MCQs Question for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life with Answers

CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 5 “The Fundamental Unit of Life” Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

 The Fundamental Unit of Life MCQ – Here is a compilation of Free MCQs of Class 9 Science Book Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life with Answers.  Students can practice free MCQs as have been added by CBSE in the new Exam pattern. At the end of Multiple- Choice Questions, the answer key also has been provided for your reference.


Q.1. The organelle that is called the powerhouse of the cell is ______

(a) Golgi bodies

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Mitochondria

(d) Ribosome


Q.2. Vacuoles provide:

(a) Rigidity

(b) Turgidity

(c) Shape

(d) Both (a) and (b)


Q.3. The process which occurs when dry raisins are soaked in water is called _________.

(a) Osmosis

(b) Endosmosis

(c) Endocytosis

(d) Diffusion


Q.4. Before scraping the inner side of cheek to prepare a temporary mount of cheek cell, the mouth is rinsed to:

(a) remove food particles 

(b) make it alkaline

(c) avoid injury

(d) make it acidic  


Q.5. An undefined nuclear region of Prokaryotes is known as ______

(a) nucleus

(b) nucleoid

(c) nucleolus

(d) nucleic acid


Q.6. While observing an onion peel slide under the microscope, Paheli noted its characteristics. Which of these does she not see?

(a) Cells attached edge to edge without intercellular space

(b) Presence of single nucleus in the cell

(c) Presence of cell wall around each rectangular cell

(d) All of these


Q.7. Which one of the following has their own DNA?

(a) Vacuole

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Golgi bodies

(d) Ribosome


Q.8. A cover slip is placed over the specimen to:

(a) prevent the tissue from drying

(b) prevent glycerine from leaking out  

(c) remove extra stain and water

(d) crush the cells in order to see the organelles clearly


Q.9. While observing a human cheek cell, under a microscope, what students will not observe

(a) Nucleolus 

(b) Mitochondria

(c) Nucleus

(d) Chloroplast


Q.10. To prepare a temporary stained mount of onion peel, a student must take the material from the:

(a) green leaf of spring onion

(b) thin layer of fleshy leaf base of onion

(c) dry scale leaf of onion

(d) crushed pulp of onion  


Q.11. A cell organelle that is not surrounded by a membrane is the ______.

(a) chloroplast

(b) ribosome

(c) endoplasmic reticulum

(d) Golgi apparatus  


Q.12. Given below are four operations for preparing a temporary mount of human cheek cells:  

(i) Taking a scraping from the inner side of the cheek and spreading it on a clean slide

(ii) Putting a drop of glycerine on the material

(iii) Adding two or three drops of methylene blue

(iv) Rinsing the mouth with fresh water and disinfectant solution 

Identify the correct sequence of these operations.


(a) (i)—(ii)—(iii)—(iv)

(b) (iv)—(i)—(iii)—(ii)

(c) (iv)—(i)—(iii)—(ii)

(d) (i)—(iii)—(ii)—(iv)


Q.13. Gaseous exchange in cells takes place by:

(a) Exocytosis

(b) Diffusion

(c) Osmosis

(d) Endocytosis


Q.14. Human cheek cells stained in methylene blue and mounted in glycerine were observed with the help of a compound microscope. The components of the cell which were seen are:

(a) cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus

(b) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria 

(c) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

(d) plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies.


Q.15. Identify the common feature of mitochondria and plastids?

(a) Ability to produce ATP  

(b) Presence of DNA and ribosomes

(c) Presence of matrix called stroma 

(d) Deeply folded inner membrane


Answer Key for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life MCQs



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