Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore

(Deemed University)



The Centre was established in 1989 by the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, to mark the birth centenary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. However, the bulk of our growth has been in the past decade.

Courses Offered

Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit

  1. Integrated Ph. D
  2. M.S.(Engg)
  3. Ph. D

Engineering Mechanics Unit

  1. Ph. D, M.S.(Engg)
  2. Summer Research Fellowships Programme

Evolutionary & Organismal Biology Unit

  1. Ph.D M.S.(Engg)
  2. Project Oriented Biological Education
  3. Summer Research Fellowships Programme

Molecular Biology & Genetics

  1. Ph.D M.S.(Engg)
  2. Project Oriented Biological Education
  3. Summer Research Fellowships Programme

Theoretical Sciences

  1. Ph.D M.S.(Engg)
  2. Statistical Mechanics
  3. Solid State Physics
  4. Special Topics in Statistical Mechnaics
  5. Project Oriented Biological Education
  6. Summer Research Fellowships Programme

New Chemistry

  1. Ph.D M.S.(Engg)
  2. Macromolecular Materials
  3. Project Oriented Chemical Education
  4. Summer Research Fellowships Programme

Chemical Biology

  1. Ph.D

Condensed Matter Theory

  1. Ph.D

Education Technology

  1. Teacher’s Workshop or Program
  2. Science Outreach Program
  3. National Science Day Program


  1. Ph.D

CSIR Centre of Excellence in Chemsitry

  1. Ph.D


  1. Ph.D

Centre for Computational Materials Science (CCMS)

  1. Ph.D

Admission Process

Integrated Ph.D. in Materials Science
This programme is offered only in the area of Materials Science. Candidates will be selected through an entrance test consisting of written examination (multiple choice questions) on chemistry, physics and mathematics followed by an oral examination. Students who have passed a Bachelor’s degree in any branch of science or engineering or are appearing for final exam this year are eligible to apply, provided they secure a minimum of 55% marks in their degree.

Students with B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. degrees are eligible to apply. Final year students are also encouraged to apply.

Selected students will receive a stipend of Rs. 5000/- p.m. for the first two years. At the end of two years, successful candidates will receive M.S degree by research and can embark on the Ph.D. programme with a fellowship of Rs. 12000/- per month.

M.S. (Engg) in Materials Science
Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit offers M.S. (Engg) program in Materials Science. Specialization in Nanotechnology is available. Eligibility for this program is M.Sc. in Chemistry/Physics or B.E./B.Tech. in relevant disciplines such as Chemical Engg./Polymers/Electrical/etc.. with first class or equivalent. It is also essential to have passed the CSIR-NET/UGC-JRF exam or to have scored a high rank in GATE/JEST exams.

The selection for this program is further based on an interview conducted at JNCASR, Bangalore during May/June every year and the program commences in August. The duration of the course is two years.

The selected candidates have to take four courses ( 3 credits each) in one or two semester. The minimum CGPA required is 5.5. After the first semester, the candidate will carry out original research work. At the end of the second year the candidate has to submit a thesis and defend his/her work in front of an expert committee.

Based on the performance of the candidate in the M. S. program, the department can recommend him/her to join its Ph.D. program.

The stipend and the fees structure are similar to Ph.D program. Hostel accommodation is available.

Eligibility: Master’s degree in a relevant discipline with first class or equivalent.
Selection will be based on an interview (during June and December of every year).

For latest information regarding Courses duration ,eligibility, and fee structure visit University/college website


For details about admission procedures contact: Asst. Coordinator,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Jakkur, Bangalore-560 064, India
Ph: 91-80-22082900
Fax: 91-80-22082766.
e-mail: academic@jncasr.ac.in

If you are interested in joining as a Lab assistant or a Project assistant or wish to get more information about the research activities of the Centre, you can directly mail individual faculty members.

For details about the Centre, contact: The Administrative Officer,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Jakkur, Bangalore-560 064, India
Phone: 91-80-22082750
Fax: 91-80-22082766
E-mail: admin@jncasr.ac.in

Students Residence
JNC campus: Ph: 91-80-22082791/22082792/22082793
(Students Residence)
Hostel at IISc campus: Ph: 91-80-22932499 / 23366628
( JAWAHAR Guest house)