Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

(Deemed University)



Established in 1963 as a joint venture of the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan, the Malaviya Regional Engineering College, Jaipur started functioning with 30 students each in Electrical Engg. and Mechanical Engg. The college shifted to the present campus in Jaipur in 1965.

The effort to maintain the high standard and committed approach of the College to the cause of technical excellence was recognized by the Ministry for Human Resource Development and University Grants Commission, New Delhi which granted it the status of a National Institute of Technology and Deemed University on June 26, 2002.

Courses Offered

Under-graduate Programmes

Bachelor of Technology

  1. Architecture
  2. Bachelor of Technology
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Chemical Engineering
  5. Computer Engineering
  6. Electronics & Communication Engineering
  7. Electrical Engineering
  8. Information Technology
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Metallurgical Engineering

Post-graduate Programmes

Master Of Technology – M. Tech.

  1. Chemical Engg.
  2. Water Resource Engg.
  3. Environmental Engg.
  4. Transportatio n Engg.
  5. PowerSystems
  6. VLSI Design
  7. Electronics & Communicati on Engg.
  8. ManufacturinSystems
  9. Energy Engineering
  10. Metallurgical & Materials Engg
  11. Structural Engg.
  12. Computer Engg.
  13. Master of Planning (Urban Planning)



  1. Mathematics
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry


Doctor Of Philosophy- Ph.D.

Admission Process

Undergraduate Programmes
Admissions to all undergraduate programmes shall be made through All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE).

Foreign nationals either residing in India or abroad or Indian nationals residing abroad may be admitted to UG programme according to the policy guidelines laid down by the NIT Council. R.12.2 Exchange Student: A student registered for degree in recognized Institute/ University in India or abroad may be allowed to attend classes and laboratories as an Exchange Student if sponsored officially by the institute/University where he/she is studying. However, the maximum period for which an exchange student will be allowed to avail the facility, shall not exceed six months.

Essential Requirements (for all Postgraduate programme)
Candidates who possess the qualifications as in Table 2 are eligible to seek admission
to postgraduate programmes. Candidates of general category/OBC seeking admission
to the postgraduate programmes must have at least 60% marks or CGPA of 6.75 on a
10-point scale at the qualifying degree level; SC/ST category candidates, must have
55% marks or 6.25 CGPA on a 10-point scale. The percentage of marks will be
considered as aggregate awarded for the qualifying degree. The SC/ST category
candidates must submit the requisite certificate from a competent authority, as per
format in Annexure-1 along with application form.
These essential eligibility requirements are applicable to all the categories of
candidates, viz. full time regular, full-time sponsored and part-time sponsored
candidates. Other conditions for these three categories are as follow.

A. Full Time Regular Candidates
(a) Final year students who will complete the requirements of qualifying examination
before the date of registration may also apply. Such candidates will be required to
submit a certificate as per the proforma given in Annexure-2 or Annexure-3 along
with the application. The candidate’s eligibility may be considered for admission
on the basis of their results up to pre-final year/semester in which the percentage
of marks or CGPA should not be less than that specified above under essential
requirements. However, they will be required to produce the passing of proof of
the qualifying examination with the required percentage or CGPA at the time of
registration. Under special circumstances, the candidates may be admitted
provisionally and allowed to submit the proof of passing having passed the
qualifying examination with the required percentage or CGPA, latest by
positively within a month of registration failing which their admission may be
(b) Candidates having AMIE/AMIS/AMICHE/AMMIM/Grad IETE, who possess
B.Sc. or Diploma in relevant branch of Engineering and have at least three years
research, teaching or other professional experience (on or before June 30, 2009)
in relevant field, are also eligible to apply for admission to M. Tech. course.
AMIE/ AMIS/AMICHE/AMMIM/Grad IETE candidates should have at-least
60% marks (55% for SC/ST category) in Section A & B combined and Diploma
in relevant branch with a minimum of 60% marks for general category and 55%
marks for SC/ST category candidates.
(c) The candidates should have valid GATE score.
(d) A candidate who is not having valid GATE Score may also be admitted if
vacancy exists. Such candidates will be admitted on merit basis or concerned
departments may conduct entrance tests.

B. Full-Time Sponsored Candidates
(a) The candidates must have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience in
responsible capacity in a Registered Firm/Company/Industry/Educational and
Research Institution/ Govt./ Quasi Govt./Autonomous Organization in the relevant
Page 10 field in which admission is being sought. The Firm/Company/Industry shall either be a public sector undertaking or a public limited undertaking registered in a stock
exchange or a private concern whose annual turnover during the past two years
exceeds Rs. 5.0 crores. For the candidates employed in the Educational Institution,
it should be recognized by AICTE.
(b) For the candidates seeking admissions to M. Tech. programme but not qualified in
GATE, may also be considered for admission to different academic programmes
but their admission will be based on performance in an interview to be held at
MNIT Jaipur. The preference in admission will be given to those candidates who
are GATE qualified.
(c) The candidates will be called for interview on the basis of their results in the
final year of the qualifying degree. Candidates should submit the sponsorship
certificate along with the application, duly signed by the Head of the Institution/
Organization on the proforma as per Annexure-4 failing which they will not be
allowed to appear in the interview.
(d) A few candidates are also admitted under QIP, for which the admission procedure
is separate and for further details, one may contact Dean, Academic Affairs,
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur.
The Sponsored candidates who meet the above mentioned eligibility conditions,
along with the eligibility requirements given in Table-1 should apply on the
prescribed Application Form.

C. Part-Time Sponsored Candidates
(a) Same as for full-time sponsored candidates, under sub-head B (a) thereof, with
additional requirement that such organization must be located either at Jaipur or
within 50 km radius from MNIT, Jaipur.
(b) Same as for full-time sponsored candidates under sub-head B (b) thereof. However,
no self-sponsored candidate will be admitted for part time study.
(c) There will not be any age restriction. However, preference will be given to those
who are below 45 years of age.
(d) For admission to a postgraduate programme as a part-time student a No-objection
certificate from the Head of the Institution/Organization as per Annexure-5 must
be submitted along with the application, failing which they will not be allowed to
appear for interview.
(e) The part-time students will be required to attend all lecture/tutorial/practical classes
for the courses prescribed for them and must satisfy the attendance requirements as
per the institute regulation. They are required to submit all assignments in time.
(f) The part-time students will not be eligible for any assistantship etc.
(g) The status of a part-time student will not be changed from part-time to a regular
full-time student.
(h) Members of the Staff of the Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
seeking admission, as part-time sponsored candidates should submit the
sponsorship certificate from the Registrar and the Staff working in
different projects in the Institute should submit the sponsorship certificate from
the competent authority.

D. Foreign candidates
(a) Foreign candidates seeking admission to postgraduate courses should apply through
the Govt. of India or under Cultural Exchange Programmes, or through Educational
Consultants (India) Ltd., New Delhi. They may seek necessary help from the Indian
Embassy in their country or their Embassy in India.
(b) Foreign candidates are required to undergo medical examination as per medical
rules of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
(c) Foreign candidates will be admitted only after obtaining the clearance from the
Govt. of India. Foreign candidates having students/provisional students visa only
are eligible for admission.

Admissions to M. Tech./M. Sc./M. Planning programmes
Admissions to various postgraduate academic programmes of the institute are open to
all Indian nationals irrespective of caste, creed and sex. The selection is as follows

  1. Full-time M. Tech. (Regular) candidates with Valid GATE Score Valid GATE Score; test and/or interview
  2. Full-time M.Tech. (Regular) candidates without Valid GATE Score Test, Interview
  3. Full time & Part-time M. Tech. sponsored candidates (Sponsored candidates with valid GATE Score will be preferred) Experience, merit of qualifying examination & interview/Test
  4. Full-time M.B.A. Written examination/ Group Discussion
  5. Full-time M.Sc. Merit of qualifying examination, Written-Test/Interview
  6. Full time M. Planning Valid GATE Score; test and/or interview


Malaviya National Institute of Technology
(Deemed University)

Jaipur 302017

Tel : 0141-2702954, 2702955
Fax : 0141-2702107
Email :
Website :

VC: Prof R P Dahiya
Reg: Shri K K Goyal