Rajendra Agricultural University Samastipur

(Professional University)



The foundation stone of the Agricultural Research Institute and college was laid by Lord curzon on the 1st of April, 1905.

Courses Offered

A) Under-Graduate Courses

1 Agriculture Faculty
B.Sc.(Ag.)- Bachelor’s of Science in Agriculture
2 Veterinary Faculty
B.V.Sc.& A.,H.- Bachelor’s of Veterinary. Science and Animal Husbandry.
B.Tech. (DT)- Bachelor of Technology in Dairy Technology.
B.F.Sc. – Bachelor of Fisheries Science.
3 Home Science Faculty
B.Sc.(H.Sc.)- Bachelor of Science in Home Science
4 Agricultural Engineering Faculty
B.Tech. (Agri. Engg):–Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural. Engineering
5 Faculty of Basic Sciences & Humanities
B.Tech. (Biotechnology)- Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology.

(B)   Post-Graduate Courses.

  1. M.Sc. (Ag.)
  2. M. V.Sc.
  3. M.Tech (Agri Engg)
  4. M.Sc.
  5. M.Sc.(H. Sc.)
  6. M.Sc.(Agril. Biotech)
  7. MBA (Agri-Business)
  8. Ph.D.

i) M.Sc.(Ag.) degree in the following disciplines are awarded to those holding B.Sc.(Ag.) Degee:-
1          Agronomy                                            8 Seed Technology
2          Agricultural Economics                         9 Extension Education & Communication
3          Entomology                                          10 Plant Physiology
4          Horticulture*                                        11 Agriculture Statistics
5          Plant Pathology                                     13 Biochemistry
6          Genetics & Plant Breeding                    14 Nematology
7          Soil Science                                          15. Agriculture Biotechnology

includes all sub-sector of Horticulture i.e. Fruits Science, Vegetable Science, Floriculture, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. The candidates holding B.Sc. (Horticulture) degree are awarded M.Sc.(Horticulture) Degree.

(ii) M.V.Sc. degree in the following disciplines:
1 Veterinary. Anatomy & Histology                  9 Veterinary Public Health
2 Veterinary Animal Reproductions Gynecology & Obstetrics 10 Veterinary Physiology
3 Veterinary Medicine                         11 Animal Nutrition
4 Veterinary Microbiology                                12 Animal Breeding & Genetics
5 Veterinary Parasitology                                  13 Extension Education
6 Veterinary Pathology                                     14 Livestock Production & Management
7 Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology         15 Livestock Production Technology
8 Veterinary Surgery & Radiology

 (iii) M.Tech (Ag.Engg) degree in the following disciplines:
(1) Soil & Water Engineering
(2) Farm Power & Machinery
(3) Post Harvest Technology.

 (iv) M.Sc. degree will be awarded in the following subjects to those holding B.Sc.(Hons.) Degree.
(1)   Plant Physiology
(2)   Microbiology
(3)   Biochemistry
(4)   Genetics & Plant Breeding
(5)   Agricultural Statistics

 (v) M.Sc. degree in Home Science will be awarded in the following subjects to those holding B.Sc.(H.Sc.) degree:-
(1)   Food & Nutrition
(2)   Home Science Extension Education
(3)   Family Resource Management

B.Sc.(Hons.)/B.Sc.(Ag.) students for M.Sc. programme in Statistics may have to undergo one or more semester in addition to four semesters in order to make-up for the deficiency courses as decided by the Department.

c) Ph.D. degree in the following areas:
1. Agronomy                                                    10. Plant Physiology
2. Plant Breeding                                              11. Genetics
3. Soil Science                                     12. Veterinary Anatomy & Histology
4. Plant Pathology                                             13. Veterinary Microbiology
5. Entomology                                     14. Veterinary Parasitology
6. Agricultural Economics                                 15. Animal Breeding & Genetics
7. Extension Education                          16. Veterinary Pharmacology
8.Horticulture                                                   17. Veterinary Medicine
9.Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstretrics
(D)   Certificate Course and Post-Graduate Diploma in the following subjects:-
(i)         Professional Farmer’s Training
(ii)        Mali Training
(iii)       Plant Protection Training
(iv)       Bee Keeping Training
(v)        Training in Agricultural Engineering Trades;
(vi)       Livestock Production Training;
(vii)      Training for Fish Culture;
(viii)      Training in Milk handling and maintenance of mulch animal;
(ix)       Certificate course in Mushroom Production & Processing- 6 months
(x)        Certificate course in Computer Application- 6 months
(xi)       Certificate course in Lab. Technique- 6 months
(xii)      Certificate course in Artificial Insemination- 6 months
(xiii)      P.G. Diploma in Library Science- one year duration

Admission Process

(A)   Under Graduate Programme
Candidates for admission to different Bachelor’s Degree Programme of this University shall be selected through Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination conducted each year by the Govt. of Bihar for 85% of the seat. For 15% of the seat, selection would be made by All India Entrance Examination conducted by ICAR and VCI.

 (B)   Post Graduate Programmes
Admission in Master’s Degree programme is made through a Competitive Test conducted by the University by calculating the marks of Entrance-cum-academic performance in the following manner:-

Entrance-cum-academic performance
(i)         Entrance                       60%
(ii)        Under-graduate            20%
(iii)       12 th standard             10%
(iv)       10 th standard             10%

  Admission in Ph.D. programme is made through Competitive Entrance Examination conducted by the University by calculating the marks of Entrance-cum-Academic Performance in the following manner:

Entrance-cum-academic performance
(i)         Entrance                       60%
(ii)        Masters’ Degree           30%
(ii)        Bachelors’ Degree        10%

In the case of reserved seats for various programmes, roster is followed as per Government rules

 Affiliated colleges

1. Tirhut College of Agriculture , Dholi, Muzaffarpur
2. Bihar Agriculture College , Sabour, Bhagalpur
3. College of Agricultural Engineering, Pusa
4. College of Basic Sciences & Humanities
5. College of Home Science, Pusa
6. College of Fisheries, Dholi
7. Bihar veterinary College, Patna
8. Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology


Rajendra Agricultural University
(Professional -Agricultural University)

Pusa Samastipur 848 125,

Tel : 06274-240226, 240264, 240239, 240206
Fax : 06274-240255
Email : [email protected]

VC : Dr Basant Ram
Reg: Dr Jawahar Thakur