How to score better marks in Exams

With board examination round the corner every student’s focus is to deliver his best performance in the examination.  And why not ! Now is the time to reap results for the year long hard work and Preparation.   Even for the not so regular and hard working students, it is a time to give up all pleasure activities and pay attention to studies.  It is now or never everyone understands it very well

Coping with examination stress

Stress is the commonest enemy for students close to the examination.  Even the best ones suffer from it.  Stomach cramps, absence of hunger and sleep, blank Mind and sometime Inability to understand and recall best prepared lessons are the common signs of stress.

Well friends first and for most we must learn to differentiate between the positive and negative stress.

Positive Stress

Positive stress propels us to move methodically in our preparations.  It is goal oriented.  And it gets reduced as we achieve self set targets (of subject and topics) within the stipulated time.  It strengthens concentration.  Such a stress infact saves us from negative stress and protects us against diversions and distress.


Negative Stress

Negative stress on the other hand causes a wavering mind.  It diminishes our capacity to concentrate.  We keep seeking others’ opinions and lose confidence closer to examinations.  The best way to avoid negative stress is to avoid negative interaction.


Confidence is the keyword

First and foremost feel confident about your preparation and the way you have planned your studies and revision.  Don’t waver in your mind because some peers are doing things differently.  Remember you studies the year round.  Went through a number of unit tests, prelims and mock exams.  You have revised the course well through a plan you considered the best.  So now is the time to accomplish last minute revisions confidently and carefully.


Last Minute Revisions

First of all caste away all the worry and relax.  Remember the last minute revisions are meant to reassure you that you are fully ready to face the examination.  Start with easier topics and go on ticking each one as you complete it.  Set aside a little extra time for the difficult and doubtful ones.  If there is a topic that refuses to get into your head.  Despite repeated efforts and help, better forget it and look for alternatives.  Don’t  allow it to spoil your confidence.


Time Table

Try to strictly follow the time table.  Try to meet the deadline assigned to each subject/ topic

Avoid Over interaction

Except clarifying a few doubts, avoid interacting unnecessary with friends and peers.  Too much discussion of what is sure or expected to come in the question paper is only a waste of time and energy.


Don’t avoid rest and food

Take short breaks between study hours prolonged study hours without rest will deplete energy levels.  Take light meals at short intervals. Munch on fresh fruit and dry fruits as snacks.  Soups and fresh veg & cheese sandwiches make great meals for students.

Try to have at least 4-5 hours of sound sleep.  It will relax and rejuvenate your body and mind


Verbatim Answers

Don’t try to learn and write answers verbatim.  Many students feel that mugging up and them reproducing answers exactly as given in the text book will get them better marks.  It is a wrong motion understand the topic, divide it into points and then write it correctly in your own words.  This way the answer always fetches more marks.


In the Examination Hall

  • Always reach before time in the examination hall
  • Make sure your do not posses any paper or object prohibited in the examination hall.  Don’t go inside with an intention to cheat and get away with it.
  • Fill in all the required Particulars on your answer book correctly.
  • When you get the question paper, remember god, take a deep breath relax and then ready the paper very carefully.  A question may be worded differently and may have the same answer that you know well.  Don’t let your carelessness be the reason for missing it or answering it correctly.
  • Write short simple sentences and focus on the correct answer rather than the language.
  •  Don’t try to cheat the examiner by beating about the bush.  Be to the point.  A short answer having  fewer number of valid points will be awarded more marks compare to a long meaningless answer.

Division of Time

Last but not the least divides the time carefully.  It is very crucial keep aside a sometime for revision.  Finishing the paper under tension when the time is over always leave a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Now you know How to score better marks in Exams

All the Best !

( C)  Ranjna Vedhera