The Earth Question Answers


BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book Lesson 9 The Earth Question Answers 


The Earth Question Answers: Looking for The Earth important questions and Answers for BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practicing BSEB Class 12 English question Answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring The Earth Question Answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest BSEB exam pattern. All the exercises and Questions Answers given at the back of the lesson have also been covered. 


BSEB Class 12 English Chapter 9 The Earth Textbook Question and Answers


The Earth Question Answers


B.1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied: 

  1. a) A simple minded person is __________, __________   and  _________
  2. b) Johnson was more interested in   ___________
  3. c) Johnson’s possession included  __________
  4. d) Benjy’s simplicity seemed gradually to have become  ___________



  1. a) A simple minded person is Insane, Imbecile and not right in the head.
  2. b) Johnson was more interested in preaching
  3. c) Johnson’s possession included the four-acre land, a plow, a two wheeled cart and a bony mare. 
  4. d) Benjy’s simplicity seemed gradually to have become a kind of cunningness.


B.1.2. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements: 

  1. Johnson was a hard-working man.
  2. Johnson was interested in preaching. 

iii. Johnson had an insane son. 

  1. Benjy hated his hens. 



  1. Johnson was a hard-working man. False
  2. Johnson was interested in preaching. True

iii. Johnson had an insane son. False

  1. Benjy hated his hens. False


B.1. 3. Answer the following questions briefly : 

1) Who is a tenant farmer? 


A tenant farmer is a person who resides on land owned by a landlord.


2) What did the doctor advise Benjy’s parents to ensure his mental growth? 


The doctor advised Beny’s parents to give him something to do, some occupation, which would help his development.


3) What did Benjy understand about a hen?


Benjy understood that a hen existed for the purpose of laying eggs.


4) What did Benjy understand about the business of hens? 


Benjy understood that in this business of hens, eggs could be sold to the callers, and money could be kept in a basin.


B.2.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied: 

  1. a) Benjy left school at the age of __________
  2. b) By then Benjy had ________ hens. 
  3. c) Benjy knew about segregating breeds of hens through  _________
  4. d) Johnson believed that the earth designed and created by God would  ___________
  5. e) When Benjy was 21, his father handed him ______



  1. a) Benjy left school at the age of
  2. b) By then Benjy had forty or fifty
  3. c) Benjy knew about segregating breeds of hens through  a paper. 
  4. d) Johnson believed that the earth designed and created by God would  take care of itself.
  5. e) When Benjy was 21, his father handed him the passbook.


 B.2. 2. Answer the following questions briefly 

1) What silent belief did Benjy’s parents cherish about their land? 


Benjy’s parents cherished a silent belief that the earth would one day outgrow its poverty.


2) Why had their land not yielded much? 


The land had not yielded much because the Johnsons did not work hard instead he had put more value on faith than hard work.


3) How did Benjy’s parents feel when he silently put the passbooks in his pocket? 


Their feelings were hurt. They felt a mixture of disappointment, fear, pride, and pain.


4) What had Benjy’s parents expected when they handed him the passbook? 


They had expected something else. They expected Benjy to thank them for the gift, perhaps a concession.


5) What did Benjy want to do with money? 


With the money, Benjy wanted to buy four acres of land next to his. parents’ rented land.


B.3.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied: 

  1. a) The only difference between Benjy’s hens and his parents’ land was that  ________
  2. b) Benjy wanted to buy his parents’ land to   __________
  3. c) It was possible to gauge Benjy’s progress by __________
  4. d) Benjy’ parents did not like Florence because   _____________



  1. a) The only difference between Benjy’s hens and his parents’ land was that  the hens belonged to Benjy but the land had never belonged to his parents.
  2. b) Benjy wanted to buy his parents’ land to   put up more incubator houses on it.
  3. c) It was possible to gauge Benjy’s progress by the new chicken houses covering his father’s former land, and by the fact that he now employed people to help him. 
  4. d) Benjy’ parents did not like Florence because she had ugly legs and a mouth that would not keep shut. 


B.3.2. Answer the following questions briefly : 

1) Who had Johnson rented their land from? 


Johnson had rented their land from Sanders.


2) What information did Sanders give them that made them happy? 


Sanders told them that their son Benjy is buying the land and this made them happy.


3) Who was Florence?


Florence was one of the appointed employees in his farm . She was an ugly and undistinguished girl but very diligent .


4) Why did Benjy want to marry Florence? 


Benjy thought that Florence will help him with the hens and this is why he wanted to marry Florence


B.4.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the unit you have just studied: 

  1. a) When Benjy asked his parents to vacate the front bed room, they  ______
  2. b) Benjy asked parents to go somewhere else because he   _________
  3. c) Benjy’s parents did not speak when their son drove them down into the town because  _____



  1. a) When Benjy asked his parents to vacate the front bed room, they vacated it and moved into the back. 
  2. b) Benjy asked parents to go somewhere else because he bought the house and wanted to live alone with his wife
  3. c) Benjy’s parents did not speak when their son drove them down into the town because they believed that he was not right in his head.


B.4.2. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements: 

  1. With the arrival of Florence as Benjy’s wife, the house was filled with happiness. 
  2. Benjy and his wife lived in one part of the house and his parents in the other.

iii. Benjy paid utmost attention to his ageing parents. 



  1. With the arrival of Florence as Benjy’s wife, the house was filled with happiness. False
  2. Benjy and his wife lived in one part of the house and his parents in the other.True

iii. Benjy paid utmost attention to his ageing parents. False


  1. 1. Long Answer Questions
  2. Did Benjy treat his parents justly? What would you do if you were Benjy? 


No, Benjy did not treat his parents justly. He never showed any affection or attachment towards his parents which hurted them the most. When his parents gave him their life long savings by giving him the passbook, Benjy did not show any gesture that he was thankful to them for giving him all the money. They made every sacrifice for him and he was not grateful to them. They still forgave him because they had always believed that he was just a simple-minded man. But when Benjy asked his parents to leave the house that was the most unjustly and unsympathetic thing he did by asking his old parents to get out of the house. All these instances show how bad and unjustly he treated his parents.

If I were Benjy , I would always respect and take care of my parents.I would always be thankful to them for raising me, loving and taking care of me. I would never ask my parents to leave the house where they have spent forty years of their lives.


  1. On how many occasions were Benjy’s parents disappointed with Benjy’s behaviour? Describe each occasion briefly in your own words. 


Benjy disappointed his parents on multiple occasions. For instance ,When Benjy turned twenty one his parents decided to give him the passbook in which they have saved all the money they have been making.They expected Benjy to say a word of gratitude, and willingness to share the money with them. But Benjy opened the passbook, looked at the balance, and put it in his pocket. This kind of behavior hurted his parents the most because they were expecting a better response from him.

Secondly, they were disappointed when Benjy was going to buy their land from Sanders.Benjy did not share this big news with his parents and they got to know about this from Sanders. They asked Benjy what he was going to do with the land. Benjy simply told them that he was going to put more incubator houses on it. His parents were deeply hurt that Benjy did not plan anything for his parents future.

They were once again disappointed when he decided to marry Florence.Benjy did not ask for his parents permission . He didn’t care for the fact that his parents don’t even like Florence.  They asked him where he would live and without any hesitation, he said he would live here. He asked them to vacate the front bedroom because he wanted it. 

For the last time, they were disappointed when Benjy asked them to leave the house and drove them into the town . While driving also he had no emotions or feelings that he was about to leave his old parents alone.


  1. ‘Looks are deceptive.’ How does this apply to Benjy? 


Yes this is true ‘Looks are deceptive’ in Benjy’s case. Benjy looked innocent and simple-minded when he was a child. He had large loose limbs, thick soft fair hair on his face, and blue eyes. All day long there was a smile on his face. His parents believed that he was not like other children and decided to take him to a doctor. Doctor suggested that his brain needed proper development so he should have some occupation to develop his mind. But in fact, Benjy proved to be the most cunning person. 

He kept all the money his parents gave him and even used that money to expand his business. He built more incubator houses and after years he was selling the most number of eggs in the entire town. 

Benjy even married the girl Florence even after knowing the fact that his parents don’t like her. This all proved that Benjy was an innocent and simple-minded man which he used to look like as a child but actually he was selfish and cruel. He had no love for his parents. Indeed his simple and innocent looks were deceptive. 


  1. What is the role of Florence in this story? How did she affect Benjy’s life?


When Benjy’s business flourished, he started employing people to help him with his business. Florence was one of his employees. She was not good-looking. She had thick short legs, loose lips and unreflective gray eyes. Ignoring all those features for the very first time Benjy found his interest in a girl .So far he had been interested only in hens. Benjy decided to marry her despite his parents’ disapproval.He wanted her because she could help him with the hens. But Benjy’s parents did not like Florence. There were frequent quarrels between Florence and Benjy’s mother. But the problem of the girl was different. It seemed to them that the girl was about to take Benjy away from them. There was suddenly negativity in the house.

At first, Benjy’s parents had to vacate their bedroom for Benjy and Florence. Later they lived in separate portions of the house. Finally, Benjy told his parents, with eyes filled with anger, to leave the house and move to lodgings in the town. 

This is how Florence affected Benjy’s life.


  1. Johnson himself was responsible for his tragedy or troubles. Do you agree with this? Give reasons. 


Yes, I fully agree that Johnson himself was responsible for his tragedy or troubles.​​From the beginning Johnsons believed more in words than in action. He was such a true believer of god and he used to talk so much about god that he even believed if god had designed and created this earth that he would actually take care of it on its own. He kept talking but didnt even realise that his farm was being destroyed by  rabbits who broke in and ate his cabbage , and the storm damaged his standing corns. He thought he was a struggling man because he had bad luck and his kid was a simple man but actually no one had the courage to tell him that he was actually a very lazy man who could work hard instead of just putting trust in god to save his earth. He was lazy and never tried to get a better yield from his land. Secondly, he saved no money for a rainy day. He gave all the money to Benjy but instead he should have saved some or even tried to purchase the land which he rented for all his life.

And lastly, he never learned any lesson from Benjy’s selfish behavior. Had he been a little wiser, he would not have suffered in his old age.


  1. How is a simple minded man defined in the story? Do you agree with this definition? 


Benjy is described as a simple-minded person. He had large loose limbs and fair hair on his face. He had blue eyes and had a smile on his face. His parents believed that he was simple-minded and simple-hearted only because he looked different from others. 

No, I don’t agree with this definition because after so many instances in this chapter it was proved that Benjy was not at all a simple-minded man but rather was a very cunning man.

He was not insane or an imbecile. Benjy was a clever man who kept all his parents’ money without even thanking his parents. Benjy used his money and expanded his business. He became the biggest seller of eggs in the entire town.He built new incubator houses.  Benjy even purchased the house, married Florence and asked his parents to leave the house.

All these instances proved that Benjy was definitely now a simple-minded man and the definition of simple-minded man used by his parents was not right.To consider a person simple-headed just by his looks is not right. A simple-headed person can never be selfish.


  1. Sketch the character of Johnson. 


Johnson was a tenant farmer who had a four-acre plot, a plough, a mare, a cart, and tools.Johnson also had a son named Benjy. Johnson was basically a very simple but religious person. He was a  local preacher, a man with quite a gift of talking. He liked not only to talk on Sundays, to village congregations in small still chapels far out in the countryside, but he liked to talk at the back-door, over the field gate, in the road outside the house.

He believed that God, who has created this earth, would also take care of it. He had a faith that somehow the land would recover from its poverty.  He believed Benjy was simple-headed.He made several sacrifices for him. Even though Johnson was a very kind and caring father, somehow he was a lazy man who did not put any efforts to grow his business, purchase the land on which he lived his entire life.  But in the end Johnson suffered because of his foolish faith and laziness.


  1. Sketch the character of Benjy.


Benjy is the central figure of the story The Earth . Benjy was Johnson’s only child. He had the large loose limbs that often belong to the simple-minded, and thick soft fair hair on his face. He had the look of being a simple-hearted man as well as a simple-minded man. His eyes were blue, and all day long he had a simple smile on his face. But somewhere behind the blue eyes, the simple smile, and the soft childish hair, his simplicity seemed gradually to have become a kind of cunning.His selfishness and cunningness came to light as he grew older. Benjy’s only interest was in his hens. He knew that hens were useful because they lay eggs that could be sold for money. So he learned more and more about hens. He became a shrewd businessman . He had no emotion , affection or kindness . For him everything was his business .Benjy married one of his employees whose name was Florence. Florence was not a good looking girl but he still married her because he felt she could help him in his business.The emotions and sentimental feelings of a normal person never existed in him.The dark side of his character was fully exposed when he asked his parents to leave the house and even drove them and left them alone on the streets.


  2. Write a short essay in about 150 words on ‘an ideal family’


Family plays an essential role in human lives. An ideal family is a source of joy. It is the gift of God and a basis of happiness and prosperity.In an ideal family, all members love one another and are willing to make and sacrifice for one another. An ideal family helps us to grow and develop emotionally, socially and intellectually .It provides security and a lovely environment which helps us to share our happiness and problems. In modern times, people are busy and hardly have time for their family members. However, an ideal family needs to take some time for each other. Everyone needs to realize that there is nothing that is as essential as family. 

It is believed that families are the pillars of strength. It is because they give everyone in the family courage to face the challenges in society, country, and world. Also, they are always there when a person needs them.In an ideal family we need to nurture and strengthen the bonds between family members or the family will drift apart. Strong family relationships mean better communication with each other. For me, family is an extension of my life. 


  1. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on ‘duties of children towards their parents’

This Beautiful world was gifted to us by our parents to live in and to enjoy. They also took care to arrange for each and every possible comfort since our Birth, provided shelter, education, food, guidance, Protection throughout their life. So it should be our main responsibility or duty to take care of our parents. 

The first and the primary duty of the child should be to treat your parents with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Always listen to your parents, what they have to say , what they want to do. Yes, even if they tell you the same story over and over.  We owe our parents time. After all, they gave us nearly every moment of theirs for most of our lives. So it’s our duty to spend time with them. It is our duty that parents should be given food that they like and can digest. If they are unwell, they should be given medical aid immediately. They should be given clean clothes to wear. Parents do not expect much. If they get love and care they are happy.

Out of all the duties the most important one is to Make sure they have a place to call home. While we’re not legally obligated to house our parents when they get older, we definitely have a moral obligation to make sure they’re not homeless. If that means letting them live with us, so be it.

D.1. Dictionary Use 

Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words: 


tremore  disapointment bussiness cobsession
inormos  precupied imobile cronicle




Tremore- Tremor  Disapointment- Disappointment Bussiness- business  Cobsession- obsession
Inormos- Enormous Precupied- preoccupied Imobile- immobile  Cronicle- chronicle


Ex. 2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of the following words — the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common 


anxious insane concession 
cunning simple interest




As per lesson- worried

Other meaning- intensely desirous



As per lesson- mentally deranged

Other meaning- very foolish



As per lesson- the act of yielding

Other meaning- reduction in the usual price



As per lesson- crafty

Other meaning- wily



As per lesson- easy to understand

Other meaning- feeble minded



As per lesson- hobby

Other meaning- charge on credit


D.2. Word-formation

Read the following sentence carefully:

It was true that they also had possession….

His simple blue eyes were shot suddenly with a wild expression….


Here, ‘possession’, a noun, is formed by adding the suffix ‘-ion’ to ‘possess’ which is a verb. Similarly, ‘expression’, a noun, is formed by adding the suffix ‘-ion’ to ‘express’ which is a verb.  Make nouns from the following verbs:


suggest relate confess narrate create
irrigate humiliate frustrate cultivate violate 


Suggest- Suggestion  Relate- Relation  Confess- Confession  Narrate- Narration  Create- Creation 
Irrigate- Irrigation  Humiliate- Humiliation  Frustrate-  Frustration  Cultivate- Cultivation  Violate- Violation  


D.3. Word-meaning


Ex 1. Find from the lesson words the meanings of which have been given in Column A. The last part of each word is given in Column B: 


Column A Column B
weak in mind ……………….ible
a stalk of grain ……………….ble
stunned ………………ent
to separate ……………… ate 
obstinate ………………orn


Column A Column B
weak in mind imbecile
a stalk of grain stubble
stunned stupefied
to separate segregate
obstinate stubborn

D. 4. Phrases
Ex.1. Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use these phrases in sentences of your own:


grow up come from cut off by the time
all the time take care of for long time look at 



  1. Grow up- India is a wonderful place to grow up.
  2. Come from- Respect from others comes from self-respect.
  3. Cut off- Our water supply has been cut off. 
  4. By the time-  I had lived in 12 different cities by the time I turned 18.
  5. All the time- We have all the time in the world to find out exactly how it can be done.
  6. Take care of- I can take care of myself.
  7. For the long time-  We were waiting for him for a long time
  8. Look at- Would you like me to look at your essay before you hand it in?

Ex.1. Read the following sentences, taken from the lesson, carefully:

  1. a) Very often it seemed as if it were all they had ever had.
  2. b) He had the look of being a simple-hearted man as well as a simple-minded man.
  3. c) By this time the money no longer went into the basin, but straight into the bank. 


In the sentence given above ‘as if’, as well as’ and ‘but’ join words, phrases and clauses. Such words are called conjunctions. 


Find at least ten conjunctions which have been used in the story and use them in sentences of your own. 


  1. After- The bank is just after the park, on the left.
  2. But- he looked simple-minded but he was shrewd
  3. Although- We had a great time at the park, although it rained
  4. So that- they both went on a diet so that they could play more football with their friends.
  5. Because- it’s a really useful book because it explains everything very clearly. 
  6. As- She arrived early, as I expected.
  7. As well as- There’s no knowing what he might have done for you as well as for Fred.
  8. Besides- If I were you I would accept their offer. Besides, there’s no harm in trying.
  9. Rather- He would rather play than work.
  10. Both-  She played both hockey and basketball when she was a student.



BSEB Class 12 English Chapter 9 The Earth Extra Question and Answers


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


  1. What was the most valuable thing the Johnsons had?

a) Money

b) Their son Benjy

c) The earth

d) Hens

Ans: c) The earth


  1. Why did the Johnsons think their son Benjy was “not right in his head”? 

a) He couldn’t read or write

b) He was imbecile

c) He was simple-minded, not like other people

d) He had no interest in hens

Ans: c) He was simple-minded, not like other people


  1. What occupation did the doctor suggest for Benjy to help him develop? 

a) Keep cows

b) Keep hens

c) Work on the farm

d) Learn carpentry

Ans: b) Keep hens


  1. What had been Benjy’s primary interest for many years? 

a) Farming

b) Studying

c) Keeping hens

d) Playing with other children

Ans: c) Keeping hens


  1. Where did Benjy keep his hens at first? 

a) In a barn

b) In a large coop

c) In a wire coop at the back of the house

d) In a chicken house on the field

Ans: c) In a wire coop at the back of the house


  1. How did Benjy feed his hens?

a) With special chicken feed

b) With scraps from the table

c) With seeds from the field

d) With vegetables from the garden

Ans: b) With scraps from the table


  1. What did Benjy do with the money earned from selling eggs? 

a) Spent it on toys

b) Kept it in a white basin

c) Saved it in a jar

d) Gave it to his parents

Ans: b) Kept it in a white basin


  1. What was the significant change that occurred when Benjy turned 21? 

a) He moved to the city

b) He parents gave him their farm

c) He took full responsibility for the hens

d) His started buying land parents gave him their farm

Ans: d) He started buying land


  1. How did Benjy’s father feel about Benjy receiving the passbook with money? 

a) Proud and happy

b) Disappointed and hurt

c) Indifferent

d) Confused and upset

Ans: b) Disappointed and hurt


  1. What did Benjy do with the money in his bank account when he turned 21? 

a) Bought land

b) Gave it to his parents

c) Bought more hens

d) Used it to travel

Ans: a) Bought land


  1. What was the reaction of Benjy’s parents when he bought land? 

a) They were upset

b) They were proud of him

c) They were indifferent

d) They were angry

Ans: b) They were proud of him


  1. How did Benjy’s business with hens evolve? 

a) He started selling other animals

b) He began farming vegetables

c) He expanded by building new chicken houses 

d) He quit the poultry business

Ans: c) He expanded by building new chicken houses


  1. What did Benjy do with his father’s former land? 

a) He sold it

b) He built more chicken houses

c) He planted crops

d) He leased it to others

Ans: b) He built more chicken houses


  1. What was the fate of the land the Johnsons had rented for forty years?

a) They bought it

b) They had to sell it

c) It was taken away by the government

d) They leased more land

Ans: b) They had to sell it


  1. Why were the Johnsons unable to buy their rented land? 

a) They had no money

b) They didn’t want to buy it

c) They lacked knowledge about land transactions

d) Benjy refused to buy it

Ans: a) They had no money


  1. Who suggested that Benjy might buy the land when it was for sale? 

a) His parents

b) The man named Sanders

c) Benjy’s doctor

d) The local preacher

Ans: b) The man named Sanders


  1. What did Benjy do after buying the land? 

a) He started building more incubator houses

b) He planted crops

c) He sold the land to someone else

d) He started a new business

Ans: a) He started building more incubator houses


  1. How did Benjy’s parents feel about him buying the land? 

a) They were confused

b) They were proud

c) They were indifferent

d) They were angry

Ans: b) They were proud


  1. How did Benjy’s parents react when he married Florence? 

a) They were happy for him

b) They were disappointed

c) They were upset and shocked

d) They ignored it

Ans: c) They were upset and shocked


  1. Why did Benjy’s parents move out of the front bedroom?

a) They wanted to live in a different room

b) The room was damaged

c) The room was too small for them

d) Benjy and Florence needed it  

Ans: d) Benjy and Florence needed it


  1. How did Benjy solve the issue of the quarrel between Florence and his mother? 

a) He ignored it

b) He separated the two women, making them eat in different rooms

c) He told them to reconcile

d) He moved out of the house

Ans: b) He separated the two women, making them eat in different rooms


  1. What happened to the relationship between Benjy and his parents as time went on? 

a) They became closer

b) They had no problems

c) They started living separately

d) They moved to the town together

Ans: c) They started living separately


  1. What was Benjy’s attitude toward his parents after he bought the house? 

a) He wanted to live with them forever

b) He demanded that they leave the house

c) He was indifferent to them

d) He gave the house to his parents

Ans: b) He demanded that they leave the house


  1. How did Benjy’s parents react when he told them to leave the house? 

a) They were surprised and sad

b) They were angry

c) They were relieved

d) They ignored him

Ans: a) They were surprised and sad


  1. What was the final outcome for Benjy’s parents? 

a) They were kicked out of the house

b) They left for lodgings in town

c) They moved to another farm

d) They stayed in the house

Ans: b) They left for lodgings in town



Extract Based Questions

A. Benjy understood another thing about the business of hens, and that was that eggs could be sold to callers at the back door of their house, in scores and half-scores and fivers, and the money from these eggs was put carefully, almost religiously, into a large white basin that stood on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard. The basin was beyond Benjy’s reach. ‘But one day,’ his mother would tell him, ‘the money will be yours. You understand? Your father and me are going to save the money. When there’s enough we shall put it in the bank. The bank will give interest on it and then one day, when you’re twenty-one, it will be yours by rights. It’ll all be yours and you can do what you like with it. Do you understand?’ And Benjy would simply smile at his mother and say yes, he understood.


Q1. Where did Benjy’s mother keep the money from selling eggs? 

Ans: The money was kept in a large white basin on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard.


Q2. What did Benjy’s mother tell him about the money from the eggs? 

Ans: She told him that the money would be his one day, and when there was enough, they would put it in the bank. When Benjy turned twenty-one, the money would be his to do as he wished.


Q3. How did Benjy respond when his mother explained the plan for the money? 

Ans: Benjy simply smiled at his mother and said he understood.


Q4. What did Benjy’s mother plan to do with the money from selling eggs? 

Ans: They planned to save the money and put it in the bank, where it would earn interest.


Q5. What was Benjy’s understanding of the money according to the passage? 

Ans: Benjy understood that the money would be his when he turned twenty-one, and he could do whatever he liked with it.

B. For many years Benjy’s father had been a local preacher, a man with quite a gift of talking. He liked not only to talk on Sundays, to village congregations in small still chapels far out in the countryside, but he liked to talk at the back-door, over the field gate, in the road outside the house. He talked so much that he must have had an idea that the earth, designed, created, and nourished by God, would take care of itself. While he talked, thistles seeded and choked his wheat, rabbits broke in and gnawed his cabbages, storms smashed his standing corn. He struggled on like a man chained by bad luck, and while he knew that his land was poor and that Benjy was a simple man, no one had ever had the need or courage to tell him that he himself was a lazy man with too large a trust in Providence.


Q1. What was Benjy’s father’s profession? 

Ans: Benjy’s father was a local preacher.


Q2. Where did Benjy’s father like to talk besides on Sundays at church? 

Ans: He liked to talk at the back door, over the field gate, and in the road outside the house.


Q3. How did Benjy’s father view the earth and its care? 

Ans: He believed that the earth, created and nourished by God, would take care of itself.


Q4. What were some of the problems Benjy’s father faced with his land? 

Ans: His land was plagued by thistles, rabbits, and storms that damaged his crops.


Q5. Why was no one able to tell Benjy’s father that he was lazy? 

Ans: No one had the need or courage to tell him that he was lazy and had too large a trust in providence.

C. When Benjy was twenty-one his mother and father planned and carried out a little ceremony. They got his passbook from the bank, and at supper his father made a sort of speech, almost in the tone of a public address, in which he talked as if he had been a diligent man all his life, setting an example of thrift and industry, and that this, the passbook, was Benjy’s natural reward for following it. He talked as if he were talking to a child who still does not know one from two, and at last he gave Benjy the passbook. This is your money, Benjy,’ he said. Now you’re twenty-one, this is your money. Do you understand?’ 

‘Yes,’ Benjy said, and he took the passbook. He opened it and looked at it, and saw in it an amount of more than two hundred and thirty pounds. Then he shut up the passbook and put it into his pocket. 


Q1. What special event did Benjy’s parents organize when he turned twenty-one? 

Ans: They carried out a ceremony and gave him his passbook from the bank.


Q2. How did Benjy’s father present the passbook to him? 

Ans: Benjy’s father made a speech, speaking as if he had been a diligent man and that the passbook was Benjy’s natural reward.


Q3. How did Benjy’s father speak to him when giving the passbook? 

Ans: He spoke as if Benjy were still a child who did not know the difference between one and two.


Q4: What was the amount of money in Benjy’s passbook? 

Ans: The passbook contained more than two hundred and thirty pounds.


Q5.: What did Benjy do after receiving the passbook? 

Ans: He looked at the passbook, saw the amount of money, then shut it and put it into his pocket.

D. As time went on, and Benjy acquired the land, his father and mother not only felt that it was a good idea but they felt very proud of him. They had that kind of pride in him that parents have in a child that says its first word or takes its first step. Benjy, a simple-minded man, had taken his first step in normal, adult things. It was wonderful, too, that he had taken the step without help, without force or prompting. All his life they had treated him as a child that will not grow up and now, suddenly, he had grown up. Though they could scarcely realize it. Benjy was a man of property. 

For the next four or five years Benjy went on creating more houses for more hens, and then selling more eggs and making more money. 


Q1. How did Benjy’s parents feel as he acquired land? 

Ans: They felt very proud of him, like parents proud of a child taking its first step or saying its first word.


Q2. How did Benjy’s parents view his growth? 

Ans: They had treated him as a child who wouldn’t grow up, but now, they realized that he had grown up and was a man of property.


Q3. What was Benjy’s significant achievement mentioned in the passage? 

Ans:  Benjy acquired land and became a man of property.


Q4. What did Benjy focus on after acquiring the land? 

Ans: He continued creating more houses for hens, selling more eggs, and making more money.


Q5. How long did Benjy continue with his work after acquiring the land? 

Ans: He continued for the next four or five years.

E. By this time Benjy was almost forty, and it was only to them that he remained a simple-minded man. As his new hygienic chicken houses began to cover first one strip of his father’s former land and then another, with the grey patches of hen-dung eating their way into the brown tilled earth, he began to be the largest poultry farmer on that side of the town. In appearance he had changed too. Always big-limbed, he had now become rather fat. His eyes were still a simple blue, and soft fair hair still grew thickly on his face, but now, set in fat flesh, the eyes seemed much smaller. They were no longer the eyes of a simple-minded man. They were the eyes of a man who, in a simple way, is quite cunning.


Q1. How did Benjy’s parents still perceive him as he reached forty? 

Ans: They still saw him as a simple-minded man.


Q2. What changes occurred in Benjy’s physical appearance as he got older? 

Ans: Benjy became rather fat, and although his eyes were still blue and his hair thick and fair, his eyes seemed much smaller, set in fat flesh.


Q3. What business did Benjy become involved in as he grew older? 

Ans: Benjy became the largest poultry farmer on that side of the town.


Q4. How did Benjy’s new chicken houses affect the land?

Ans: The grey patches of hen-dung spread across the land, eating into the brown tilled earth.


Q5. How did Benjy’s eyes change in appearance and meaning as he grew older? 

Ans: His eyes seemed smaller, and they no longer appeared simple-minded but rather like the eyes of a man who, in a simple way, is quite cunning.

F. And throughout that winter Benjy and his wife lived in one part of the house, and his father and mother in the other. To the old people the days began now to seem very long, and as they looked out on the land they could see the reason. Where there had once been brown bare earth, rows of winter beans, patches of wheat, there were now only Benjy’s chicken houses. The earth was still there, but the purpose of it no longer concerned them. The plough, the mare, the cart, and their few tools stood about in the yard, but now it was truer than ever that without the earth they were useless.


Q1. How did Benjy and his wife live during the winter? 

Ans: They lived in one part of the house, while Benjy’s father and mother lived in the other part.


Q2. How did the old people feel about the days during the winter? 

Ans: The days began to seem very long to the old people.


Q3. What change did the old people notice when they looked out on the land? 

Ans: They saw that where there had once been brown bare earth, winter beans, and patches of wheat, now there were only Benjy’s chicken houses.


Q4. How did the old people view the tools in the yard? 

Ans: They saw the plough, the mare, the cart, and their few tools as useless without the earth to work on.


Q5. What did the old people feel about the purpose of the earth? 

Ans: The old people felt that the purpose of the earth no longer concerned them.