(Deemed University)
Soon after Dayalbagh was founded in 1915, the Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, in pursuance of the lofty ideals to evolve the superman of tomorrow, started the Radhasoami Educational Institute, as a co-educational Middle School, open to all, on January 1, 1917. Administered by a Managing Committee registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, the Institute, since the very beginning, combined the pursuit of academic studies with sensibilities, moral and spiritual values. From the modest beginning, the nucleus not only grew and got divided but also spawned new institutions, as the needs of the society and the times demanded. Within six months, it was raised to the level of a High School; Intermediate classes were started in 1922; it became a Degree College in 1947, with the introduction of B.Com. classes affiliated to Agra University; B.Ed. (B.T.) classes were added in 1951 and the first batch of B.Sc. students was sent up for the final examination in 1955.
A Technical School, which later developed into a College, was started in 1927 for imparting training in automobile, electrical and mechanical engineering, leading to the award of diploma in the concerned branch of the Board of Technical Education, U.P. The Leather Working School, started in 1930, gives instructions in both theory and practice for manufacture of leather goods.
To further the cause of women’s education, Prem Vidyalaya was started in 1930. It is now an Intermediate College. The Women’s Training College was established in 1947 for B.A. and B.Ed. classes. M.Ed. classes were added in 1958. M.A. in Psychology, English and Hindi in 1969 and M.A. (Music) in 1976. It made phenomenal progress to become one of the premier women’s colleges in the country.Engineering College, affiliated to Agra University, for the degree of B.Sc. (Engineering), was the latest (1950) addition to the chain of educational institutions in Dayalbagh.
A new and significant development of far-reaching consequence, in the history of education at Dayalbagh, was the establishment of DAYALBAGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE as a registered body in 1973, which integrated and brought under one umbrella all the educational institutions of Dayalbagh, including the School of Comparative Study of Religion, the School of Languages and the School of Art and Culture.
In 1975, it formulated an innovative and comprehensive programme of undergraduate studies which received approbation from the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the University Grants Commission, as a result of which in 1981 the Ministry of Education, Government of India, conferred the status of an institution deemed to be a University on the Dayalbagh Educational Institute, to implement the new scheme.
Courses Offered
Degree Undergraduate
- B.A. (4 semesters)
- B.A. Honours* (6 semesters)
(1) Drawing & Painting
(2) English
(3) Hindi
(4) Home Science
(5) Music
(6) Sanskrit
- B.A.(Social Science)(4 semesters)
- B.A. Honours (Social Science)* (6 semesters)
(1) Economics
(2) Political Science
(3) Psychology
(4) Sociology
- B.B.M. (Bachelor of Business Management) (4 semesters)
- B.B.M. Honours (6 semester)
- B.Com. (4 semesters)
- B.Com. Honours (6 semesters)
- B.Sc. (Home Science) (4 semesters)
- B.Sc. (Home Science) Honours (6 semesters)
- B.Sc. (4 semesters)
- B.Sc. Honours* (6 semesters)
- Botany
(2) Chemistry
(3) Mathematics
(4) Physics
(5) Zoology
- B.Sc. (Engineering)-Electrical (45), Mechanical (45): (8 semesters)
- M.A. (4 terms: 3 semesters plus summer term)
(1) Drawing & Painting
(2) English
(3) Hindi
(4) Music with specialisation in Sitar/Tabla/Vocal Music
(5) Sanskrit & Culture
- M.A. (Social Science) (Psychology)
(4 terms: 3 semesters plus summer term)
- M.B.A. (Business Management)
(4 terms: 3 semesters plus summer term)
- M.Com./M.Com. with specialisation in International Business (4 terms: 3 semesters plus summer term)
- M.Sc. (Home Science)/ M.Sc. (Home Science) with specialisation in Human Development (4 terms: 3 semesters plus summer term) (a minimum of 10 seats in each course )
- M.Sc. (4 terms: 3 semesters plus summer term)
(3)Mathematics with specialisation in Computer Applications
(4)Physics/Physics with specialisation in Electronics/ Computer Science (a minimum of three seats in each course)
(5) Zoology
- B.Ed. (2 Semesters) (Girls 230, Boys 70)
- M.Ed. (2 Semesters)
- M.Tech. in Engineering Systems, 10 seats each in:
(1)Full Time (4 semesters plus summer term), and
(2)Part time (8 semesters plus summer term/s)
- M.Phil. (Theology) (2 Semesters/ 3 Semesters)
- M.Phil. (Electronics/ Computer Science) (Available in Distance Mode)
- M.Phil. (Education) (2 Semesters)
Ph.D. (in all Postgraduate subjects)
Non-Degree Diploma
- PGDT (PG Diploma in Theology) ( 2 Sem.)
- PGDTDP (PG Diploma in Textile Designing & Printing) (2 semesters)
- PGDCSA (PG Diploma in Computer Science & Applications) (2 Semesters)
- PGDIM (PG Diploma in Industrial Mathematics) (2 Semesters)
- PGDBE (PG Diploma in Business Economics) (2 Semesters)
- PGDDFM (PG Diploma in Devotional and Folk Music) (2 Semesters)
- Diploma in Engineering and Polytechnics*
- Automobile(30)
- Electrical-(60)
- Mechanical (60)
- Electronics (60)
- Leather Technology Footwear (CASD) (30)
- Textile Designing (30)
- Interior Designing and Decoration (30)
- Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice (60)
- Garment Technology (30)
- Home Science (30)
Distance Courses
1. B.Com. (Hons.)
2. P.G.D.C.S.A.
3. M.Sc. (Physics) with specialization in Electronics/Computer Sc.
4. M.Phil. (Electronics)
5. M.Phil. (Computer Science)
Core Course Programme
D.E.I.s unique education system is reflected in the core courses. These, include:
- Cultural Education
- General Knowledge and Current Affairs
- Rural Development
- Agricultural Operations
- Social Service
- Cultural and Literary Activities and Games and Sports
- Comparative Study of Religion
Work Experience Programme
Work-based training is an important feature of D.E.I.s innovative education system. This takes the form of practical training in areas related to the major subjects. It engenders a willingness to work with one’s own hands, develops and hones skills and generates a spirit of self-reliance.
Adult Continuing Education, Extension and Field Outreach Programme
Though now an independent programme on its own, it was started under the Adult Literacy Programme (with its limited connotation) of the National Service Scheme (N.S.S.). However, now it is being given a wider perspective to include literacy, functionality and awareness. Like N.S.S., this programme too has become a compulsory component of the undergraduate studies.
Admission Process
A. Criteria for Selection
1.Admissions are made on the basis of academic merit, written objective test, wherever specified and personal interview.
2.Final selection is made from the merit list prepared on the basis of academic merit, performance in the written objective test and personal interview. Further details are given in the subsequent paras.
3.Students who have appeared for B.A. final examination and the results of which are awaited may apply for provisional admission to M.A. and M.A. (Social Science) courses only. Such candidates must submit proof of having passed the qualifying examination along with its mark-sheet at the time of interview failing which their application will not be considered.
4.At present there is no written objective test for admission to M.A., M.A. (Social Science), M.Com., M.Sc.(Home Science), M.Sc., and admission to these courses will be made on the basis of academic merit and personal interview. Candidates will be called for interview on the basis of marks obtained in various pre-qualifying and/or qualifying examinations, as indicated below:
10% of marks at High School or equivalent examination, 15% of marks at Intermediate or equivalent examination, 25% of marks at the first degree examination and 25% of the marks in the concerned subject at the first degree examination.
B. Admission to written test
The written objective test is not an entrance examination open to all candidates who apply. But, it is a part of selection procedure. Only a limited number of candidates will be called for written test from the list prepared on the basis of marks obtained in various pre-qualifying and/or qualifying examinations as indicated below, strictly in order of merit. Normally such lists are ready by 10th to 15th July of the session and are displayed on the notice board of the concerned faculty. Call letters for written objective test/ interview are sent Under Postal Certificate.
1.B.A., B.A. (Social Science) B.B.M., B.Com., B.Sc. (Home Science), B.Sc: 5% of the marks at the High School or equivalent examination and 15% of the marks at the Intermediate or equivalent examination.
2.B.Ed.: 5% of the marks at the High School or equivalent examination, 5% of the marks at the Intermediate or equivalent examination and 10% of the marks at the first degree examination.
3.B.Sc. (Engineering) : 20% of the normalised marks of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at the Intermediate or equivalent examination.
4.Post-Graduate Diploma in (i) Computer Science & Applications and (ii) Industrial Mathematics: 20% of the marks of Mathematics at the first degree examination.
5.Post Graduate Diploma in Textile Designing & Printing: 20% marks of the first degree examination.
6.PG Diploma in Business Economics: 4% marks at High School or equivalent examination, 6% marks of Intermediate or equivalent examination, 10% marks of first degree exam.
7.M.B.A.: 4% marks at the High School or equivalent, 6% marks at the Intermediate or equivalent examination and 10% marks at the first degree examination.
8.M.Ed.: 20% of the aggregate marks of theory papers of B.Ed. or equivalent examination.
9.M.Phil.: 20% marks obtained at M.Ed. or M.A. (Education).
10.M.Tech.: Marks obtained in the Engineering degree examination and the GATE score where available.
D. Personal_Interview
Candidates called for interview will be required to appear for a personal interview. Candidates will be required to produce their original certificates during the interview proceedings, failing which their candidature will be rejected forthwith. The following factors will be considered in the interview:
(1) Additional academic qualifications.
(2) Proficiency in games, N.C.C., N.S.S. and other co-curricular activities such as community service.
(3) Physical fitness and personality.
(4) Ability to express freely in Hindi/English, as demanded by a particular course.
(5) General awareness.
(6) Aptitude for the type of innovative courses being offered.
(7) In-service teachers from practice teaching institutions (for admission to B.Ed. only).
Note: The personal interview for admission to M.A. in (1) Drawing & Painting and (2) Music will also include a qualifying practical test.
E. Final Selection
1. Final selection for admission will be made on the basis of the merit list prepared as under out of maximum marks shown against each.
(a) Marks obtained in various pre-qualifying and/or qualifying examinations. 20 marks
(b) Marks obtained in the objective type written test 60 marks
(c) Performance in the personal interview 20 marks
2. Final selection for admission to those courses where there is no written test, will be made on the basis of academic merit and personal interview for which the weightage will be as under:
(a) Academic merit 75 marks
(b) Personal interview 25 marks
3. Selection to M.B.A. (Business Management): Final selection for admission to M.B.A. (Business Management) course will be made on the basis of merit list prepared as under:
(a) Written objective test 60 marks
(b) Group Discussion 20 marks
(c) Interview 20 marks
Group Discussion: The applicants will be required to discuss a case study in groups.
Interview: The following factors will be considered in the interview:
(a) Personality, (b) Aptitude, (c) Subject knowledge, (d) Extra curricular activities, and (e) Experience.
F. Additional_Weightage
A 10% weightage of marks will be given to those candidates who have passed the pre-qualifying and/or qualifying examinations, referred in section 19 of the prospectus, from Dayalbagh Institutions or to sons/daughters and spouses of confirmed employees of this Institute with at least 5 years service irrespective of the institutions from where they have passed the pre-qualifying and/or qualifying examinations. Such weightage will be available while computing the marks of these examinations for preparing the list for calling the candidates for written objective test and interview or for making the list for calling the candidates for interview for those courses where there is no written test.
G. Communication
All communications regarding written test and/or interview will be despatched to the selected candidates by post under certificate of posting at the address given by them in the applications and/or on the slips supplied by them along with the application form. In any case the Institute does not accept any responsibility for non-delivery or late delivery of the communications. Candidates who fail to appear at the test/interview on the date and time fixed for the purpose, shall not be given another opportunity and shall stand rejected. No further correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
H. Medical Examination
Candidates selected for admission to B.Sc. (Engineering) course will be examined by the Medical Officer of the Institute (Saran Ashram Hospital, Dayalbagh) for physical fitness. Candidates will themselves bear the expenditure in this connection. Candidates who fail to appear before the Medical Officer on the date fixed for the purpose or found medically unfit shall be rejected and their selection cancelled.
Applicants are advised in their own interest, to get themselves examined by a competent Doctor (at least with an MBBS degree) who has the necessary equipment for the purpose before submitting the application, to ensure that they fulfill the required medical standard to enable them to pursue their studies and subsequently take up a profession. The medical fitness requirements are as under:
1.General requirements: Good general physique. There should be no abnormality in heart and lungs and no history of mental disease or epileptic fits. The applicant should be free from physical or mental defects, deformity, weakness or loss of function, swelling of joints, thyroid, lymph nodes.
2.Vision: Normal. In case of defective vision, it should be corrected to 6/6 in each eye and the vision should be free from colour blindness.
3.Hearing: Normal.
4.Chest: Not less than 78 cms. with satisfactory limits of expansion and contraction.
Dayalbagh Educational Institute
(Deemed University)
Agra 282 005
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 0562-2801545, 2570760, 2801545
Fax : 0562-2801226
Email : dbei@sancharnet.in
VC: Prof V Guru Saran Das
Reg: Prof S S Srivastava