Jamia University announces Distance Mode Admissions for Indian Army Personnel in various Programs
The Centre for Distance and Open Learning (CDOL), Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) under the Taleem-E-Taraqqi Project invites applications from the Indian Army Personnel on the prescribed Application Form for admission to the Final Year of the following Programs under Distance Mode:
BAG, B.Com, BBA, BCIBF, MA HRM, MA English, MA Hindi, MA History, MA Sociology, MA Political Science, MA Public Administration, M.Com, Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling, and Post Graduate Diploma in Geo-Informatics
About Taleem-E-Taraqqi Project
The Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Indian Army for mutual collaboration for academic and technical advancement and progression of the Indian Army personnel under the Taleem-E-Taraqqi Project
Under the MOU, The Jamia Millia Islamia permits the Indian Army Personnel to undertake Degrees and Diplomas through Distance Mode offered through CDOL in one sitting
An exemption of two years in the case of Graduate Degree Program and one year in Post-Graduate Degree Program is given to the Indian Army personnel under the Taleem-E-Taraqqi Project in lieu of their in –service training/courses as decided by the Joint Equivalence Committee
Duration of the Program
Minimum duration of the Program: 1 (One) Year
Maximum duration of the Program: 3 (Three) Years
Eligibility Criteria
a) Candidate seeking admission for Graduate Programs should have at least four years of service in the Indian Army after completing Class X OR
Should have at least two years of service in the Indian Army after completing Class XII or equivalent
b) Candidates applying for Post Graduate Programs should have at least two years of service in the Indian Army after completing Graduation
Fee Structure
BAG/B.Com: Rs. 7,200/-
BBA/ BCIBF: Rs. 8,800/-
M.A HRM: Rs. 14,000/-
M.A. English/ Hindi/History/Sociology/Political Science: Rs. 7,800/-
M.Com: Rs. 10,000/-
M.A. Public Administration: Rs. 11,000/-
PGDGC: Rs.15, 500/-
PGDGI: Rs. 36, 200/-
The Program fee includes Self Learning Material (SLM) Charges
Admission Procedure
Candidates applying for various programs need to download the Admission Application Form, and after getting verification from their respective officers submit the filled-in Application Form to the Director, Centre for Distance and Open Learning, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025 in person or through Speed Post
The Admission Form should accompany the Admission Fee as prescribed for the Program selected along with the Admission Application Form fee of Rs. 500/- in the form of a combined Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jamia Millia Islamia, payable at New Delhi-110025
Important Dates
Last date to submit the admission form: 31st January 2018
Last date to submit the admission form with a late fee of Rs. 200/-: 15th February 2018
For more information visit the website: www.jmi.ac.in/cdol
Centre for Distance and Open Learning
Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025, India, Phone: +91(11)26981717, 26984617, 26984658, 26988044, 26987183, Fax: +91(11)2698 0229, Website: www.jmi.ac.in/cdol
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