What is the New Pattern about the objective part of the NET exam?
Students appearing for the National Eligibility Test (NET), 2012 will be able to evaluate their performance immediately after appearing for the much-simplified test. The University Grants Commission (UGC), which conducts the test for around 2.5 lakh students twice a year, and further, decided that candidates can take carbon prints of their optical reader answer sheets with them.
In another decision, the UGC has decided that all the question papers for the test will be objective type.
Till now, two papers were objective and the third one subjective. This has led to delay in declaration of the results, sometimes forcing students to appear again. Students had earlier expressed their unhappiness over evaluation in the subjective type paper.
The format will be applicable for the June 2012 exam and results will be announced by October before the next exam in December 2012.
Only those who clear the NET are eligible for junior research fellowship and for appointment in colleges and universities.