The Full form of ASAP is As Soon As Possible. ASAP is shorthand for As Soon As Possible. It is used to express a matter of urgency to complete a task in a short period of time. It means to assign a task with higher priority and to complete it as soon as it can be. Usually, it is spoken in the form of Acronym such as “Please respond to this email, ASAP”. It is also become a popular chat abbreviation that is used in online communication such as online chat, e-mail, and instant messaging. So, if someone wants to show that something needs to be completed, reviewed, or handled immediately, he can use this Acronym in his chat, email, text messages, etc. For Example: I want 100 pieces delivered to my office, ASAP, I need a response ASAP, I will revert to the complaint ASAP, etc.
Full Form of ASAP, What is the Full form of ASAP ?
by admin | Apr 23, 2020 | General Full Form | 0 comments