Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

(Deemed University)


The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was conceived as a ‘Research Institute’ or ‘University of Research’ by Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, in the twilight years of the 19th century. A long period of almost thirteen years was to elapse from the initial conception in 1896 to the birth of the Institute on May 27, 1909.

Courses Offered

Programs in the Faculty of Science

1.Biochemistry (BC)  Ph D
Biotechnology.DNA Repair Recombination, Regulation of Gene Expression, DNA-Protein Interactions, Molecular Biology of Plant and Animal Viruses, Structure-Function Relationship of Biomolecules, Cellular and Viral Immunology, Chromatin Structure and Function, Molecular Chaperones, New Facets of Mycobacterium and Malarial Parasite Biology, Biosynthesis of Lipids and Secondary Metabolites, Genomics and Proteomics, Cancer, Genomic Instability, V(D)J Recombination.

2.Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics(MD) Ph D
Gene Regulation in Bacteria, Genomic Imprinting, Cancer Biology, Stem Cells, Development in Drosophila, Dictyostelium and Zebra Fish, Pattern Formation, Differentiation. Molecular Endocrinology, Reproductive Biology, Early Embryo Development, Mechanisms of Hormone Action, Receptors and Signal Transduction, Apoptosis, Human Genetics, Host Pathogen-Interaction.

3.Centre for Ecological Sciences(ES) Ph D
Conservation Biology, Behaviour and Sociobiology, Animal Communication, Plant-Animal Interaction, Mathematical Ecology, Human Ecology, Climate Change, Forest and Wildlife Ecology, Evolutionary Biology.

4.Microbiology & Cell Biology(MC) Ph D
Molecular Biology (Gene Expression and its Regulation in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes), Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology, Molecular Virology, Cell Biology, Molecular Basis of Drug Design and Drug Action, Molecular Immunology, Molecular Microbiology, Cancer Biology.

5.Molecular Biophysics Unit (MB) Ph D
Structure and Interactions of Biological Molecules; Computer Modeling and Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids; Macromolecular Crystallography of Proteins and Viruses; NMR of Proteins, Mass Spectrometry, Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism of Biological Systems, DNA Structure-Function, Genome Analysis; Transcription Regulation, Peptide and Protein Chemistry, Folding and Design; Cell Surface, Lectins Structure-Function; Membrane Biophysics and Molecular Neurobiology; Biochemistry and Biology of Human Malarial Parasite, Bioinformatics.
$ Option to be specified at the time of interview.

6.Inorganic & Physical Chemistry (IP) Ph D
Streams $ :
(a) Inorganic Chemistry
(b) Physical Chemistry
(c) Theoretical Chemistry

Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy of Molecular and van der Waals Complexes, Chemical Kinetics & Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Polymer Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Nonlinear Optics, Laser Spectroscopy, Biophotonics, Chemistry of Materials, Self Assembly & Nanoparticles, Biophysical Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry, Non-Metal Chemistry.

7.Materials ResearchCentre (MR)  Ph D
Preparation of Advanced Materials by Physical, Chemical and Nonequilibrium Routes.  Ferroelectric and Semi conducting Thin Films. Functional Ceramics and Glass-Ceramics.   Multilayers and Hard Coatings; Nanomaterials and Composites. Self Assembly and Nanopatternings; Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, Optical and Electro-Optic Properties of Materials, Crystal Growth, Stress Effects on Thin Film Growth and Nanostructures.

8.Organic Chemistry (OC)    Ph D
Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Structural Organic Chemistry; Bio-Organic Chemistry; Physical Organic Chemistry; Photochemistry; Organo-Metallic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Chemical Biology.

9.Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit (SS) Ph D
Streams $ :
(a)Theoretical Chemistry
(b)Experimental Solid State Chemistry

Synthesis, Structure and Properties of  Oxides; High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Charge Density Analysis, Organic Polymers and Semiconductors and Plastic Crystals;  Nonlinear Optical Materials;  High-Tc Superconductivity; Nanomaterials and Clusters, Ionics and Materials Electrochemistry, Surface Science and Catalysis, Amorphous Materials, Theory of Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials and Organic Ferro-Magnets, Many-body Quantum  Chemistry, Chemical Reaction Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics of Condensed Matter and Biological Systems; Classical and Quantum Computer Simulations; Diffusion in Porous Solids; Parallel Algorithms and Beowulf Clusters, NMR Methodology and Applications.


10.Astronomy & Astrophysics(A collaborative program jointly run with IIA, ISRO, RRI, PRL and TIFR) (AP)Ph D
Observational Astronomy in Radio, Infrared, Optical, X-Ray and Gamma Ray Wave-Lengths, Plasma Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics, General Relativity and Cosmology and Advanced Instrumentation in Astronomy and Space Science
$ Option to be specified at the time of interview.

11.Mathematics (MA) Ph D
Partial Differential Equations, Controllability, Nonlinear Waves, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Dynamics, Dynamic Games, Random Graphs, Branching Processes, Time Series Analysis With Applications To Neuroscience, Mathematical Finance, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Differential Topology, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Statistics.

12.Physics (PH) Ph D
Streams $ :
(a)Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
(b)Condensed Matter Theory

(A) Experimental Studies: (i) Condensed Matter Physics (ii) Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, (iii) X-Ray Crystallography of Bio-Molecular Structures, and (iv) Cryogenics: Physics and Technology.

Specific Areas Include: Raman and Other Spectroscopies; Fast Ionic Conductivity; Manipulation of Matter by Light, Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms, Ion Trapping, Precision Laser Spectroscopy; Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnetic Thin Films, Magnetotransport; Quantum Transport in Low-Dimensional and Disordered Materials, Metal-Insulator Transition; Magnetic Resonance Phenomena, NMR and EPR Spectroscopies; Nanoscience and Nanomaterials; Superconductivity in bulk as well as Thin Films; Semiconductors; Ferroelectricity, Crystal Growth Studies, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Multiferroics; Phase Transition Studies, High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies, Study of Low Dimensional Materials, Amorphous Materials, Novel Glasses and Nanocomposites; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants and Biological Material; Peptide and Protein Crystallography, Complexation Studies and Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Molecular Modeling, Database Analysis; Polymer Physics, Surface X-Ray Scattering, Surface Phase Transitions.

(B)Theoretical Studies on a variety of Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, in particular: Strongly Correlated Systems, Quantum Many-Body Theory and Magnetism, Exotic Order and Quantum Criticality; Phase Transitions, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics; Disordered and Amorphous Systems, The Glass Transition, Neural Networks; Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence in Fluids, Plasmas and Cardiac Tissue; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants, Membranes, Liquid Crystals, Vortex Lattices; Biological Physics: Mechanics of Living Matter; Molecular Modeling of Soft and Bio-Materials.

13.Centre forHigh Energy Physics (HE) Ph D
Quantum Field Theory, The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond, Physics of and at the Next Generation of Electron-Position Colliders, Searches for new states of Matter at High Energy Particle Colliders, Quantum Chromodynamics, Lattice Gauge Theories, Phase Transitions and Statistical Mechanics, Applications of Quantum Field Theory To Condensed Matter Systems, Quantum Computation, Noncommutative Geometry, Black Hole Physics. Quantum Gravity.

14.Management Studies (MG) Ph D
Master’s Deutsch Als Fremdsprache, and Intercultural aspects.

Programs in the Faculty of Engineering

1.Computer Science & Automation(CS Ph D /M Sc (Engg)

Theoretical Computer Science: Design of Algorithms; Coding Theory; Cryptography; Formal Verification; Graph Theory; Logic; Randomized Algorithms; Computational Geometry; Computational Topology.
Systems and Software: Compilers; Computer Architecture; Computer Networks; Databases; Distributed Computing; Embedded Systems; Energy-Aware Computing; Mobile & Wireless Systems; Operating Systems; Real-Time OS; Storage Area Networks; Systems Security; Visualization;  Graphics.
Automation: Auctions and Mechanism Design; Bioinformatics; Data Mining; Electronic Commerce; Game Theory; Intelligent Agents; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Reinforcement Learning; Stochastic Control and Optimization; Stochastic Simulation.

2.Electrical Communi-cationEngineering (EC) Ph D / M Sc (Engg)
Physical & Mathematical Sciences or    Communication and Networking: Information Theory, Source Coding, MIMO Systems, Error Control Coding, Including Space-Time and LDPC Codes, Coded Modulation.  Wireless Mobile Communication, Multiple Access Protocols, Cellular Mobile Radio, CDMA, Multiuser/MIMO Detection, Cooperative Communications, Communication Networks-Modeling, Analysis, Optimization and Control of Internet, Wireless Access Networks, Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Management, Multimedia Communication Protocols. Ubiquitous Computing, Cognitive Radio Communication.

Electrical Communi-cationEngineering (EC)
Electronics followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science or Computer Applications            Nanoelectronics and VLSI:   Nano-Cmos Technology, Non-Classical Transistor Design, Transistor Variability in Nanoelectronics, Adaptable Circuit Design, Integrated MEMS Sensors, Low Power Techniques in Hardware and Software. Communication Circuits and Architectures, Bioelectronics.
Applied Photonics:  Fiber and Integrated Optics-Devices and Systems, Applications to Optical Communication Systems and WDM Optical Networks.  Microwave Photonics, Optical Sensors, Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Devices and Systems (MOEMS), Optical Computing, Biomedical Optics Biophotonics.
Signal Processing: Speech and Audio Coding, Speech Recognition and Enhancement, Music Content Classification, Auditory Modes and Hearing Aids. Compressive Sensing.
Statistical Signal Processing:
Signal Detection and Estimation, Space-Time (MIMO) Signal Processing Algorithms with applications to Wireless Communications, Underwater Acoustic Systems, Acoustic Signal Separation.
Biomedical Signal Processing:  Processing of Biomedical Signals using Nonlinear Dynamical Techniques.  Abnormality Detection in ECG and EEG Signals.  Connectivity Study of Networks in the Brain.
Microwave Engineering: Passive and Active Circuits (RF and Microwave).  Microwave Antennas, Fractal Designs in Electromagnetics, MEMS and Micromachining (RF MEMS), Composite Materials for Microwave Applications, Computational Electromagnetics.

3.Electrical Engineering(EE) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Streams$ :
(a) Systems & Signal Processing
(b) Power Systems, Power Electronics and High Voltage Engineering
Power Systems, Power Electronics and High Voltage Engineering: Computer-Based Analysis, Design, Control  and Protection of Power Systems, Energy Systems, Distribution Systems, Intelligent System Applications To Power Systems.
Power Electronics & Drives, Switched Mode Power Supplies, New Power Devices.

4.Centre forElectronics Design & Technology (ED) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Communication Networks: Performance Analysis, Modeling, Simulation and Measurement of Wireless Cellular, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. Architecture and Algorithms For Quality of Service Support On The Internet.
Power Electronics: Multi Level Inverters, PWM Techniques, Induction Motor Drives, Solar Power Supplies, Multi Motor Drives For Electric Traction, Sensorless Drives For Electric Vehicles, High Frequency Power Supplies, Hybrid Energy Alternatives. Bondgraph Modeling.
VLSI: Advanced CMOS and Post CMOS Device Research, Nanotechnology, Modeling and Simulation of Nanoscale Device, Novel Memory Architectures.
Electronics Systems Packaging: Physics, Chemistry and Materials, Metallurgical Aspects of Board and System Level Packaging.

5.Aerospace Engineering (AE) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Streams$ :
(b)Guidance      and Control
(c)Fluid    Mechanics     and    Propulsion

Theoretical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Applied Aerodynamics, Shock Waves, Flow Lasers, Chemical Kinetics, Hypersonic and High Enthalpy Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Flight Mechanics of Aircraft and Helicopters;  Dynamics and Control of Aerospace Vehicles, Orbital Mechanics, Space Robotics, Guidance, Avionics, Radar and Electro-Magnetic Systems, Parallel/Distributed Processing and Neural Networks Applications, Optimization and Estimation techniques in Aerospace Systems; Aerospace Propulsion, Basic and Applied Combustion, Experimental and Computational Studies on Reactive Flows, Combustion of Propellants; Composite Structures, Smart Structures, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Finite Element Methods, Fracture Mechanics, Structural Integrity and Reliability, Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity, Rotor Craft Dynamics.

6.Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (AS) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Monsoon Dynamics and Prediction, Tropical Convection, Satellite Meteorology, Dynamics of Oceans, Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Systems; Climate Modeling, Laboratory Modeling, Planetary Boundary Layer, Stochastic Modeling, Aerosol and Climate, Cloud-Aerosol Interaction, Data Assimilation, Carbon Cycle and Land Cover Change Modeling.

7.Chemical Engineering (CH) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Biochemical Engineering, Catalysis, Colloids, Complex Fluids, Environmental Pollution, Fuel Cells,  Gas Hydrates, Granular Flow, Microfluidics, Modeling of Diseases, Molecular Modeling, Process Modeling, Nanostructures, Nano-Architecture, Optimization and Control, Polymer Degradation, Self-Assembled Systems, Simulation Techniques, Solar Energy, Suspensions, Supercritical Fluids, Theoretical Biology, Water Treatment.

8.Civil Engineering(CE) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Streams $ :
(a)Geotechnical Engineering
(b)  Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
(c) Structural Engineering          Ph D /
M Sc (Engg)
Geotechnical Engg: Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Seismic Microzonation, Environmental Geotechnics, Physico-Chemical Aspects of Soils, Ground Improvement Techniques, Geosynthetics, Reinforced Soil Structures, Soil Behaviour, Constitutive Modeling of Soils and Rocks, Foundations, Earth Retaining Structures, Jointed Rock Mass Modeling, Soil Dynamics, Numerical Modeling, Mechanics of Granular Media, Reliability Analysis of Geotechnical Systems.
Water Resources and Environmental
Engg: Water Resource and Environmental System Analysis, Climate Hydrology, Flow Measurements, Surface and Ground Water Hydrology, Stochastic Hydrogeology, Stochastic Hydrology, Urban Storm Water Drainage, Environmental Hydraulics, Watershed Hydrology, Hydro-Bio-Geo Chemistry of Watersheds, Water Quality Modeling, Contaminant Hydrology, Fate and Transport of Pollutants, Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Remote Sensing and GIS For Water Resources and Environmental Engg.
Structural Engg:  Structural Mechanics, FEM Techniques, RC, Prestressed Concrete and Masonry Structures, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Safety, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete. Alternative Building Materials.

9.Centre for Earth Sciences (ER)Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Seismic Hazard Assessment, Subduction
Zone Tectonics and Active Deformation, Himalayan Seismicity-Tectonics and Evolution, Role of Fluids in Faulting Processes, Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics, Geochronology, Petrology.

10.Mechanical Engineering (ME) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Experimental Stress Analysis and Fracture Mechanics, Biomechanics, Tribology and Noise Control; Mechanisms, Robotics and CAD,  Turbulence and  Cavitation, Computational Heat Transfer, Internal Combustion Engines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Metal Casting and Manufacturing. Dynamics, Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano Tribology, Structural Optimization and Design.

11.Centre for Product Design & Manufacturing (PD) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
CAE Tools For Product Design, Vehicle Crash Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Product Safety, Computer Aided Ergonomics, Human Physiology, Digital Human Modeling, Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Biosensors, Computer Aided Fit and Usability Studies, Haptics Integrated Design Interfaces, Knowledge Management, Product Life Cycle Management, Artificial Intelligence in Design, Design For Environment, Design Creativity, Collaborative Design, Design Synthesis Requirements Engineering, Design Methodology.

12.Materials Engineering (MT) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Mineral Processing, Biohydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy; Extractive Metallurgy, Thermodynamic Properties, Sensors, Process Modeling and Analysis, Physical Metallurgy, Phase Stability and Transformation, Metallic Glasses, Mechanical Metallurgy, Creep and Fatigue, Fracture, Wear, Deformation Processing,  Ceramic and Metal-Matrix Composites, Ceramics, Diffusion, Electron Microscopy, Texture and Grain Boundary Engineering, Polymer Devices, Ferroelectric Materials and Devices, Polymer Nanocomposites.

13.Materials ResearchCentre (MR) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Preparation of Advanced Materials by Physical, Chemical and Nonequilibrium Routes.  Ferroelectric and Semi Conducting Thin Films. Functional Ceramics and Glass-Ceramics.   Multilayers and Hard Coatings; Nanomaterials and Composites. Self Assembly and Nanopatternings; Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, Optical and Electro-optic Properties of Materials, Crystal Growth, Stresses Effects on Thin Film Growth and Nanostructures.

14.Centre for Sustainable Technologies (ST) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Water Quality and Sustainable Supply; Water and Sanitation; Integrated Habitats/Human Settlement Design and Architecture; Alternative Building Technologies and Materials, Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sound Technologies; Functional Efficiency of Buildings including Climatic-Performance, Energy, Solar Architecture; Renewable Energy; Solar, Biomass Combustion and Gasification, Biomethanation, Bio-Fuels, etc.; Renewable Energy; Energy Planning, Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency; Waste Management; Reuse and Recycling; Natural Resources Management; Climate Change Mitigation; Information and Communications Technology.

15.Super Computer Education & Research Centre (SE) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Streams $ :
i) Computational Sciences
(ii) Computer Systems
Compiler Optimization, Computer Aided Design, Computational Electromagnetics, Computer Architecture, Database Systems, Embedded System-On-Chip Architectures, Grid Applications, Grid Computing and Grid Middleware, High Performance Computing, Mathematical Software/Libraries, Multimedia, Network Security, Pervasive Computing, Quantum Computing,  Scientific Computing, Stream Processing Architectures.

16.Management Studies (MG) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Applied Statistics, Strategic Management, Operations Research, Industrial Economics, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Public Policy, Marketing, Technology Management, Management of R & D, Information Systems Engineering, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Quality Control and Reliability, Management of Intellectual Property, Management of Innovation, Energy and Environmental Management.

17.Instrumenta-tion (IN) Ph D /M Sc (Engg)
Embedded Systems and Applications, Sensors and Related Instrumentation, Tomographic Imaging for Biomedical and other applications, Lasers and Optical Metrology, Switching Devices for Information Storage, Mass Spectrometry, Photovoltaics, Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Fibre-Bragg Grating Sensors.
Cryogenics Technology and Application.

Interdisciplinary Programs

The candidates admitted to the interdisciplinary program would be jointly associated with at least two departments.

1 Mathematical Sciences (MS) Ph D
Participating departments: MA, PH, MB, IN, EC, CH, AE, ME, SE, MG, CS, MD.

Numerical Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Scientific Computation; Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks; Bioinformatics; System Biology; Computational Neuroscience; Computational Biophysics; Computational Biology; Evolutionary Biology; Theoretical Biology; Viral Dynamics; Constrained Biomolecular Dynamics; Mathematical Immunology; Stochastic Optimal Control; Mathematical Finance; Partial Differential (Algebraic) Equations; Optimization; Computational Geometry and Topology; Computational Geometry and Data Visualization; Inverse Boundary Value Problem in The Context of Imaging; Coding Theory and Techniques; Game Theory.

2 Earth System Science (EA) Ph D

Participating departments: AS, ES, ER & CE.

Hydrological Processes During Climate Extremes, Climatic, Geomorphic and Anthropogenic Controls On Groundwater Flows, Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Natural Ecosystems and Species, Climate, Soil and Vegetation Ecology, Downscaling Rainfall From Climate Models for Hydrological Forecast

3 Nanoengineering for Integrated Systems (NI) Ph D
Participating departments: AE, ED, CH, EC, IP, IN, MR, MT,ME, MB, PH,  PD, and SE

Research Areas Cover a Broad Spectrum of Topics Relevant To Engineering At The Nano Scale For Realizing Integrated Systems: Novel Materials and Processes for Transistors, Sensors and Actuators, Non-Silicon Based Transistors, Phase Change Memory, Piezoelectric, Ferroelectric, Magnetic, Organic, Shape Memory Materials and Devices, System On Chip, Inertial Sensors, ,Acoustic Sensors, Chemical Sensors, Gas Sensors,  Bio Sensors, Computational Nanoengineering, MEMS and NEMS,       RF MEMS, Optical MEMS, CMOS-MEMS Integration.

4 Chemical Biology (CB) Ph D
Participating departments: All the depts. in the division of Biological and Chemical Sciences, and the depts of PH and CH.

A diverse array of areas in all aspects of Chemical Studies of Biological Systems including Proteins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, Synthesis and Mechanism of Interaction of Drugs and Protein/DNA, Membranes and Mebrane Bound Proteins, DNA Modifying Enzymes, Protein Folding and Modification, Amino Acids and Peptide Structure, Molecular Recognition, Lipids and Bioactive Molecules, Cell-Cell Interaction, Rates of Enzymatic Reactions, Cancer and Anti-Cancer and Anti-Viral Agents, and X-Ray Crystallography of Biomolecules.

5 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NN) Ph D
Participating depts: PH, IN, IP, OC, SS, MR, CH, ME, MT and EC.

Research Covers Broad Areas of Nanoscience and Technology Including Synthesis and Self Assembly and Consolidation of Nanoparticles of Inorganic and Organic Materials, Ceramics, Metals and Polymer, Properties of Nanomaterials including Catalysis, Development of Devices and Systems Through Nanoscience and Technology.

6 Neuroscience Ph D
Participating depts: Centre for Neuroscience, BC,ES,MA,MB, MC, MD, NMR,OC and CS.
Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience.


The participating departments/centres, disciplines, minimum qualifications, areas of study are listed in the table given below. Candidates can choose to apply for up to a maximum of 5 disciplines (from ME/ M Tech and M Des programs).

To be considered for admission to ME programs in various departments / centers, candidates with BE / B Tech or an equivalent degree must have a valid GATE score from the GATE paper which corresponds to their branch in the qualifying examination (e.g. a BE in Aeronautical must have a valid GATE score from the AE GATE paper) as indicated in brackets in column 4 of the table below.

1.Aerospace Engineering (AE)
Structures, Aerodynamics; Propulsion; Control and Guidance of Aircraft, Rockets and Spacecraft.

2.Chemical Engineering (CH)
Biochemical Engineering; Colloidal and Interfacial Science; Complex Fluids; Environmental Engineering; Modeling and Simulation; Nanotechnology; Reaction Engineering; Theoretical Biology; Transfer Processes.

3.Structural Engineering (CE-S)
Geotechnical Engineering; Water Resources and Environmental Engineering; Structural Engineering.

4.Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Solid Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis, Computer Aided Design, Non-Linear Dynamics, Vibration, Technical Acoustics, Design of Mechanical Systems, Robotics, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Nano-Mechanics, Tribology, Metal Castings and Advanced Manufacturing Process, Material Science, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, I C Engines, Combustion, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.

* For the purpose of indicating preferences in the application, each of the 3 specializations in the Civil Engg department would constitute a separate preference.

5.Materials Engineering (MT)
Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Chemical Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy, Materials Processing, Alloy Design, Ceramics, Composites and Modeling, Polymers, Ferroelectrics, Polymer Nanocomposites, Process Modeling.

6. Computer Science & Engineering (CS)
Theoretical Computer Science, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Systems Software, Systems Security, Intelligent Systems.

7.Telecommun-ication Engineering (EC)
Communications and Networking; Microelectronics, Microwaves, Photonics, Signal Processing.

8.Electrical Engineering (EE)
Power Systems, Power Electronics, High Voltage Engineering.

9.Microelectro-nic Systems (MI)
Semicustom VLSI Design-FPGA  ASIC; Sub Micron CMOS Device Technology; Analog and RF Circuit Design, MEMS.

10.Signal Processing(SP)
Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Signal Compression, Neural Networks, Biomedical Signal Processing, Speech Information Processing, Array Processing, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing For Communication.

11.Systems Science & Automation (SA)
Digital Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Graphics, Stochastic Systems, Multimedia, Real Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, Sensor Networks, E Commerce, Speech Processing, Real Time Signal Processing and Embedded Systems.


The participating departments/centres, disciplines, minimum qualifications, areas of study are listed in the table given below.

To be considered for admission to M Tech programs in various departments / centres candidates with BE/B Tech or an equivalent degree or M Sc or an equivalent degree must have a valid GATE score from the GATE paper which corresponds to their branch in the qualifying examination (e.g. an M Sc in Physics must have a valid GATE score from the PH GATE paper) as indicated in brackets in column 4 of the table below.

1.Electronics Design & Technology (ED)
Communication Networks, Embedded Systems, Power Conversion, Vlsi Design, Electronic Packaging, Instrumentation, Emc.

2.Computational Science (CP)
Multidisciplinary Program Addressing: Supercomputing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Computational Issues in Large Scale Problem Solving and Simulation in Science and Engineering, Numerical Techniques and Algorithms, Computational Biology.

3.Climate Science (CL)
Interdisciplinary Programme Covering Atmospheric Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Ocean Dynamics, Clouds Radiation and Climate, Earth System, Numerical Modeling of Climate, Methods of Observations, Satellite Meteorology, Climate Data Time Series Analysis.

4.Instrumenta-tion (IN)
Analytical Instrumentation, Electronic Instrumentation, Lasers and Optical Instrumentation, Solar Energy and Thermal Instrumentation, Vacuum and Thin Films.

M Des Program

To be considered for admission to M Des, the candidates with BE/ B Tech or an equivalent degree must have a valid GATE score from the GATE paper which corresponds to their branch in the qualifying examination (e.g. a BE in Mechanical must have a valid GATE score from the ME GATE paper).

For admission to the M Des program, candidates with eligible qualifications can also take the CEED examination.

   1.Product Design & Engineering(PD)
Product Design and Engineering.

M Des Program
After screening based on GATE / CEED scores, a design aptitude test and interview will be conducted at the Institute, between 23 and 24 April 2009. Selection will be based on performance in the design aptitude test and interview.
Integrated PhD Program

Discipline: Biological Sciences(BS)
Department/Centre/Unit – Biochemistry, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Molecular Reproduction,  Development & Genetics, Molecular Biophysics, and  Microbiology & Cell Biology.

Areas of Research -Biomembranes – Physical and Physiological Studies; Structure-Function of Nucleic Acids; Gene Structure and Function in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Microbial and Human Genetics; Recombinant DNA Technology; Molecular Virology and Mechanisms of Disease Processes; Enzymology, Protein Chemistry and Engineering; Cellular and Applied Immunology; Molecular Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology; Conformation of Biomolecules and Biopolymers; Protein and Virus Crystallography; Structural Biology; Mathematical Ecology; Human Ecology; Behaviour and Sociobiology; Conservation Ecology; Plant Molecular Biology and Development, Imprinting, Molecular Oncology, Cell Biology.

Discipline: Chemical Sciences(CS)

Department/Centre/Unit-Organic Chemistry, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit and Materials Research Centre.
Areas of Research-Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics; Theoretical Chemistry; Surface Chemistry and Catalysis; Solid State Chemistry; Amorphous Materials; Ceramics, Thin Films; Chemistry of Super-Conductors; Synthetic Organic, Physical Organic and Organometallic Chemistry; Chemistry of Transition & Non-Transition Metals; Bioinorganic Chemistry; Chemistry of Polymers; Electrochemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy of Molecular and Vander Walls Complexes; Chemical Kinetics, Development of NMR Methodologies and Applications.

Discipline: Physical Sciences(PS)

Department/Centre/Unit-Physics andCentre for High Energy Physics.
Areas of Research-Specific Areas Include: Raman and Other Spectroscopies; Fast Ionic Conductivity; Manipulation of Matter By Light, Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms, Ion Trapping, Precision Laser Spectroscopy; Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnetic Thin Films, Magnetotransport; Quantum Transport in Low-Dimensional and Disordered Materials, The Metal-Insulator Transition; Magnetic Resonance Phenomena; NMR Spectroscopy; Nanoscience and Nanomaterials; Superconductivity in Bulk as well as Thin Films; Semiconductors; Ferroelectricity, Crystal Growth Studies, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Multiferroics; Phase Transition Studies, High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies, Study of Low Dimensional Materials, Amorphous Materials, Novel Glasses and Nanocomposites; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants and Biological Material; Peptide and Protein Crystallography, Complexation Studies and Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Molecular Modeling, Database Analysis; Polymer Physics, Surface X-Ray Scattering, Surface Phase Transitions.

(B)Theoretical Studies On a Variety of Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, in Particular: Strongly
Correlated Systems, Quantum Many-Body Theory and Magnetism, Exotic Order and Quantum Criticality; Phase Transitions, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics; Disordered and Amorphous Systems, The Glass Transition, Neural Networks; Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence in Fluids, Plasmas and Cardiac Tissue; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants, Membranes, Liquid Crystals, Vortex Lattices; Biological Physics: The Mechanics of Living Matter; Molecular Modeling of Soft and Bio-Materials.

(C) High Energy Physics: Quantum Field Theory, The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond, Physics of and At High Energy Particle Colliders, Field Theory in Non-Commutative Space Time, Quantum Information Theory, Applications of Quantum Field Theory To Condensed Matter Systems, String Theory.

(D) Theoretical Astrophysics: Cosmology, Dark Energy. Physics Around Black Holes, Nuclear Astrophysics, Galactic Astronomy, Interstellar Matter. Plasma Astrophysics, Solar Physics.

Discipline: Mathematical Sciences(MS)
Areas of Research-Partial Differential Equations, Controllability, Nonlinear Waves, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Dynamics, Dynamic Games, Random Graphs, Branching Processes, Time Series Analysis With Applications To Neuroscience, Mathematical Finance, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Differential Topology, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Statistic

Admission Process

ME Program
Selection is based on the GATE score only.
Tie Breaking:  In the case of candidates who have secured same GATE score, their performance in the qualifying examination would be used to resolve the tie.

M Tech Program

    1. Electronics Design & Technology:

After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 20 and 22 April 2009. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.

    1. Computational Science:

After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 20 and 22 April 2009. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.

    1. Climate Science:

After screening based on the GATE score, an aptitude test and interview will be conducted between 20 and 22 April 2009. Selection will be based on performance in the aptitude test and interview.

    1. Instrumentation:

Selection is based on the GATE score only.

M Des Program
After screening based on GATE / CEED scores, a design aptitude test and interview will be conducted at the Institute, between 23 and 24 April 2009. Selection will be based on performance in the design aptitude test and interview.
Integrated PhD Program

All the candidates who apply to the Integrated Ph D program should qualify in the IISc Entrance Test 2009. The short-listing of candidates for interview is done based on the performance in the IISc Entrance Test.  Interviews are held during June 01-03, 2009.  Selection will be based on the combined performance in the Entrance Test and in the Interview.

IISc Entrance Test
Qualifying in one of the following appropriate Tests (with valid certificate) is mandatory for the candidates applying for Ph D in Science, Interdisciplinary programs and M Sc(Engg): CSIR-UGC NET for JRF; or UGC-NET for JRF; or DBT JRF or ICMR JRF; or JEST; or NBHM; or IISc Entrance Test; or GATE. This is not applicable to the candidates who possess a Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/ Management (post BE/B Tech) who wish to apply for a Ph d in Engineering.

IISc Entrance Test is conducted in Atmospheric Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Ecological Sciences, Mathematics, Management Studies, Materials Science.

All the candidates should qualify in IISc Entrance Test scheduled for 26th April 2009. The short-listing of candidates for interview is based on performance in the IISc Entrance Test.


Indian Institute of Science
(Deemed University)

Bangalore 560 012

Tel : 080-23600690, 23600757
Fax : 080-23600936/23600757
Email : [email protected], [email protected]
Website :

Dir: Prof P Balaram
Reg: Mrs Lalitha John