Sastra University Admission to M.A. Divya Prabandham through correspondence 2018-20
Directorate of Distance Education (DTE), Department of Oriental Studies & Research, Sastra University, Thirumalaisamudram, has invited applications for admission to M.A. Divya Prabandham Course for academic session 2018.
- The Holy Hymns of Alvars collectively known as Divya Prabandham played a main role in the renaissance of Bhakti Movement as well as in the development of Tamil Literature. Hence the study on Divya Prabandham will help understand the importance of Bhakti movement and the greatness of Tamil Literature
Course of Study
- The Masters Degree Course on Diviya Prabandham (offered through Distance Education) is slated for 2 Academic years. The first year will consist of 32 Credits with 3 core papers and 2 elective papers
- The second year will consist of 32 credits with Three core papers and 2 elective papers (30 credits for external valuation and 2 credits for internal assessment in each year)
Important Dates
Last date for submitting filled in application form: 4th week of August 2018 (Tentative)
Eligibility Criteria
- Any Bachelor degree holder with 10+2 pattern is eligible to join M.A. Divya Prabandham Course
Course Fees
- I year: Rs.4005/- (approx) plus Rs.150/- for application form & II year: Rs.4005/- (approx)
Application Form
- Application Form can be download from the website
- The filled in application form may be submitted to “The Head, Department of Oriental Studies & Research, Sastra University”, Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur-613401 along with the programme fee in the form of Demand draft payable at Thanjavur in favour of the Registrar, Sastra University
- The contact classes will be held at Chennai centre only
- For further details, contact: Dr. N.Kannan, HOD, Dept. of Oriental Studies & Research, Sastra University, Thanjavur, Contact No.: 04362-304100 or Dr. M.A. Venkata Krishnan, (Prof of Vaishnavisn (Retd.), Gitacharyan No. 7, South Mada Street, Triplicane, Chennai-600005, Mobile No.: 09444984087
Sastra University, Thanjavur
Directorate of Distance Education, Dept. of Oriental Studies & Research, Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur-613401, Contact No.: 04362-304100, Website