Revised exam dates for Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) 2020 announced
The Central University of Rajasthan has released the revised exam dates for Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) 2020. As per the revised schedule, the examination will be conducted on September 18, 19, and 20, 2020. The entrance exam was earlier scheduled to be conducted in May, but was later deferred in view of the coronavirus pandemic.
The CUCET is a national level entrance test conducted for admissions to undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs of 14 central universities and four state universities across the country.
The examination will have 100 questions. In the UG/PG entrance exam, 25 questions will be from part A consisting of language, general awareness, mathematical aptitude, and analytical skills and 75 questions from part B will be domain-specific subjects. For the research program both A and B sections will have 50 questions. Each correct answer will carry one mark and for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks would be deducted.
The date of releasing the CUCET 2020 Admit Card will be notified later through the official website. Candidates are advised to keep a check on the official website for regular updates.