1 – Institute Name address and Web address:

IIT-M (Indian Institute of Technology Madras (Chennai))

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
I.I.T Post office
Fax: 91-044-22570509

Public Relations Officer 
Tel.: 2257 8133
Fax: 2257 8135
Email: [email protected]

Deputy Registrar
Tel: 2257 8033
Fax: 2257 0509
Email: [email protected]

Web address https://www.iitm.ac.in

2. Year of estabilishment: 1959

3. Branch Offered

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Metallurgical and material Engineering
  • Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

4. Mode of admission: IIT-JEE (IIT Joint Entrance Examination)

5 – Institute Infra Structure:
Conference rooms, computer center , Central electronic centre, Central photographic section, Central glass blowing section, research park, Central workshop, Material science research centre, Sophisticated analytical instrument facility, Laboratories, Guest house & quarters, Library ,intranet, etc.

6. Faculty: Institute is having world class faculty including Professors, readers, lecturers, (about 460) etc. IIT-M is also having visiting faculties from well known institute and universities, faculty exchange program from other institute and universities.

7 – Institute Facilities:
Sports & games, Hostels, Transport, Health services, Banks & ATM ,  Post office, Student activity centre, Student Secretaries, Shopping centre, clubs, Faculty association, canteens etc.

8- Placements: several national and MNC are visiting campus regularly. You can visit the institute website for detailed information or visit the following link IIT Chennai