Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology Kanpur

(Professional University)


The Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur is  recognized today as the premier institution of agricultural research and education in India. It  dates back to 1893 when a small school was started to impart training to revenue officers. It  rose step by step to the full-fledged Government Agriculture College (1906). The U.P.  Institute of Agricultural Sciences (1969) and finally to the C.S. Azad University of Agriculture  & Technology in 1975. The University was created with the merger of its two constituent  colleges, the erstwhile Government Agriculture College, Kanpur and U.P. College of  Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Mathura.

Courses Offered

Faculty of Agriculture


  1. B.Sc.Ag. (Hons)
  2. B.Sc. Forestry
  3. B.Sc. Horticulture

Postgraduate :

  1. M.Sc.Ag. (15 discipline)
  2. MBA (Agri-business Mgt.)
  3. Ph.D. (13 disciplines )

Faculty of Home Science

Faculty Of Agriculture Enqineering & Technology


  1. B.Tech.(Ag. Engg.)
  2. B.Tech.(Elec. & Com. Engg.)
  3. B.Tech.(Com. Sci. & Engg.)
  4. B.Tech.(Mech. Engg.)

Admission Process

Admission is any course would be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the admission test; if and where, no test in conducted, admission would be made on the basis of aggregate total marks secured by the candidate in / at the qualifying examination and marks obtained by the candidate in eligibility subject
For latest information regarding Courses duration ,eligibility, and fee structure visit University/college website


Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology
(Professional -Agricultural University)

Kanpur 208 002
Uttar Pradesh

Tel : 0512-2534155, 2534055, 2533704, 2533797
Fax : 0512- 2533808
Email :,,
Website :


VC: Prof (Dr) Vinod Kumar Suri
Reg: M M Agrawal