FCI Recruitment 2019 Application Process to begin soon, check details on documents required
FCI Recruitment 2019 Application Process – The Food Corporation of India has released the notification for recruitment of over 4000 posts of Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil Engineering / Electrical Mechanical Engineering), Assistant GradeII (AG II) (Hindi), Steno Grade-II Typist (Hindi) and Assistant Grade-III (Ag III) (General /Accounts / Technical / Depot) in Offices spread all over the Country. The application process for the same will start from 28th February 2019.
All those candidates interested for the FCI Recruitment 2019 can apply online at FCI Official website www.fci.gov.in till March 30, 2019. The Recruitment Exam for these vacancies will be held in the month of April/May 2019.
The Candidates applying for the post (ANY ONE WITHIN THE ZONE) are required to submit Application Fee of Rs. 500/- (Excluding bank charges but including GST ) Women candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. The payment of Application Fee can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets/UPI.
To apply for FCI Recruitment the candidates are required to upload these documents:
- photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm)
- signature (with black ink)
- left thumb impression (on white paper with black or blue ink)
- a hand written declaration (on a white paper with black ink) (text given below) ensuring that the all these scanned documents adhere to the required specifications as given in as given in the Advertisement
Candidates should Scan and keep these documents ready to be upload while filling the online application form.
FCI has released the official notification about 4,103 vacancies in junior engineers, stenographers, typist and assistant posts. Therefore, all the interested applicants will be able to submit their online application form from 23rd February 2019. While the last date to submit the application form is 25th March.
However, the selection of the candidates will be based on their online test and skill test. Also, the final merit list will be released after the document verification.
As per the job notification, ‘The Online test and skill test (wherever applicable) shall be followed by document verification stage for the candidates provisionally selected on the basis of the merit. The number of Candidates to be called for document verification may be equal to three times the number of advertised vacancies.’
Check out vacancy details post-wise:
FCI-North Zone:
Assistant grade 3 (general): 256 posts
Junior Engineer (Civil): 46 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Accounts): 287 posts
Stenographer grade 2: 43 posts
Typist (Hindi): 16 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Technical): 286 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Depot): 1013 posts
Junior Engineer (Electrical Mechanical): 30 posts
Assistant grade 2 (Hindi): 22 posts
FCI- South Zone
Junior Engineer (Civil): 26 posts
Junior Engineer (Electrical Mechanical): 15 posts
Assistant grade 2 (Hindi): 15 posts
Stenographer grade 2: 7 posts
Assistant grade 3 (general): 159 posts
Typist (Hindi): 3 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Depot): 213 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Accounts): 48 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Technical): 54 posts
FCI- East Zone
Junior Engineer (Civil): 26 posts
Junior Engineer (Electrical Mechanical): 10 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Technical): 224 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Depot): 61 posts
Stenographer grade 2: 9 postsTypist (Hindi): 12 posts
Assistant grade 2 (Hindi): 3 posts
Assistant grade 3 (general): 106 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Accounts): 87 posts
FCI-West Zone
Junior Engineer (Civil): 14 posts
Junior Engineer (Electrical Mechanical): 9 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Accounts): 65 posts
Stenographer grade 2: 9 posts
Typist (Hindi): 4 posts
Assistant grade 2 (Hindi): 4 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Depot): 353 posts
Assistant grade 3 (general): 124 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Technical): 153 posts
FCI-North East Zone
Junior Engineer (Civil): 2 posts
Junior Engineer (Electrical Mechanical): 8 posts
Stenographer grade 2: 8 posts
Typist (Hindi): 4 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Depot): 131 posts
Assistant grade 2 (Hindi): 1 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Accounts): 22 posts
Assistant grade 3 (general): 112 posts
Assistant grade 3 (Technical): 3 posts
To apply for the recruitment drive, candidates will have to visit the official website of FCI at fci.gov.in.