Council of Architecture to conduct NATA 2020 in online mode

The Council of Architecture COA has released the notification to inform about the date and mode of examination for the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2020. As per the notification the exam will be conducted in online mode and the first test will be conducted on August 29, 2020 for both Parts A (Drawing test) and Part B (Test on Scientific Ability & General Aptitude). The date for the second test is not announced yet. 

The notification reads,” the Council has also arranged test centres for candidates having a network issue in their places of residence or stay. “The candidates may opt to appear for NATA 2020 from their respective places of residence/stay or at the Council allotted test centre in case they do not have network connectivity or technical/hardware resources such as PC, laptop, webcam, etc.” 

The part-A Test (Drawing test) will now be a preferential choice type test which is to be answered on a computer or laptop. The syllabus for part-A has also been revised. 

The revised syllabus of Drawing Test is as follows – 

  • Understanding the important visual principles in a composition (2D OR 3D) such as balance, rhythm, direction, hierarchy, etc. 
  • Understanding geometry and the ability to visualize shape and solve geometrical puzzles to test spatial intelligence; 
  • Understanding color theory and the various terminologies to test color scheme awareness and knowledge; 
  • Visual system interpretation and perception to test graphical similarities and other properties; Ability to understand spatial relationship between objects, and to visualize images and scenarios; 
  • Tests for cognitive ability: perception, attention, recognition, memory etc.

Candidates and parents are advised to keep visiting the official website of NATA for latest updates. For any clarification, candidates can contact NATA Help Desk at and dial- 9319275557, 7303487773.