Patna University is the 7th oldest University of the Indian subcontinent, which was established in the year 1917 to cater to the growing needs of higher education of Bihar, Orissa and Nepal.
The Patna University remained the only University of Bihar till January 1952 when its character was changed to a Residential University though for some years it continued to conduct examinations of educational institutions in Nepal till the Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, came into being. After establishment of the Utkal University, Bhubneshwar, the Patna University ceased to exercise its control over educational institutions in Orissa.
In addition, the University also runs a Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) established in 1974.
Courses Offered
Undergraduate conventional courses
- B.A.
- B.Sc.
- B.Com. (Hons.)
Post Graduate conventional courses
- M.A.
- M.Sc.
- M.Com.
Post Graduate professional courses
- L.L.M.
- M.B.A.
- M.Ed.
Undergraduate professional courses
- B.Ed.
- B.F.A.
- B.Lib. Sc.
- L.L.B.
Bachelor Degree Course Vocational
- B.A. (Voc.) Functional English Hons.
- B.A. (Voc.) in Adv. Sales Promotion & Sales Mgmt.
- B.A./B.Sc. (Voc.) Computer Application (Hons.)
- B.B.A. (Hons.)
- B.Sc. (Voc.) Bio. Technology Hons.
- B.A (Communicative English)
- B.Sc. (Voc.) Industrial Micro-Biology (Hons.)
- B.A(Mass Comm.)
- B.Sc in Environmental Science
- B.Sc in Geohydrologhy
- B.A in Social Work
Post Graduate Diploma Course(Vocational)-1yr
- P.G.Diploma in Industrial Safety Mgmt
- P.G. Diploma in Computer Application
- P.G. Diploma in Population Education
- P.G. Diploma in Women & Child Welfare
- P.G.Diploma in Applied Criminology
- P.G.Diploma in Clinical Psychology
- P.G.Diploma in Fashion Designing
- P.G.Diploma in Hindi Journalism & Mass Comm.
- P.G.Diploma in Human Resource Development
- P.G.Diploma in Journalism
- P.G.Diploma in Public Administration
- P.G.Diploma in Women’s Studies
- P.G.Diploma in Spoken Persian
- P.G.Diploma in Urdu Journalism & mass Communication
- P.G.Diploma in Water Resourse Management
- P.G.Diploma in Acturial Science
- P.G.Diploma in Financial Management
- P.G.Diploma in Marketing Management
- P.G.Diploma in Operations Management
- P.G.Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS
- P.G.Diploma in Financial Services
Post Graduate Degree Course(Vocational)- 2 yr
- M.Sc in Environmental Science & Management
- M.A in Social Work
- M.Sc in Applied Microbiology
- M.Sc in Biodiversity
- Master of Finance and Control (MFC)
- M.A. in Education
- M.Sc. in Aquaculture
- M.A in Anthropology
- M.A in Criminology
- M.Sc in Biotechnology
Certificate course (Vocational)- 06 months
- cert. course in Spoken Persian
- cert. course in Remote Sensing & GIS
- cert. course in Computerised Accounting (Tally)
Certificate course (Vocational)- 1 Year
- certificate couse in Nutrition & Dietetics
- certificate couse in Painting
- certificate couse in Advertising Design
- certificate couse in Modelling & Sculpture
- certificate couse in Ceramics & Pottery
- Ph.D
- D.Litt
- D.Sc
- M.Phil
Medical Course
- Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
- MD / MS / M.Ch / Diploma
Admission Process
Admission is any course would be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the admission test; if and where, no test in conducted, admission would be made on the basis of aggregate total marks secured by the candidate in / at the qualifying examination and marks obtained by the candidate in eligibility subject
For latest information regarding Courses duration ,eligibility, and fee structure visit college website
Entrance Test
1 B.Ed Entrance Test Entrance 2009 1 2nd week of June-09All Colleges & Deptts 8000
2 M.Ed Entrance Test Entrance 2009 1 3rd week of June -09PC/SC/VMV/BNC 4000
3 Pre-Ph.D Entrance Test Entrance 2009 2 Ist Week of July-09PC 2000
Affiliated Colleges
- Bihar National College
- College of Arts & Craft
- Magadh Mahila College
- Patna Science College
- Patna College
- Patna Law College
- Patna Medical College
- Patna Dental College
- Patna Training College
- Patna Women’s College
- Vanijya Mahavidyalaya
- Women’s Training College
- Bihar College of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
Patna University
(State University)
Patna 800 005
Tel : 0612 – 2670352, 2670531
Fax : 0612-2670877
Email :
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VC: Prof (Dr) Y C Simhadri
Reg: Dr Vibhash Kumar Yadav