Exam Date for ICAI Chartered Accountant (CA) Foundation Examination announced
The institute of Chartered Accountants of India has released the exam dates of the Chartered Accountants (CA) Foundation examination on its official website. As per the schedule released the ICAI CA Foundation examinations under the new scheme will be held from June 24 to 30, 2021.
The notification reads “It may be emphasized that there would be no change in the examination schedule in the event of any day of the examination schedule being declared a public holiday by the Central Government or any state Government/ Local Holiday.”
The online application process for the Foundation examination will commence on April 20. Candidates can submit applications by May 4, 2021. Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs 1500 for centres in India, Rs 2200 for Kathmandu (Nepal) centre and US $325 for overseas centres
The CA Foundation examination Timing and duration are as follows
Examination | Paper(s) | Exam. Timings (IST) | Duration |
CA Foundation | Paper 1 & 2 | 2 PM to 5 PM | 3 Hours |
Paper 3 & 4 | 2 PM to 4 PM | 2 Hours |
In Paper 3 and 4 of Foundation Examination and all papers of Post Qualification Course Examinations there will not be any advance reading time, whereas, in all other papers/exams mentioned above, an advance reading time of 15 minutes will be given
CA Foundation is a national level exam conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in the month of January, June and November/December. It is taken up by the candidates who are aspiring to become Chartered Accountants in India. It was formerly known as CA Common Proficiency Test (CA CPT).
A student who has appeared in the Class 12th examination directed by an examining body, established by law in India (or an examination recognized by the Central Government as identical thereto) may enroll for CA Foundation Exam 2021