep inside but no one is inside to be seen
B. The window panes are smeared with dust and so, no one can peep inside
C. The windows have eyes
D. None of these
Ans. A. Windows can provide a way to peep inside but no one is inside to be seen

15. Which figure of speech is used – “blind eyes of windows”?
A. Metaphor
B. personofication
C. enjambment
D. Oxymoron
Ans. A. Metaphor

16. Who / What has been personified?
A. books
B. Windows
C. dog
D. silence
Ans. B. Windows

17. What does the poet beg for?
A. money
B. clothes
C. love
D. All of these
Ans. C. love

18. Where does she beg?
A. at grandmother’s house
B. at stranger’s doors
C. at her own house
D. all of these
Ans. B. at stranger’s doors

19. Why was the air frozen?
A. no fresh air circulated inside as it was closed
B. It was in a cold hilly area
C. There was a cold storage inside the house
D. none of these
Ans. A. no fresh air circulated inside as it was closed

20. Why did she want to take an armful of darkness along?
A. she liked darkness
B. it would remind her of the happy past when she was loved
C. it would help her beg for love
D. all of these
Ans. B. it would remind her of the happy past when she was loved

Extract Based Questions

Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow-

A. There is a house now far away where once
I received love. That woman died,
The house withdrew into silence, snakes moved
Among books I was then too young
To read, and, my blood turned cold like the moon.

1. Whom does the ‘house’ belong to?
Ans. It belongs to her grandmother.

2. What does she mean by saying that it is now far away?
Ans. It means that it is a part of her old memories which are settled deep inside the memory box.

3. What happened to the grandmother?
Ans. She died.

4. Why does the poet’s blood turn cold?
Ans. When she thinks of the past times, her blood turns cold.

5. Did she read the books?
Ans. No, she was too young to read then.

B. How often I think of going
There, to peer through blind eyes of windows or
Just listen to the frozen air,
Or in wild despair, pick an armful of
Darkness to bring it here to lie
Behind my bedroom’s door like a brooding
Dog ….

1. Why does she think often of going there?
Ans. SHe often thinks of going there because she is reminded of the love that she got there.

2. Who loved her?
Ans. Her grandmother.

3. The poet is ready to bring darkness from that house and keep it in her bedroom. What does that indicate?
Ans. It indicates that even the darkness from that house is more dear to her in comparison to her present life.

4. Why does she intend to keep the darkness behind the bedroom door?
Ans. It would be a constant reminder of the immense love that she had gotten in that house.

5. What does ‘wild despair’ show?
Ans. It shows her mental state wherein she was uncontrollably sad.

C. you cannot believe, darling
Can you, that I lived in such a house and
Was proud, and loved ….. I who have lost
My way and beg now at strangers’ doors to
Receive love, at least in small change?

1. Who is ‘you’ here?
Ans. The reader

2. How is her past different from her present?
Ans. In the past, she got a lot of love from her grandmother; while later, she lost her way and begged for small amount of love from strangers.

3. ‘At least in small change’ means ______
Ans. in small quantity

4. Why has she lost her way?
Ans. Now, she is separated from her mother and grandmother. She is living among strangers and so, she has lost her way.

5. Why is her past unbelievable?
Ans. Her past is so different from her present that it is unbelievable.


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