Three Questions Class 7 Summary, Question Answers (Honeycomb Chapter 1)

Three Questions Class 7 Chapter 1 Summary, Explanation


Class 7 Chapter 1 Three Questions Summary, Explanation, Question Answers


Three Questions Class 7 English Honeycomb book Lesson 1 summary and detailed explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words. Also, the summary is followed by a detailed explanation of the lesson. All the exercises and NCERT Solutions (Questions  Answers) given at the back of the lesson have been covered. Take Free Online MCQs Test for Class 7 Click Here

Three Questions Class 7 English (Honeycomb book) Chapter 1
By Leo Tolstoy


Three Questions Introduction

In this chapter, there was a king who believed that he would never fail if he knew the answers to his three questions. To find the answers, the king sent messengers throughout the kingdom, with a guaranteed reward which was a large sum of money. However, the wise men who came forward were unable to answer his questions correctly.


Three Questions Class 7 Video Explanation Part 1


Three Questions Class 7 Summary

Once upon a time, there was a certain king who knew he would never fail if he knew the answers to his three questions. These questions were : What is the right time to begin something? Which people should he listen to? What is the most important thing for him to do? To find the answers, he sent messengers throughout the kingdom, promising a large sum of money to the correct person. Many wise men came but failed because there were different answers to all the questions which made him dissatisfied with the answers. Then, he decided to get his answers from a hermit who was known for his wisdom. The hermit who lived in the woods, had never left the woods and had never met anyone but simple people. With this much information, he decided to dress up ordinarily to meet him. Before reaching his hut, the king left his horse with his bodyguard and went on alone. When he reached the hut, he saw the hermit digging the ground in front of his hut. The hermit greeted the king and continued digging. He was an old and weak man. The king asked him the answers of his three questions. However, the hermit didn’t answer. He just kept on digging. The king then took his spade from him and dug. The hermit thanked him. After digging two beds, the king repeated his questions. However, instead of answering him, he asked for the spade so that he could dig. But the king did not give him the spade and continued to dig. The sun set. The king stood up and asked the hermit if he would answer his questions. If not, then he would go home. Then, someone came running. It was a bearded man, who had pressed his hands against his stomach, from where blood was flowing. The king and the hermit treated him and then, the bleeding stopped. After regaining consciousness, the bearded man apologised to the king and explained who he was. Actually, the bearded man was the king’s enemy and sought revenge from him as the king had once seized his brother’s property and had put him to death. However, the king had saved his life, and so the man declared himself to be his most faithful servant. After the conversation with the bearded man was over, he went to the hermit and repeated his questions. The hermit replied that the king had got his answers already, and to clear his doubts, he gave the answers. The most important time is ‘now’, the most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular moment, and the most important business is to do that person good.


Three Questions Summary in Hindi

एक बार की बात है, एक राजा था जिसका यह मानना था कि अगर वह तीन सवालों के जवाब जान जाए तो वह कभी असफल नहीं होगा।
ये सवाल थे: कुछ शुरू करने का सही समय क्या है? उसे किन लोगों की बात सुननी चाहिए? उसके लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण काम क्या है?
जवाब खोजने के लिए, उसने सही व्यक्ति को बड़ी राशि का वादा करते हुए, पूरे राज्य में दूत भेजे। कई विद्वान आए लेकिन असफल रहे क्योंकि सभी सवालों के अलग-अलग जवाब थे और राजा उन जवाबों से असंतुष्ट थे।
फिर, उन्होंने अपने उत्तर एक साधु से प्राप्त करने का फैसला किया जो अपनी बुद्धि के लिए जाने जाते थे। जंगल में रहने वाले साधु ने कभी जंगल नहीं छोड़ा था और साधारण लोगों के अलावा कभी किसी से नहीं मिला था। इतनी सारी जानकारी के साथ, उन्होंने उनसे मिलने के लिए सामान्य रूप से तैयार होने का फैसला किया। साधु की कुटिया पर पहुँचने से पहले, राजा ने अपने अंगरक्षक के साथ अपने घोड़े को छोड़ दिया और अकेला चला गया।
जब वह झोपड़ी में पहुंचा तो उसने देखा कि साधु अपनी कुटिया के सामने जमीन खोद रहा है। साधु ने राजा का अभिवादन किया और खुदाई जारी रखी। वह एक बूढ़ा और कमजोर आदमी था। राजा ने उससे अपने तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर पूछे। हालांकि, साधु ने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया।
वह बस खुदाई करता रहा। तब राजा ने उससे अपनी कुदाल ली और खोदा। साधु ने उनका धन्यवाद किया। दो पलंग खोदने के बाद राजा ने अपने प्रश्न दोहराए। हालांकि, उसने उसका जवाब देने के बजाय, कुदाल मांगी ताकि वह खुदाई कर सके। लेकिन राजा ने उसे कुदाल नहीं दी और खोदना जारी रखा।
सूर्यास्त पर राजा खड़ा हुआ और साधु से पूछा कि क्या वह उसके प्रश्नों का उत्तर देगा। नहीं तो वह घर चला जाए । तभी कोई दौड़ता हुआ आया। यह एक दाढ़ी वाला आदमी था, जिसने अपने हाथों को अपने पेट पर दबाया था, जहां से खून बह रहा था।
राजा और साधु ने उसका इलाज किया और फिर खून बहना बंद हो गया। होश में आने के बाद, दाढ़ी वाले व्यक्ति ने राजा से माफी मांगी और समझाया कि वह कौन था। दरअसल, दाढ़ी वाला आदमी राजा का दुश्मन था और उसने उससे बदला लेना चाहा क्योंकि राजा ने एक बार उसके भाई की संपत्ति पर कब्जा कर लिया था और उसे मार डाला था।
हालाँकि, राजा ने उसकी जान बचाई थी, और इसलिए उस आदमी ने खुद को अपना सबसे वफादार सेवक घोषित किया। दाढ़ी वाले व्यक्ति के साथ बातचीत समाप्त होने के बाद, वह साधु के पास गया और अपने प्रश्नों को दोहराया। सन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया कि राजा को उनके उत्तर पहले ही मिल गए थे, और अपनी शंकाओं को दूर करने के लिए उन्होंने उत्तर दिए।
सबसे महत्वपूर्ण समय ‘अभी’ है, सबसे आवश्यक व्यक्ति वह व्यक्ति है जिसके साथ आप किसी विशेष क्षण में हैं, और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण व्यवसाय उस व्यक्ति के लिए कुछ अच्छा करना है।


Three Questions Class 7 Video Explanation Part 2


Three Questions Lesson Explanation


Passage – The thought came to a certain king that he would never fail if he knew three things. These three things were: What is the right time to begin something? Which people should he listen to? What is the most important thing for him to do?

Word Meaning:

Certain (adjective) – here, it means a particular or specific king.
Begin (verb) – to start ( What is the right time to start something?)

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know about the king and the thought which came to his mind. One day, he got an idea. He thought that he would never fail in his life and as the king of the kingdom if he would know three things. These three things were the answers of the three questions which came to his mind.

Passage – The first question was : What is the right time to begin something? The king wanted to know when he should begin to do some work. Here, he wanted to know a particular time or way by which he would be able to do his work on time.

The second question was : Which people should he listen to? Here, the king wanted to know who is the most important person or who should he listen to or pay attention to.
The third question was : What is the most important thing for him to do?

This question means that he wanted to know which task or which aspect or part of his work is the most important one. Here, he wanted to know which task should be given more attention than the others.

The king, therefore, sent messengers throughout his kingdom, promising a large sum of money to anyone who would answer these three questions.

Word Meaning:

Messengers (noun) – people who spread messages or transmit a message from one person to another person.

Throughout (preposition) – all over a particular place (the king, therefore, sent messengers all over his kingdom.)

Sum (noun) – quantity or volume (the king sent messengers throughout the kingdom promising a large quantity of money.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know the first thing the king did to get the answers to his three questions. He sent messengers spreading the king’s word that he wanted to know the answers to his three questions and that the king promised that the correct person would get a reward – a large amount of money.


Passage – Many wise men came to the king, but they all answered his questions differently.

Word Meaning:

Wise (adjective) – someone who has better judgment, experience, and great intelligence.
Differently (adverb) – dissimilarly, contrastingly (Many wise men came, but they all answered him dissimilarly.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – According to this statement, many wise men, all those who could answer the king’s questions came to meet the king. However, they all answered differently, dissimilarly. The king got two-three answers for each question.

Passage – In reply to the first question, some said the king must prepare a timetable, and then follow it strictly. Only in this way, they said, could he do everything at its proper time. Others said that it was impossible to decide in advance the right time for doing something. The king should notice all that was going on, avoid foolish pleasures, and always do whatever seemed necessary at that time. Yet others said that the king needed a council of wise men who would help him act at the proper time. This was because one man would find it impossible to decide correctly, without help from others, the right time for every action.

Word Meaning:

Strictly (adverb) – obediently and resolutely, diligently (Some said that the king must prepare a timetable, and then follow it obediently and resolutely.)

Avoid (verd) – to stop oneself from doing something, to keep away from someone or something (The king should notice all that was going on and keep away from foolish pleasures.)

Foolish (adjective) – unwise, pointless (The king should avoid pointless pleasures.)
Pleasures (noun) – luxuries, enjoyment, satisfaction (The king should avoid foolish luxuries.)
Seemed (verb) – appeared, looked (The king should always do whatever looked necessary at that time.)

Council (noun) – a group of people chosen to make rules or to give advice (The king needed a group of wise men.)

Impossible (adjective) – something which does not seem possible.

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, the different answers of the wise men are being told. Some said that the king should prepare a timetable, in which each and every task will be covered and followed diligently. Only by making a timetable, would he be able to do everything at its correct time. However, others answered that no one could decide the right time to do something in advance. To do so, a person has to be observant. The king should observe or notice all that was going on in his kingdom and in his affairs and decide accordingly. The king should always take a step which seems to be the most important step of all. The king should be active, energetic, and present-minded. For this, the king should avoid unnecessary or pointless pleasures, enjoyment or satisfaction. However, there was the third answer too. Some people said that the king needed a council of wise men who would help him act at a proper time. According to them, it was impossible for a single to decide correctly. The king would need help and guidance, which he would get from the council.

Passage – But then others said that there were some things which could be urgent. These things could not wait for the decision of the council. In order to decide the right time for doing something, it is necessary to look into the future. And only magicians could do that. The king, therefore, would have to go to magicians.

Word Meaning:

Urgent (adjective) – important, emergency matters (Others said that there were some things which could be of emergency.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know that there was a fourth answer to the first question : What is the right time to begin something? The fourth answer was that there were some things which were more urgent than the others. These things required speed and good use of time. On the other hand, the decision-making council’s process was a bit slow or time-consuming for such emergency matters. In order to decide the right time to begin some task, the king would have to look into the future. And who could do that? The answer is – magicians. Only magicians could look into the future. Hence, the king would have to go and get help from magicians.

Passage – In their answers to the second question, some said that the people most necessary to the king were his councillors; others said, the priests. A few others chose the doctors. And yet others said that his soldiers were the most necessary.

Word Meaning:

Councilors (noun) – people of the council, members of the council (Some said that the people most necessary to the king were his members of the council.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know about the various answers to the second question. Let’s remember the second question. The second question was: Which people should the king listen to? So, according to the first answer to the question, the king should listen to the council of the ministers, the councilors. Others said that the king should listen to priests, the holy men. A few wise men chose doctors as the people the king should listen to? The fourth answer was soldiers, those who fight and are willing to give up their lives, to die for their king and kingdom.

To the third question, some said science. Others chose fighting, and yet others religious worship.

In this paragraph, we get to know about the various answers to the third question. Let’s remember the third question. The second question was : What is the most important thing for the king to do? So, there were three answers to this question. First was science, the development of the kingdom, the invention of new innovative things for the benefit of the kingdom and its people. Second was fighting for the kingdom and its citizens whereas the third answer was religious worship, staying linked with God.

Passage – As the answers to his questions were so different, the king was not satisfied and gave no reward. Instead, he decided to seek the advice of a certain hermit, who was widely known for his wisdom.

Word Meaning:

Satisfied (verb) – to be happy, enjoyed, filled with contentment (The king was not happy and gave no reward.)

Seek (verb) – to look for, to search for (He decided to search for a certain hermit and his advice.)

Advice (noun) – suggestion, guidance, help (He decided to seek the guidance of a certain hermit.)

Certain (adjective) – (here, the meaning is not the same as before) particular, specific (He decided to seek the advice of a particular hermit.)

Hermit (noun) – a person who lives alone and leads a simple life. (The king decided to seek the advice of a man who lives alone and leads a simple life.)

Widely (adverb) – largely, on a big scale (The hermit was largely known for his wisdom.)
Known (verb) – to be famous, popular (The hermit was widely famous for his wisdom.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know how troubled the king was with the answers of the wise men. The answers were many and they were all different from one another. Since the answers were so different, he was unable to declare which answer was correct and which was not. This made him greatly dissatisfied, unhappy. So now what he wanted? He wanted the advice of a single wise person. And who was that wise person? The hermit who was popular for his wisdom. Therefore, the king decided to go and search for the hermit and ask him the three questions and their answers.

Passage – The hermit lived in a wood which he never left. He saw no one but simple people, and so the king put on ordinary clothes. Before he reached the hermit’s hut the king left his horse with his bodyguard, and went on alone.

Word Meaning:

Wood (noun) – a small forest (The hermit lived in a small forest.)

Simple (adjective) – Here, it means uncomplicated, innocent (The hermit saw only innocent people.)

Ordinary (adjective) – Simple, plain, not too fashionable (The king put on plain clothes)

Explanation of the Above Passage – Here, we get to know more about the hermit and what all the king did to get ready to meet the hermit. The hermit lived in a small forest and he never left the place. He, the hermit, saw only innocent, straightforward people. So, the king also dressed plainly, so that he would also look like a simple person. But why did the king do so? The king did so because the hermit never met anyone except simple people. So, if the king would not look like a simple person, the hermit would not meet the king.

Then, before he, the king who was riding a horse and was with his bodyguard, reached the hermit’s hut, what did he do? He left his horse and bodyguard behind and went on alone. Why did he do such a thing? The king did so because the hermit met only a few people. So, if he, the king would have gone to meet him along with his horse and bodyguard, the hermit would not allow him inside his hut and it would have ruined his simple image.

Passage – As the king came near the hermit’s hut, he saw the hermit digging the ground in front of his hut. He greeted the king and continued digging. The hermit was old and weak, and as he worked, he breathed heavily.

Word Meaning:

Heavily (adverb) – here, it means slowly and loudly (As the hermit worked, he breathed slowly and loudly.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – When the king reached the hut, he saw the hermit digging the ground in front of his hut. When he saw the king, he just greeted him but he didn’t leave his work. He kept on digging the ground. During this time, what did the king notice about the hermit? He noticed that the hermit was old and weak. He wasn’t healthy enough to do the digging work. As he worked, he breathed heavily meaning he was tired.

Passage – The king went up to the hermit and said, “I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? Who are the people I need most? And what affairs are the most important?”

Word Meaning:

Affairs (noun) – things, matters, business (What matters are the most important?)

Explanation of the Above Passage – The king went up to the hermit, told him the reason why he had come here and asked him the three questions.

Passage – The hermit listened to the king, but did not speak. He went on digging. “You are tired,” said the king. “Let me take the spade and work in your place.”
“Thanks,” said the hermit, giving the king his spade. Then he sat down on the ground.

Word Meaning:

Spade (noun) – a tool with a sharp-edged used for digging.

Explanation of the Above Passage – The hermit listened to the king and his questions. However, instead of replying or giving answers, he went on digging. As we read earlier, the king noticed how old and weak the hermit was and how difficult this task was for him. The king felt sorry for the hermit. That is why the king decided to do the digging for the hermit. The hermit thanked the king for his kindness and gave him the spade. Then, he sat down on the ground and relaxed.

Passage – When the king had dug two beds, he stopped and repeated his questions. The hermit gave no answer, but stood up, stretching out his hand for the spade, and said, “Now you rest, and let me work.”
But the king did not give him the spade and continued to dig.

Word Meaning:

Beds (noun) – small patches of ground for plants

Stretching (verb) – straightening or extending one’s body or a part of one’s body to its full length, typically so as to tighten one’s muscles or in order to reach something.

Explanation of the Above Passage – After the king had finished digging two beds, he stopped and repeated his questions, hoping that the hermit would reply. He had done a lot of work for the hermit and so, he felt like he would surely get his answers. However, the hermit didn’t answer. Instead, he stood up and asked for his spade and stretched out his hand for the tool. The hermit would not pay any attention to the king’s question, he seemed to be too busy in his work for it. But, did the king return the spade? No, he didn’t. He wanted to continue, in the hope that the hermit would answer after seeing his kindness.

Passage – One hour passed, then another. The sun went down behind the trees, and at last the king stuck the spade into the ground and said, “I came to you, wise man, for an answer to my questions. If you can give me no answer, tell me so and I will return home.”
“Here comes someone running,” said the hermit.

Word Meaning:

Stuck (verb) – push a sharp or pointed object into or through something.

Explanation of the Above Passage – In the last paragraph, we learn that the king didn’t give back the spade to the hermit. He continued digging. Furthermore, in this paragraph, we learn that the king kept on digging for two hours (one hour passed, then another, meaning that two hours passed). The sun went down behind the trees, meaning that the sun had set. It was evening. After digging for two hours, he became furious and finally, he pushed the spade into the ground and said that he had come to the hermit, who is being referred to as a ‘wise men’ here, for the answer to his three questions and that if he, the hermit cannot give them due to any reason, he, the hermit can just say so and the king would just go back to his home. Instead of replying to the king about the three questions, he changed the topic and pointed towards the person who was running towards them.


Passage – The king turned round and saw a bearded man running towards them. His hands were pressed against his stomach, from which blood was flowing. When he reached the king he fainted and fell to the ground. The king and the hermit removed the man’s clothing and found a large wound in his stomach. The king washed and covered it with his handkerchief, but the blood would not stop flowing. The king re-dressed the wound until at last the bleeding stopped.

Word Meaning:

Fainted (verb) – lost consciousness (When he reached the king he lost consciousness.)

Re-dressed (verb) – dressed again (The king dressed the wound again.)

Bearded (adjective) – a person who has a beard

Wound (noun) – injury, cut

Explanation of the Above Passage – After the hermit said and pointed towards a person who was running towards them, the king turned round to see who the person was. This means that the person was behind the king’s back. After the king turned round, he saw that a bearded man was running towards them. He also noticed one more thing. What was that? The king noticed that the man’s hands were pressed against his stomach. And what was flowing from it? Blood was flowing from the stomach. Then, when he reached the king, he lost his consciousness or you can even say that he became unconscious or he fainted. Then, he fell to the ground. The king and the hermit went towards him to help him.

They removed the man’s clothing and found something. What did they find? They found a large wound, a large cut in his stomach. The king washed the wound, meaning that he cleaned the blood. Then, he covered the wound with his handkerchief. However, the blood would not stop flowing. So then what did the king do? The king re-dressed the wound by which the bleeding, the flowing of blood finally stopped. This is how they helped the bearded man.


Passage – The man felt better and asked for something to drink. The king brought fresh water and gave it to him. By this time the sun had set and the air was cool. The king with the hermit’s help carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed. The man closed his eyes and lay quiet. The king, tired by his walk and the work he had done, lay down on the floor and slept through the night. When he awoke, it was several minutes before he could remember where he was or who the strange bearded man lying on the bed was.

Word Meaning:

Several (determiner) – two or more (When he awoke, it was two or more minutes before he could remember everything.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – After the man became conscious, he said he felt better and also asked for something to drink. The king brought fresh water and gave it to him. By this time, night had already come. The air was cool. The king and the hermit carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed. The bearded man closed his eyes and rested for a while. The king was tired by his walk and all the digging and treatment he had done. Then he awoke, and it took him two or more minutes to remember where he was and who the bearded man lying on the bed was. This shows how tired he was.

Passage – “Forgive me!” said the bearded man in a weak voice, when he saw that the king was awake. “I do not know you and have nothing to forgive you for,” said the king.

Word Meaning:

Awake (verb) – not sleeping, the state of being alert and not asleep

Explanation of the Above Passage – When the bearded man saw that the king was not sleeping any longer, he apologised. He apologised in a weak voice, which states that he was not fully fit and fine. The king, to whom the bearded man was a stranger, said that he did not know him and did not have anything to forgive him for, meaning that he did not know the reason why the man was apologising.

Passage – “You do not know me, but I know you. I am that enemy of yours who swore revenge on you, because you put my brother to death and seized my property. I knew you had gone alone to see that hermit, and I made up my mind to kill you on your way home. But the day passed and you did not return. So I left my hiding-place, and I came upon your bodyguard, who recognised me and wounded me. I escaped from him but I should have died if you had not dressed my wounds. I wished to kill you, and you have saved my life. Now, if I live, I will serve you as your most faithful servant and will order my sons to do the same. Forgive me!”

Word Meaning:

Swore (verb) – promised, vowed

Revenge (noun) – a wish to injure someone who injured you in the past

Seized (verb) – took by force (You put my brother to death and took my property by force.)

Recognised (verb) – to remember someone

Faithful (adjective) – loyal and true

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know about the bearded man and why he was injured. He was the king’s enemy and had promised to take revenge from the king due to two reasons. What were the two reasons? One, the king put his brother to death. Second, the king seized his property. Then, we get to see his plan. He knew that the king had gone alone to meet the hermit. His plan was to murder the king when he would return and he even hid. However, the king didn’t get his answers and so he didn’t return. The bearded man who was confused by this, decided to leave his hiding-place. This was a mistake. He met the bodyguard, who recognised the man and knew that he was the king’s enemy. The bodyguard wounded the man, so the king would be protected. The bearded man escaped from him but he had a large wound in his stomach. The bearded man should have died but survived because of the king and the hermit. The bearded man wanted to kill the king, but got saved by the king. This changed him. This made him realise that the king was a nice person. He declared himself to be the king’s most faithful servant, someone the king can always trust. He promised that he would order his king to do the same. Then he apologised again for the revenge he had decided to take from the king.

Passage – The king was very happy to have made peace with his enemy so easily, and to have won him over as a friend. He not only forgave him but said he would send his servants and his own doctor to look after him, and he promised to give back the man his property.

Word Meaning:

Peace (noun) – the state of friendship and harmony, no conflict, war or any type of violence

Explanation of the Above Passage – In this paragraph, we get to know about the king’s reaction when he heard the bearded man’s story. He was very happy to have made his enemy become his friend so easily. He forgave the man and promised two things – one, that he would his servants and own doctor to take care of the man and second, that he would give back his property, which he had seized earlier.

Passage – Leaving the wounded man, the king went out of the hut and looked round for the hermit. Before going away he wished once more to get answers to his questions. The hermit was on his knees sowing seeds in the beds that had been dug the day before. The king went up to the hermit and said, “For the last time I beg you to answer my questions, wise man.”

Word Meaning:

Sowing (verb) – planting

Explanation of the Above Passage – After the conversation between the bearded man and the king ended, the king left the wounded man (the bearded man) inside the hut. He came out and searched for the hermit. Why? The king searched for the hermit as he wanted to ask the three questions once more. That would be his last chance. If the hermit would stay quiet this time, the king would return to home. This is what the king decided. The hermit was on his knees. What was he doing? He was sowing seeds in the beds which the king and the hermit had dug up the day before, meaning yesterday. The king went to the hermit, repeated the three questions and begged the hermit to give the answers.

Passage – “You have already been answered!” said the hermit, still bending down to the ground and looking up at the king as he stood before him.

“How have I been answered? What do you mean?”

Explanation of the Above Passage – After the king asked the three questions and begged for the answers, the hermit finally replied, and what he said made the king confused and shocked. According to the hermit, the king had already got the answers to his three questions.

The king, who obviously didn’t understand how he already got the answers, asked the hermit to explain what the answers were.

Passage – “Do you not see?” replied the hermit. “If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday and had not dug these beds for me, you would have gone away. Then that man would have attacked you and you would have wished you had stayed with me. So the most important time was when you were digging the beds. And I was the most important man, and to do me good was your most important business.

Afterward, when the man ran to us, the most important time was when you were caring for him, because if you had not dressed his wounds he would have died without having made peace with you. So he was the most important man, and what you did for him was your most important business.

Pitied (verb) – felt sorry (If you had not felt sorry for my weakness yesterday, you wuld have gone away.

Explanation of the Above Passage – The hermit explained what he meant. He said that if the king would not have pitied his weak and tired body, he would not have dug the beds for him. He would have gone away. This would have resulted in the king getting wounded by the bearded man, who was his enemy at that time. Then, the king would have to have stayed with the hermit only. Hence, the most important time then was when he was digging the beds out of pity. The most important person then was the hermit himself and the most important business then was to be helpful and nice towards the hermit. The hermit then uses another example to make the king understand. Afterward, when the bearded man was introduced, the most important time was when the king was taking care of him. Why? The most important time then was when the king was with him as if he, the king wouldn’t have treated him, he would have died without making peace, friendship with him.

Hence, the important person then was the bearded man and treating him was the king’s most important business. What do we get to know from this? We get to know that the answer may be the same but the particular time, person and business changes according to the situation or problem the king is in.

Passage – “Remember then, there is only one time that is important and that time is ‘Now’. It is the most important time because it is the only time we have any power to act.

Explanation of the Above Passage – Here, we get to know the answer to the first question. What was the first question? It was – What is the right time to begin something? According to the hermit, there is only one time that is the right time to begin something and it is the most important time. When is it? It is – ‘now’, meaning the present. Why? It is the most important time because it is the only time we have any power to act. How is this true? Well, no one can act in the past nor in the future. Hence, ‘now’ is the only time we have any power to act.

Passage – “The most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular moment, for no one knows what will happen in the future and whether we will meet anyone else. The most important business is to do that person good, because we were sent into this world for that purpose alone.”

Word Meaning:

Necessary (adjective) – essential, important (The most important person is the person you are with at a particular moment.)

Moment (noun) – second, time (The most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular time.)

Purpose (noun) – reason, point, aim (The most important business is to do that person good, because we were sent into this world for that reason alone.)

Alone (noun) – only ( The most important business is to do that person good, because we were sent into this world for that purpose only.)

Explanation of the Above Passage – Here, we get to know the answers to the second and third questions. The second question was – who should the king listen to. Well, according to the hermit, the person we are with are the ones we should listen to, as no one knows the future and we don’t know if we will ever meet any other person in the future. The third question was – what is the most important affair?

According to the hermit, the most important thing to do is to help the person we are with. Our aim should be to make people happy, as that is the reason why we were born and sent into this world. This is our purpose.

Also, see – Class 7 History MCQs


 Three Questions Questions and Answers

Comprehension Check

Q1. Why did the king want to know answers to three questions?

Ans. The king wanted to know the answers to the three questions because he thought that he would never fail in life if he knew the answers to the three questions.


Q2. Messengers were sent throughout the kingdom
(i) to fetch wise men.
(ii) to find answers to the questions.
(iii) to look for the wise hermit.
(iv) to announce a reward for those who could answer the questions.
Mark your choice.

Ans. (i) to fetch the wise men


Q3. Complete the following sentences by adding the appropriate parts of the sentences given in the box.

three questions

1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions, _____________
2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men _________
3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable ____________
4. The king requested the hermit ____________
5. The king washed and dressed the bearded man’s wound, ____________

1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions, But their answers were so varied that the king was not satisfied.
2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men
to help the king act at the right time.
3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable and follow it strictly.
4. The king requested the hermit to answer three questions.
5. The king washed and dressed the bearded man’s wound, but the bleeding would not stop.

Working with the text

Answer the following questions.

Q1. Why was the king advised to go to magicians?

Ans. According to some of the wise men who came to answer the king’s three questions, the king needed to look into the future to decide what is the right time to begin and only magicians could do that. This is why the king was advised to go to magicians.

Q2. In answer to the second question, whose advice did the people say would be important to the king?

Ans. In answer to the second question, some wise men said that the advice of the councillors was the most important to the king. However, some wise men said that the priests were more important. There were two more answers to this question. Some chose doctors while some chose soldiers.

Q3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question?

Ans. There were three suggestions which were made in answer to the third question. Some chose science, some chose fighting while a few others chose religious worship.

Q4. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?

Ans. No, the wise men didn’t win the reward because their answers were varied and all were equally wise. The king was not satisfied by the responses as he got confused by them.

Q5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?

Ans. The king and the hermit removed the bearded man’s clothing. After that, they found a large wound in his stomach, from which the blood was flowing. The king washed the wound and covered it with his handkerchief in order to stop the bleeding. However, this didn’t work. Next, the king re-dressed the wounds. Then, the bleeding stopped. After a while, the wounded man regained consciousness. He asked for something cool to drink. The king brought fresh water and gave it to the man.

This is how the king and the hermit helped the wounded man.

Q6. (i) Who was the bearded man?
(ii) Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?

Ans. (i) The bearded man was an enemy of the king. The king had once seized his property and also even put his brother to death. Since then, the bearded man had sworn revenge on the king.
(ii) The bearded man decided to kill the king when he would come back from the hermit’s hut. However, a lot of time had passed and the king wasn’t back yet. The bearded man came out of his hiding place and met the king’s bodyguard, who injured him. The bearded man ran and came to the king. However, instead of punishing him or leaving him aside, the king helped the man, even though the man’s aim was to injure the king. This made him realise that the king is a good person. This is the reason why the bearded man asked for the king’s forgiveness.

Q7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?

Ans. The king forgave the bearded man and even promised him two things. One, he promised that he would send servants and his own doctor to look after him. Second, he promised to return the seized property to him. He promised these two things in order to show his forgiveness.

Q8. What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why?

Ans. The first question was – what is the right time to begin something? According to the hermit, the right time to do anything is ‘now’, which is also known as present. It is the most important time as it is the only time when we have the power to act or to begin something.

The second question was – who should we listen to? According to the hermit, we should pay attention to the person we are with, as no one knows what will happen in the future and whether we’ll meet anyone else in our entire life.

The third question was – what is the most important thing for us to do? According to the hermit, the most important thing is to do good to the person we are with at the particular moment as that is the particular reason why we were sent into this world.

Working with Language

Q1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B.

  1. wounded
got up from sleep
  1. awoke
give back
  1. forgive
small patches of ground for plants
  1. faithful
severely injured
  1. pity
  1. beds
  1. return
feel sorry for


  1. wounded
severely injured
  1. awoke
got up from sleep
  1. forgive
  1. faithful
  1. pity
feel sorry for
  1. beds
small patches of ground for plants
  1. return
give back


Use any three of the above words in sentences of your own. You may change the form of the word.

Ans. (Write any three)

  1. As I was playing in the woods, I got wounded.
  2. Sita must have awoken now.
  3. I hope that you will be able to forgive me.
  4. Dogs are said to be the most faithful creatures on earth.
  5. I pity the poor and needy.
  6. The gardener hasn’t prepared the beds.
  7. I will return the book to you soon.


Q2. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in brackets.

three questions

(i) The __________ said that only fresh evidence would make him change his __________ .(judge)
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious _________ of opinion among the debaters, although they __________ from one another over small points. (differ)
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to___________ ,but will you accept my _________ as final? (answer)
(iv) It isn’t ___________ that __________ should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)
(v) Hermits are ________ men. How they acquire their ____________ no one can tell. (wise)
(vi) The committee has ____________ to make Jagdish captain of the team. The ____________ is likely to please everyone. (decide)
(vii) Asking for ___________ is as noble as willingness to __________ . (forgive)

(i) The judge said that only fresh evidence would make him change his judgement. (judge)
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious difference of opinion among the debaters, although they differ from one another over small points. (differ)
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to answer ,but will you accept my answer as final? (answer)
(iv) It isn’t necessary that necessity should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)
(v) Hermits are wise men. How they acquire their wisdom no one can tell. (wise)
(vi) The committee has decided to make Jagdish captain of the team. The decision is likely to please everyone. (decide)
(vii) Asking for forgiveness is as noble as willingness to forgive . (forgive)

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