Non-Verbal Reasoning Questions Test 1

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  1. Answered
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  1. Question 1 of 20
    1. Question
    5 points

    A cube of 4 cm. has been painted on its surfaces in such a way that two opposite surfaces have been painted blue and two adjacent surfaces have been painted red. Two remaining surfaces have been left unpainted. Now the cube is cut into smaller cubes of side 1 cm. each. How many cubes will have no side painted?



  2. Question 2 of 20
    2. Question
    5 points

    A cube of 4 cm. has been painted on its surfaces in such a way that two opposite surfaces have been painted blue and two adjacent surfaces have been painted red. Two remaining surfaces have been left unpainted. Now the cube is cut into smaller cubes of side 1 cm. each. How many cubes will have at least red colour on its surfaces?



  3. Question 3 of 20
    3. Question
    5 points

    A cube of 4 cm. has been painted on its surfaces in such a way that two opposite surfaces have been painted blue and two adjacent surfaces have been painted red. Two remaining surfaces have been left unpainted. Now the cube is cut into smaller cubes of side 1 cm. each. How many cubes will have at least blue colour on its surfaces?



  4. Question 4 of 20
    4. Question
    5 points

    A cube of 4 cm. has been painted on its surfaces in such a way that two opposite surfaces have been painted blue and two adjacent surfaces have been painted red. Two remaining surfaces have been left unpainted. Now the cube is cut into smaller cubes of side 1 cm. each. How many cubes will have only two surfaces painted with red and blue colour respectively?



  5. Question 5 of 20
    5. Question
    5 points

    A cube of 4 cm. has been painted on its surfaces in such a way that two opposite surfaces have been painted blue and two adjacent surfaces have been painted red. Two remaining surfaces have been left unpainted. Now the cube is cut into smaller cubes of side 1 cm. each. How many cubes will have three surfaces colored?



  6. Question 6 of 20
    6. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (4cm*3cm*3cm). The block is painted yellow on the pair of opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm). Remaining two opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm) are painted red. And two surfaces of dimensions (3cm*3cm) are painted with green colours. Now the block is divided among smaller cubes of dimensions (1cm*1cm*1cm)? How many smaller cubes will have one surface painted?



  7. Question 7 of 20
    7. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (4cm*3cm*3cm). The block is painted yellow on the pair of opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm). Remaining two opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm) are painted red. And two surfaces of dimensions (3cm*3cm) are painted with green colours. Now the block is divided among smaller cubes of dimensions (1cm*1cm*1cm)? How many cubes will have no surface painted?



  8. Question 8 of 20
    8. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (4cm*3cm*3cm). The block is painted yellow on the pair of opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm). Remaining two opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm) are painted red. And two surfaces of dimensions (3cm*3cm) are painted with green colours. Now the block is divided among smaller cubes of dimensions (1cm*1cm*1cm)? In how many cubes all the three colours appear?



  9. Question 9 of 20
    9. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (4cm*3cm*3cm). The block is painted yellow on the pair of opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm). Remaining two opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm) are painted red. And two surfaces of dimensions (3cm*3cm) are painted with green colours. Now the block is divided among smaller cubes of dimensions (1cm*1cm*1cm)? How many cubes will have only two surface painted?



  10. Question 10 of 20
    10. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (4cm*3cm*3cm). The block is painted yellow on the pair of opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm). Remaining two opposite surfaces of dimensions (4cm*3cm) are painted red. And two surfaces of dimensions (3cm*3cm) are painted with green colours. Now the block is divided among smaller cubes of dimensions (1cm*1cm*1cm)? How many cubes will have at least one surface painted?



  11. Question 11 of 20
    11. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (6cm*4cm*1cm) is painted black on both the surfaces of dimensions (4cm*1cm), green on the surfaces of dimensions(6cm*4cm) and red on the surface of dimensions(6cm*1cm). Now the block is divided into various small cubes of side 1 cm. each. The smaller cubes so obtained are separated. How many cubes will have all three colours black, green and red each at least on one side?



  12. Question 12 of 20
    12. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (6cm*4cm*1cm) is painted black on both the surfaces of dimensions (4cm*1cm), green on the surfaces of dimensions(6cm*4cm) and red on the surface of dimensions(6cm*1cm). Now the block is divided into various small cubes of side 1 cm. each. The smaller cubes so obtained are separated. How many cubes will be formed?



  13. Question 13 of 20
    13. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (6cm*4cm*1cm) is painted black on both the surfaces of dimensions (4cm*1cm), green on the surfaces of dimensions(6cm*4cm) and red on the surface of dimensions(6cm*1cm). Now the block is divided into various small cubes of side 1 cm. each. The smaller cubes so obtained are separated. If cubes having only black as well as green colour are removed then how many cubes will be left?



  14. Question 14 of 20
    14. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (6cm*4cm*1cm) is painted black on both the surfaces of dimensions (4cm*1cm), green on the surfaces of dimensions(6cm*4cm) and red on the surface of dimensions(6cm*1cm). Now the block is divided into various small cubes of side 1 cm. each. The smaller cubes so obtained are separated. How many cubes will have 4 colored sides and 2 sides without colour?



  15. Question 15 of 20
    15. Question
    5 points

    A cuboid of dimensions (6cm*4cm*1cm) is painted black on both the surfaces of dimensions (4cm*1cm), green on the surfaces of dimensions(6cm*4cm) and red on the surface of dimensions(6cm*1cm). Now the block is divided into various small cubes of side 1 cm. each. The smaller cubes so obtained are separated. How many cubes will have two sides with green colour and remaining sides without any colour?



  16. Question 16 of 20
    16. Question
    5 points

    Ninety one small cubes of same size are arranged in two cubes of sides 4 and 3 cm. each. The bigger cube is colored red on two opposite faces, white on two adjacent faces, and blue on the remaining faces while the smaller one is colored white on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and red on the remaining faces. Taking both the cubes into consideration, answer the question based on the above information. How many smaller cubes are not colored on any face?



  17. Question 17 of 20
    17. Question
    5 points

    Ninety one small cubes of same size are arranged in two cubes of sides 4 and 3 cm. each. The bigger cube is colored red on two opposite faces, white on two adjacent faces, and blue on the remaining faces while the smaller one is colored white on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and red on the remaining faces. Taking both the cubes into consideration, answer the question based on the above information. How many cubes are colored red, white and blue on one face each?



  18. Question 18 of 20
    18. Question
    5 points

    Ninety one small cubes of same size are arranged in two cubes of sides 4 and 3 cm. each. The bigger cube is colored red on two opposite faces, white on two adjacent faces, and blue on the remaining faces while the smaller one is colored white on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and red on the remaining faces. Taking both the cubes into consideration, answer the question based on the above information. Leaving out uncolored cubes, how many cubes are three without any red face?



  19. Question 19 of 20
    19. Question
    5 points

    Ninety one small cubes of same size are arranged in two cubes of sides 4 and 3 cm. each. The bigger cube is colored red on two opposite faces, white on two adjacent faces, and blue on the remaining faces while the smaller one is colored white on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and red on the remaining faces. Taking both the cubes into consideration, answer the question based on the above information. How many cubes have at least one red face?



  20. Question 20 of 20
    20. Question
    5 points

    Ninety one small cubes of same size are arranged in two cubes of sides 4 and 3 cm. each. The bigger cube is colored red on two opposite faces, white on two adjacent faces, and blue on the remaining faces while the smaller one is colored white on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and red on the remaining faces. Taking both the cubes into consideration, answer the question based on the above information. How many cubes have one face white and one face red and no blue face?



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