Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Sriperumbudur

(An Autonomous Organisation of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GOI)


RGNIYD is an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, fully funded by the Government of India.

Courses Offered

Department of Youth Empowerment

  1. M.A. (Youth Empowerment)
  2. M.Phil. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process
  3. Ph.D. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process

Department of Career Counselling

  1. M.A. (Career Counselling)
  2. M.Phil. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process
  3. Ph.D. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process

Department of Gender Studies

  1. M.A. (Gender Studies)
  2. M.Phil. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process
  3. Ph.D. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process

Department of Local Governance

  1. M.A. (Local Governance)
  2. M.Phil. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process
  3. Ph.D. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process

Department of Life Skills Education

      • M.A. (Life Skills Education)
      • M.Phil. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process
      • Ph.D. (Inter-disciplinary) – In process

Admission Process

Admission is any course would be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the admission test; if and where, no test in conducted, admission would be made on the basis of aggregate total marks secured by the candidate in / at the qualifying examination and marks obtained by the candidate in eligibility subject
For latest information regarding Courses duration ,eligibility, and fee structure visit University/college website


Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
(An Autonomous Organisation of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GOI)

Sriperumbudur – 602 105, Tamil Nadu.  Phone : (091)044 – 27162741, 27162612 Fax : (091)044 – 27162705
E-Mail : info_rgniyd@vsnl.net
Website: https://www.rgniyd.gov.in