Christian Medical College Master in Medicine Family Medicine 2019 through Distance Education
CMC Vellore Distance Education MMed in Family Medicine Admission 2019 – Applications are invited from the interested candidates by Department of Distance Education at CMC Vellore for admission into M.M.Ed Family Medicine 2019.
Introduction to the Course:
The Master in Medicine in Family Medicine (M.Ed) is a two-year distance-learning course offered through the Department of Distance Education at Christian Medical College, Vellore and is provisionally affiliated to The Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R Medical University.
See: Distance Education Admissions
Eligibility Criteria for CMC Vellore Distance Education Master of Medicine Admission 2019
- Candidates must possess a valid MBBS degree (provisional MBBS certificate is not acceptable)
- Candidates must possess a valid MCI / State Medical Council registration.
- The course is only open to Indian Citizens who are currently residing in India.
Note: Those who have enrolled previously for the PGDFM (Post Graduate Diploma in
Family Medicine) offered by CMC are not eligible to apply for this course (M.MED in Family Medicine), irrespective of their completion status.
Selection Process for CMC Vellore Distance Education MMed Family Medicine Admission 2019
- Computer Based Entrance Test (CBT): – The initial selection process includes an entrance test (CBT) which will be conducted on 10th May, 2019 and will be based on the MBBS curriculum. The test centres for the CBT is listed in Annexure IV of this bulletin. The candidates can provide two choices for their examination centres in the application form.
- Allocation of the centre will be based on the first come first serve basis (i.e. preference will be given to applications received earlier).
- Up to 40% of the seats in the course will be reserved for women.
- Up to 50% of the seats will be reserved for sponsored candidates. (Refer Section 4 of this bulletin)
For further details of seat allotment according to the zone please visit the website
Weight age in selection will be given to the following:
- Sponsored Candidates
- Those who have served or are serving in areas of need
- Those who were/are in Government Service
- Those who are currently in active clinical practice
Category of Students:
Category A: Sponsored Categories:
All sponsored candidates must work for a minimum period of one year between 1st August 2019 to 31st July 2021 in one of the hospitals listed below (Categories 01 to 03):
01 – Hospitals under Sponsoring bodies and churches of CMC Vellore Council (See Annexure II)
02 – Hospitals under Christian Organisations/institutions not mentioned in 01
03 – Hospitals under Catholic Organisations/institutions
(This must be supported by a letter from the head of the Hospital/institution as per the format, given in Annexure I)
Category B: Areas of need Categories:
04 – Sponsored Candidates presently working/have worked in specified states and/or
Government/Quasi Government (including Armed Forces etc.) institutions and/or with Registered NGO hospitals.
05 – Non-sponsored Candidates presently working/have worked in specified states and/or
Government/Quasi Government (including Armed Forces etc.) institutions and/or with Registered NGO hospitals.
06 – Open Category (None of the above)
(This must be supported by a letter from the head of Hospital/Institution as per the format, given in Annexure III)
A Candidate can choose more than one category if eligible. For eg. A sponsored candidate eligible under 01 category may also be eligible for 04 categories. If the hospital that he/ she is working in or has worked in the past is situated in area of need. Such candidates will have to provide 2 supporting documents (one for sponsorship and another for the area of need.)
See: PG Medical Entrance Exams
Important Dates for CMC Vellore Distance Education MMed Family Medicine Admission 2019
- Start accessing online application form: 01st March 2019
- Last date for submission of online application form: 01st April 2019
- Computer Based Entrance Test: 10th May 2019
- Announcement of selected candidates: 05th June 2019
- Last date for acceptance of offer of admission by email (step 1): 11th June 2019
- Submission of all related documents and course fee payment (step2): 11th -25th June 2019
- Course Begins: 01st August 2019
CMC Vellore Distance Education MMed Family Medicine Admission Procedure 2019
The following steps are to be followed once a candidate is selected into the course:
Selected candidates will receive a selection intimation letter by email. Once selected, the candidate is required to confirm his/her intent to join the program via email before 5 PM on 11th June 2019.
If a selected candidate fails to confirm before the deadline, his/her candidature will be cancelled and the seat will be allotted to the next wait-listed candidate.
All selected candidates will be required to submit scanned copies of the certificates listed below. Certificates numbered 1 to 9 are mandatory for all candidates. In addition, certificates numbered 10 to 15 should be submitted in special situations as described below.
Mandatory documents to be submitted by all selected candidates at the time of admission (as per University requirements)
1. MBBS Certificate –Only the MBBS Degree Certificate finally issued by the University will be accepted. (Provisional MBBS Degree Certificate will not be accepted).
2. Final year MBBS Mark Sheet
3. MCI/ State Medical Council Registration for MBBS
4. Internship Completion Certificate or CRRI Certificate
5. Certificate of Date of Birth – 10th or 12th Std Mark sheet or Birth Certificate
6. Consolidated Work Experience Certificate
7. Conduct Certificate
8. Blood Group Certificate – This can be obtained from a hospital or a Blood testing centre
9. Migration certificate from the candidate’s previous university
Documents to be submitted as applicable in special situations
10. Community Certificate – Candidates who belong to SC/ST/BC/OBC/MBC should submit their community certificate
11. Name Change Gazette – Candidates who have officially changed their name after MBBS completion should submit the Name Change Gazette issued by the State Government. Marriage certificates & Affidavits will not be accepted as name change certificate.
12. MCI Screening test Certificate – Candidates who have completed their MBBS outside India should submit the MCI Screening Test Certificate
13. Translation of degree certificate – Candidates whose MBBS certificates are in Hindi or any other language need to provide an English translation of the degree certificate
14. Sponsorship Letter (see Annexure I for format)
15. Letter to support work in ‘Area of need’ (see Annexure III for format)
On receipt of the soft copies, CMC will verify these documents and the candidate will be contacted if there are any discrepancies. The candidate will be permitted to proceed to the next step (Step 3: Original Certificates verification stage) only if the soft copies submitted meet the stipulated requirements.
See: Latest Entrance Exam Notification
To complete the process of registration with The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University through CMC, candidates will be required to submit their original certificates to CMC by courier or in person before July 21st 2019. CMC will retain the original certificates until the
University registration process is completed. This process can take up to 6 months depending on the University procedures. Upon completion of the registration process at the University, the original certificates will be returned by courier or can be collected in person.
Selected candidates are expected to comply with these procedures until the University registration is complete.
Candidates who are not able to submit the required original certificates within the stipulated time will forfeit their candidature.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 (416) 2285601,
The Coordinator
2019 M.Med Application
Department of Distance Education,
Christian Medical College
3/1, CSI Center, 1st Floor (Above Shalom
Arni Road,
Vellore – 632001,
Tamil Nadu