Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Mumbai

(Deemed University)



The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is an advanced research institute established by the Reserve Bank of India for carrying out research on development issues from a multi-disciplinary points of views. After its registration as an autonomous society on November 14, 1986 and as a public trust in January 15,1987, then Prime Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi inaugurated the campus at Goregaon on December 28, 1987. Subsequently, the Institute was recognized as a Deemed University under Section 3 of the UGC Act.

Courses Offered

The following are the broad areas of research at IGIDR.

  1. Economic Reforms and Macroeconomic Policies
  2. Public Economics
  3. International Trade and Exchange Rates
  4. Industrial Organisation, Industrial Economics
  5. Game Theory
  6. Financial Sector, Banking
  7. Agricultural Economics, Food Policy
  8. Poverty, Safety Nets, PDS, Rural Development
  9. Labour Economics
  10. Economic History
  11. Energy and Infrastructure
  12. Environmental Studies, Climate Change Issues

Admission Process

Admission is any course would be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the admission test; if and where, no test in conducted, admission would be made on the basis of aggregate total marks secured by the candidate in / at the qualifying examination and marks obtained by the candidate in eligibility subject
For latest information regarding Courses duration ,eligibility, and fee structure visit University/college website


Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
(Deemed University)

Gen A K Vaidya Marg,
Santosh Nagar,
Mumbai 400 065

Tel : 022-28425747, 28425337
Fax : 022-28401336, 28401346
Email :
Website :

VC: Dr Dilip M Nachane
Reg: Shri T V Subramanian