(Deemed University)
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University ) was established under Section (3) of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act 1956 on 29th September, 2003 by Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development vide its notification No. F.9-11/2000-U-3.
The Pravara Medical Trust is the parent Organisaiton of the University and was established in 1972 in a small village Loni of Ahmednagar District (Maharashtra State) by a visionary Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil, the founder of Co-operative movement in India.
This University has the same status as that of other statutory Universities in India. The degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by the University have approval of the Government of India, Govt. of Maharashtra and other states as well as the University Grants commission (UGC), Medical Council of India (MCI) Dental Council of India (DCI), All India Physiotherapists Association (AIPA) Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) and Nursing Council of India (INC).
Courses Offered
Undergraduate Programs
- Medicine (M.B.B.S)
- Dentistry (B.D.S)
- Physiotherapy (B.Ph.T)
- Nursing (B.Sc)
Postgraduate degree and diploma programmes
Medical Postgraduate Degree/Diploma
- Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Gynecology
- Surgery
- Orthopedics
- Ophthalmology
- Radiology
- Anesthesiology
- ENT*
- Oncology*
Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry*, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Community Medicine
Dental Postgraduate Degree/Diploma
- Periodontics
- Orthodontics
- Conservative dentistry
- Prosthodontics
- Oral and Maxillofacial surgery
Physiotherapy Postgraduate Degree
- M.P.Th {Master of physiotherapy }
Biotechnology Postgraduate
- M.Sc.(Medical Bio-technology)
- M.Sc.(Molecular Biology)
Social Medicine Postgraduate
- M.Sc.Rural Health (MRH)
- Post Graduate diploma in Epidemiology and Health Management (PGDEHM)
Bioscience Management School – Nashik Campus
- MBA Bioscience Management
Diploma and Certificate Programmes
- General Nursing & Midwifery Course (GNM)
- DMLT – Diploma Medical Laboratory Technology
- CMLT – Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology
- X-ray -Technician
- Dental Mechanic
- Dental Hygienist
- Chair Side Dental Assistant (CSDA)
- Diploma in Midwifery
- Diploma in Panchkarma
- Operation Theater Assistant
Admission Process
Admission is any course would be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the admission test; if and where, no test in conducted, admission would be made on the basis of aggregate total marks secured by the candidate in / at the qualifying examination and marks obtained by the candidate in eligibility subject
For latest information regarding Courses duration ,eligibility, and fee structure visit University/college website
Affiliated Colleges
- Rural Medical College & Hospital, Loni
- Rural Dental College & Hospital, Loni
- College of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center, Loni
- College of Nursing, Loni
- Institute of Social Medicine, Loni
- Center for Biotechnology, Loni
- Center For Social Medicine
- Bioscience Management School
- Pravara Rural Hospital
- Ayurved College, Shevgaon
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
(Deemed University )
Pravara Rural University
Loni-413736 Tal:Rahata
Dist:Ahmednagar (Maharashtra )
Click Here to find your way to us Tel: +91-2422-273600
Fax : +91-2422-273413 Official : pravara@bom3.vsnl.net.in
: contact@pmtpims.org
Website: https://www.pravara.com