Syllabus for DU LLB Entrance Exam 2021
DU LLB 2021 Entrance Exam Syllabus – Delhi University Law entrance is managed by the faculty of Law, Delhi University. The university offers 3 years of LLB course through LLB Entrance examination. DU LLB Entrance Exam is conducted to grant admission into LLB course offered by Faculty of Law in the Delhi University.
Delhi University follows a set pattern for the law entrance test. Through this article, we have tried to provide complete details related to DU LLB 2021 entrance exam syllabus to help them in their preparation strategy. The syllabus provided here is based on Previous Year Entrance Exam Paper
See: Law Entrance Exams
DU LLB Entrance Exam 2021 Syllabus
General Knowledge and comprehension
- Indian and World Geography
- Constitution
- Awards and Honors
- Social Studies
- Physical Geography
- Science and technology
- Everyday Science
Reasoning and analytical Abilities
- Reasoning Questions
- Distribution
- Odd man out
- Calendars
- Symbols and Notions
- Liner, Circular & Grid Arrangement
- Coding and Decoding
- Number and Letter Series
- Venn Diagram
English Language & Comprehension
- Sentence Correction
- Synonyms
- One Word Substitute
- Antonyms
- Prepositions
- Fill in the blanks
- Error Detection in the written sentences
Legal Awareness and Aptitude
- Legal Maxims
- Important Landmark
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Penal Code
- Family Law
- Law of Tort
- Indian Contract Act