IGNOU Paramedical Allied Health Sciences Programmes

Admission to Paramedical/Allied Health Sciences programmes

IGNOU invites applications for the following degree/diploma/post graduate certificate programmes in Paramedical/Allied Health Sciences

Post Graduate Certificate in Endodontics; Oral Implantology (offered only in July session); B.Sc Nursing (post basic) (offered in January session only); Post Graduate Certificate in Endodontics; Oral Implantology (offered only in July session); B.Sc Nursing (post basic) (offered in January session only); Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management; Geriatric Medicine (offered in January session only); Diploma in Nursing Administration (offered in January session only); B.Sc (Hons) in Optometry and Ophthalmic Techniques (offered in July session only); Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology (offered in July session only); Post Graduate Diploma in District Health Management; Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (offered in July session only); Certificate in Health Care Waste Management; Competency Enhancement for ANM/FHW; Newborn and Infant Care; Maternal and Child Health Care; Diabetes Care for Community Worker; Certificate for Home Based Care Providers; Post Graduate Diploma in Acupuncture (on line)

The student hand book and prospectus for July/January session can be obtained on payment of Rs100/- in cash at the sale counter of student registration division in Block-3 at IGNOU Hqrs, IGNOU campus, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 or at any of IGNOU’s regional centres

Individuals desiring to obtain the student hand book and prospectus by post can get it by sending a demand draft/cash order in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi to the Registrar, student registration division, block-3, IGNOU Hqrs, IGNOU campus, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. Sender must write at the back of the demand draft/cash order, his/her full address below the line (request for student handbook and prospectus for July /January session)

Similarly individuals residing outside Delhi can obtain the student hand book and prospectus for July/January session on payment of Rs 100/- from the sale counter of any of the regional centres

For obtaining the student hand book and prospectus for July / January session by post, please send a demand draft/cash order of Rs 150/- to the regional director, IGNOU regional centre mentioning the address given below for your use.  The cash order/demand draft should be made in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where the regional centre you are requesting for prospectus is located. Sender must write at the back of the demand draft/cash order his/her full address below the line (request for student handbook and prospectus for July / January session

Prospectus an application for July / January session is also available at our website www.ignou.ac.in. Downloaded admission application form duly completed/filled in, can be submitted along with an amount of Rs 100/- in addition to the programme fee in the form of demand draft/cash order in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where Regional centre is located

Submission of filled in application forms at concerned regional centres: Round the year

The filled in forms submitted at concerned regional centres beyond the last dates mentioned above shall be treated in next session

For any queries, prospective students may contact the respective programme coordinator on telephone number and/or e-mail ID given against each programme, the details of which are available on the website and prospectus