Distance Learning Degrees recognised from DEC vaild for Govt. Jobs
All distance learning degrees awarded with recognition from Distance Education Council (DEC) are valid degrees for applying and obtaining central government jobs, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (Ignou) said here Tuesday.
‘The government issued a notification in 1995 stating that all qualifications awarded through distance education by the universities stand automatically recognised for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the central government, provided it has been approved by the Distance Education Council,’ Ignou Vice Chancellor V.N. Rajasekharran Pillai said.
Pillai’s comment has come at a time when thousands of degree certificates awarded by the University of Madras and other Tamil Nadu varsities through the distance education programme for over a decade have been declared invalid for government jobs.
‘Let me clarify that all universities need to get DEC approval before starting any distance education programme and awarding degrees. Without DEC approval, the degree has no value,’ Pillai, who is also the chairman of DEC, told a News Agency.
Several vice chancellors of state open universities under the DEC Tuesday were in Delhi to deliberate on distance education system in the country.
Pillai said the DEC has decided not to insist on territorial jurisdiction to be followed by institutions or varsities in offering programmes through distance and online modes.