The Full form of LAMA is Leave Against Medical Advice. LAMA, also called discharge against medical advice (DAMA), is an act whereby a patient takes his discharge contrary to the recommendation or will of the attending physician or hospital. The issue concerns hospital management, staff as well as the third party where applicable and the patient. The staff, especially doctors and nurses, having certified the ethical considerations and professional obligations, may be faced with issues regarding quality assurance and litigation. The patient who takes LAMA may take a dangerous decision without considering immediate and subsequent results. The third party (people other than the parents or relations), usually the employer or legal adviser, insurance company is occasionally involved in the decision. However, for those patients who have insurance policies, the decision to take the option of LAMA may be the end of financial support, which explains why the majority of the patients who take LAMA are uninsured or not covered by any medical aid. In developing countries, studies have implicated poor financial and low socio-economic status as the main reasons for LAMA. In developed countries, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) related conditions are contributing factors.