UGC NET Mock 22 on Management – 20 Questions for Practice by Meenu Saini | Feb 27, 2024 | General | 0 comments UGC NET Mock Test 22 on Management – 20 Questions for Practice Take Test 22 20 questions for Practice – Management Test 22 1. The outside third party who is brought into settle a dispute, and he or she has the authority to make a decision is called?a.Governmentb.An Arbitratorc.Legal Expertd.Union Loading... 2. F.W. Taylor has done the following studies for improving the production process:a.Time Study, Motion Study and Fatigue Study.b.Time Study, Motion Study and Fatal Study.c.Time Study, Motivation Study and Fatigue Study.d.Time Study, Fatigue Study and Fatal Study. Loading... 3. Changes in the population characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, income and education are examples of _____?a.None of the aboveb.Cultural characteristicsc.Geographic characteristicsd.Demographic characteristics Loading... 4. ESI Act applies to?a.Railways and Mines Industriesb.None of the abovec.Cement Industriesd.Seasonal Factory Workers Loading... 5. Batch production is appropriately applicable to?a.Sugar productionb.Medicine productionc.Agriculture produced.Petroleum products Loading... 6. The Branding strategy which uses a different brand name for each product is known as___?a.Line Family Brandingb.Individual Brandingc.Overall Family Brandingd.Brand Extension Loading... 7. Which one of the following is not a basic element in the Strategic Management?a.Functional strategyb.Strategy formulationc.Strategy implementationd.Environmental scanning Loading... 8. Marketing information system gathers information from internal sources like marketing intelligence and marketing research to help the manager in _____?a.Assessing the information needs.b.All of the above.c.Developing the needed information.d.Distributing the information. Loading... 9. One-level channel consists of___?a.Producer-consumerb.Producer-retailer-consumerc.Producer-dealer-retailer-consumerd.Producer-dealer-wholesaler retailer- consumer Loading... 10. Which one is not the overseas market entry strategy followed by Multinational Corporations?a.Franchiseb.Joint venturec.Collaborationsd.Strategic planning Loading... 11. In which year WTO came into being?a.2006b.1995c.2000d.1980 Loading... 12. Porter and Lawler model is related to?a.Leadershipb.Motivationc.Attitudesd.Perception Loading... 13. Benefits provided for temporary and permanent disability disfigurement, medical expenses and medical rehabilitation is referred to as?a.None of the aboveb.Financial incentivesc.Fringe benefitsd.Workers’ compensation Loading... 14. Goods used by an organization in producing other goods is called?a.Consumer goodsb.Industrial goodsc.Speciality goodsd.None of the above Loading... 15. Identify the correct sequence of control cycle:a.Action -> Feedback -> Evaluation -> Adjustment.b.Feedback -> Evaluation -> Adjustment -> Action.c.Adjustment -> Action -> Feedback -> Evaluation.d.Action -> Evaluation -> Feedback -> Adjustment. Loading... 16. Negotiation of labour contract by Union and Management is referred to as?a.Industrial Relationsb.Consumerismc.Trade Uniond.Collective Bargaining Loading... 17. A written statement of the human qualification, education and experience needed to perform a job is referred to as?a.Job descriptionb.Job enrichmentc.Job designd.Job specification Loading... 18. The problem of industrial discipline was debated by the Indian Labour Conference (ILC) held in India in ____?a.1952b.1957c.1948d.1960 Loading... 19. Today’s organizations are working on the principle of____?a.Product-orientationb.Production-orientationc.Consumer-Orientationd.Selling-orientation Loading... 20. The two factor theory was propounded by___?a.Elton Mayob.A.H. Maslowc.Frederick Herzbergd.McGregor Loading... Loading... Submit a Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.