The National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, is a premier organization dealing with capacity building and research in planning and management of education not only in India but also in South Asia.
In recognition of the pioneering work done by the organization in the field of educational planning and administration, the Government of India have empowered it to award its own degrees by way of conferring it the status of Deemed to be University in August, 2006. Like any Central University, NUEPA is fully maintained by the Government of India.
The National University has its origin dating back to 1962 when the UNESCO established the Asian Regional Centre for Educational Planners and Administrators which later became the Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration in 1965. After 4 years of its existence, it was taken over by the Government of India and renamed as the National Staff College for Educational Planners and Administrators. Subsequently, with the increased roles and functions of the National Staff College, particularly in capacity building, research and professional support services to governments, it was again renamed as the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) in 1979.
Courses Offered
- Full-time Integrated M. Phil.-Ph.D. and Direct Ph.D. Programmes
- Full-time Integrated M.Phil.-Ph.D. and Direct Ph.D. Programmes will be offered in three parts:
Part I
Course Work
Part II
Dissertation work
Part III
Thesis work
Admission Process
1. Full-time Programme
(a) (i) Candidates seeking admission to the Full-time Integrated M.Phil.-Ph.D. Programme shall have minimum of 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) or its equivalent grade in Master’s Degree in Social Sciences and allied disciplines from a recognized university.
(ii) The NET qualified candidates, who have been awarded Junior Research Fellowships by the UGC, with the above-mentioned educational qualifications are encouraged to apply.
(b) A candidate seeking admission to Full-time Direct Ph. D. Programme shall have an M. Phil degree in an area closely related to educational planning and administration and/or exceptionally brilliant academic record coupled with publications of high quality.
Candidates who are yet to clear their final examination at the Master’s level are also eligible to apply provided they pass the examination as per the eligibility conditions laid down at 1 & 2 above and submit its proof at the time of the interview. The University reserves the right to cancel the admission of such candidates who are unable to produce the evidence of passing the Master’s degree by first week of July 2009.
2. Part- time Programme
A candidate seeking admission to Part-time Ph. D. Programme is required to meet the following criteria:
(i) Should possess the educational qualifications as mentioned in Para (a) (i) above;
(ii) Currently, should be in full-time employment;
(iii) Should be a senior level educational functionary with a minimum of five years work experience in teaching, educational planning and administration.
Selection and Admission
Candidates may apply in the prescribed form (separately for each programme) for admission to M. Phil and Ph. D. programmes of the University along with three copies of the brief write-up on the proposed research topic of a contemporary issue within the broad framework of educational policy, planning and administration.
The Application Form and the Prospectus can be obtained from NUEPA by remitting a non-refundable sum of Rs. 200/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ST candidates) by demand draft in favour of Registrar, NUEPA, payable at New Delhi, and if required by post or purchased in person, through a request addressed to::
The Registrar
National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA)
17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi-110016
The duly filled-in application along with three copies of the brief write-up on any one of the proposed area(s) of research (around 2500 words), within the broad areas of educational policy, planning, administration and finance as per the outline given below should be sent by registered post to the Registrar so as to reach him latest by 29 May, 2009. The envelope should be distinctly marked as Admission to Full- time Integrated M. Phil. – Ph.D. OR Direct Ph. D. Programmes 2009 OR Part- time Ph. D. Programme 2009. The filled-in application can also be submitted in person to the office of the Registrar. Candidates already in employment should send their application for admission to Part-time Ph.D. programme through proper channel.
The brief write-up should be structured around the proposed topic incorporating therein the importance of the topic, the analytical review of the existing literature on the chosen topic and the research issues proposed to be addressed by the candidate. In each area mentioned, the focus of the proposed write-up should specifically bear upon aspects related to educational policy, planning, administration and finance as the case may be. Suggested outline for the brief write-up is given as under:
Statement of the problem/topic
Rationale of the study, i.e. importance and need for the proposed study;
· Brief review of related literature;
Objectives/research questions;
Design of the study;
Proposed methodology;
Database and instruments for data collection (if any)
Expected outcomes; and
Implications of the proposed research.
Initial short-listing of applications will be carried out on the basis of relevance and quality of the brief write-up (in the prescribed format) in the proposed area of research to be submitted along with the application form;
Short-listed candidates will be invited for second level screening through which the University will assess the general awareness of the candidates about the educational issues and their motivation to pursue research.
Scholars of the Full- time Integrated M. Phil. – Ph.D. and Direct Ph. D. Programmes are expected to be present in the University for the whole duration of the programme. The programmes shall commence from July 2009.
Part-time Ph. D. scholars are also expected to be available in the campus for limited period to fulfill the academic requirements of the programme as prescribed in the rules and regulations of the university
National University of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed University)
17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi-110016 (INDIA)
EPABX Nos. : 26863562, 26962335, 26967780, 26962126, 26965305
26962120, 26960428, 26967784, 26962479, 26965996
Fax : 91-011-26853041, 26865180