(Deemed University)
Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region.
The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India on the recommendation of University Grants Commission conferred the status of the Deemed to be University on 16th November, 1983 under Section 3 of UGC Act (1956). The first academic session started on 15th January, 1984.
Courses Offered
National Diploma courses
- Animal Husbandary
- Preventive Veterinary Medicine
- Poultry Husbandry
- Animal Reproduction
- Biological Products and Equine Husbandry
Research Programmes
Research scholars have been working for their Master’s, Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in various disciplines of animal health, production and technology since 1937.
Admission Process
Academic Session & Term Calendar
The academic year of the Institute is organised in terms of two semesters in a year, each approximately of 20 weeks duration. The exact dates of each semester in a particular academic year shall be decided by the Institute from time to time. The tentative time schedule of the semesters is given below :
* Ist – Semester : September to February
* IInd – Semester : March to August
Crucial Dates
* Information Bulletin and Application Forms for admission to the Ph.D. programme are available in the month of May (by post)
* Information Bulletin and Application Forms for admission to the Ph.D. programme are available in the month of May and first week of June (at counter post).
* Tentative last date for receipt of duly filled application forms in University Office is 16th June of each year
* Admission to Master’s degree programme will be held through the written test for award of JRF by ICAR. Therefore, candidates need not to apply to IVRI for the said programme and they may look for the ICAR advertisement for combined competitive examination for JRF. However candidates seeking admission to MVSc programme under sponsored category may apply to IVRI. The written test and interview for admission to PhD programme will be conducted in the last week of June and second week of August, respectively. Since sponsored candidate (MVSc / PhD) are exempted from appearing in written test, their interview will be held simultaneously in the second week of August at IVRI, Izatnagar. The candidates are required to appear in the Entrance Test / Interview on the above specified dates.
Foreign Nationals
Foreign students seeking admission shall forward their applications through their respective Embassies at New Delhi or through their respective Indian Missions abroad to the Government of India/Deputy Director General (Education) ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi for consideration of their eligibility for admission, etc. The essential qualification for admission to foreign nationals are the same however, no percentage of marks is fixed for them.
Foreign students having DVM degree will have to undergo deficiency courses of 30-35 credits for at least one year (two semesters) ,for admission to the PhD degree programme at this Institute (Deemed University).
Foreign students sponsored for study at this Institute should arrive at Izatnagar – Bareilly, preferably one week before the opening of the academic session to acquaint themselves with the activities of the Institute and to attend the orientation programme. They should contact the Assistant Administrative. Officer (Acad.) at the University Office upon arrival for obtaining guidance concerning registration procedure, campus location and all other matters.
Foreign students seeking admission to this Institute are required to give an undertaking for undergoing medical examination after arrival in India and their admission will be finalised only after the medical tests have been completed and they are declared fit.
Admission of Departmental Candidates of IVRI
Under the Manpower Development Programme of the Institute to improve the qualification and competence, a limited number of eligible staff members (scientists and technical staff) shall be admitted as departmental candidates to the regular PG programme of the Institute. The rules governing such admission are indicated below :
* Bachelor’s degree for admission to Master’s programme and Master’s degree for admission to Ph.D. programme with 55 percent marks or equivalent OGPA as per para 4.5.
* Weightage shall be given to employees for their service experience at IVRI at a rate of 2 points for each completed year for the first 10 years and 1 point for the balance of year of services subject to a maximum of 25 marks in addition to their academic score.
* The departmental candidate admitted under the departmental quota will not be eligible for any accommodation in the student’s hostel in the IVRI campus.
In-Service Candidates of Agricultural Universities, Central/State Govt. Departments, etc. for promoting faculty up-gradation
A few in-service candidates of Agricultural Universities will be admitted for admission to Ph.D. programme against the quota for promoting faculty up-gradation which shall be over and above the quota generally fixed by the Institute in respect of other categories. The quota of seats to be reserved for such category shall not exceed 5 in a particular year subject to review/revision, annually. However, not more than 3 candidates sponsored by any university shall be admitted under this scheme. This scheme shall cover only faculty members of Agricultural Universities. Besides the above , few students for Master’s programme may also be considered as sponsored candidates. Candidates from Union Territories, Central Govt. Organisations including that of Army and from States where facilities for PG education are not available and in those disciplines where PG education is not available at the State University level may be considered as sponsored candidates for admission in the Master’s programme in the respective field.
* The candidate should have good Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in the concermed discipline with 55 percent marks or equivalent OGPA as per para 4.5 A & B.
* The candidates sponsored under this scheme should be regular employees of the University, Central/State Govt.Deptts., etc. and likely to continue in service after obtaining the training. The candidates should normally be sponsored on deputation terms entitling them for full salary and allowances.
* Those sponsored on study leave or equivalent terms will also be considered for admission under this scheme. A certificate to this effect should be given at the time of forwarding the application. The sponsoring authority under the scheme, should also certify that the candidate has not been administered any warning or awarded other penalties for any kind of misconduct. The enrolment card for these candidates shall be issued only after the deputation order is submitted to the IVRI.
* The sponsoring universities should indicate in the form of application for admission itself, as to whether they would have or would not have any objection to their sponsored candidate holding an office in the IVRI students union.
* Candidates should be officially sponsored under the scheme and the application shall be forwarded through the concerned organization. The words “Sponsored for admission under faculty up-gradation scheme”, shall be clearly inscribed on the application form and the forwarding letter. “Not more than three candidates sponsored by any one university shall be admitted in any one academic year under this scheme”.
Indian Veterinary Research Institute
(Deemed University)
Izatnagar 243 122
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 0581- 2300096, 2301375
Fax : 0581- 2303284, 2302179
Email : [email protected], [email protected]
Website : https://www.ivri.nic.in
Dir: Dr S P S Ahlawat
Reg: Shri N C Sudan